"Superpower." Tang Ming made a random excuse.

Jonathan suddenly realized that since it was a super power, it made sense.But this kid's super power is really amazing. The super power, super speed and super hearing that he showed in the past seems to be omnipotent and omnipotent.

This kid

Jonathan looked at Tang Ming and suddenly said, "Then you should know that neither Martha nor I are your biological parents, right?"


After a pause, Tang Ming said again: "But you raised me, you are my parents."

Jonathan couldn't help hugging Tang Ming.

Jonathan said: "I don't know why you were sent here, but there must be a reason for you to come to this world, Clark, this is what we picked up when we picked you up."

Jonathan handed Tang Ming a small pillar that seemed to be made of metal, with an S logo on the top of the pillar.

"I think it should be a very important thing," Jonathan said.

"I'll take it."

Tang Ming didn't care much, and the small metal pillar was put away.

"Get it. Now"

Jonathan warned, looked at the alien spaceship behind him, pulled up the black space, and covered it again, and then said to Tang Ming: "Now let's go back, your mother should have prepared dinner."

The two returned home again.

Martha was coming out of the kitchen, and she was hesitant to see Jonathan and Clark. She knew what her husband and Clark said. If Clark knew, then

Martha looked at Tang Ming.

Tang Ming asked, "Mom, do you need help?"

Hearing Tang Ming's unchanged title, Martha was relieved. She blinked and said with a smile, "No, I've already brought them all out. Let's eat now."

The next day, Tang Ming came to school.

Because the school bus had an accident yesterday, the school has suspended the school bus service. At least the public relations of this accident must be passed before the students can continue to take the bus.So Jonathan sent Tang Ming to school today.

"Get along well with your classmates at school."

Jonathan, like all parents, used to say a few words before slowly driving away in his old pickup truck.

"Hey, Clark!"

Tang Ming was about to enter the school when he suddenly heard a call not far away. He turned his head to look, and saw a freckled girl standing cramped on the spot, her eyes erratic, as if she didn't dare to look at him.

"Alina, what's the matter?" Tang was obviously calm compared to the girl's nervousness.

He knew this girl, and every time he was on the school bus, the girl would secretly cast his eyes on him.Tang Ming noticed this sight.

"You, do you remember me?"

When Elina heard Tang Ming's response, she panicked even more, and at the same time was secretly delighted, "I, I mean, do you remember my name?"

"Of course, I remember your name."

Tang Ming looked at the girl and asked, "What's the matter, Elina?"

Elina lowered her head, tangled her fingers together, and said in a low voice, "I, I'm here to thank you. Clark." The girl said, raised her head, and summoned the courage to look at Tang Ming, but the sight she felt, As if dazzled by the sun, her vision was dazed.

"It's my duty."

Tang Ming shrugged, then signaled the direction of the teaching building, and said, "Maybe it's time for us to go to class."


Elina nervously followed behind Tang Ming, coughing and coughing in the long cherry blossoms, and ran off the stage.The two entered the classroom building.

Not far away, Audrey watched an Elina and Tang Ming go to the classroom together, frowning and gritting her teeth, a trace of anger climbed up her beautiful brows, "I can't compare to any girl, Clark?"

Tang Mingan quietly finished junior high school, high school, and university.

In high school, because of his very good physique, the physical education teacher strongly requested that Tang Ming be brought into the football team.In high school, the football team is the most popular, and it is not a problem for the star of the team to change girlfriends a day.

Many boys really want to be in the rugby team, not only for their girlfriends, but also for their own future. It can be said that if they can make a name for themselves in the rugby game, they will not have to worry about food and clothing in this life.

It was such a good opportunity that Tang Ming refused.

Isn't this nonsense.

As Superman, he also goes to sports games with other people. Isn't this bullying? What's the point?

But his superhuman status, except for the Jonathan couple, is unknown to others, so everyone is puzzled about Tang Ming's decision to refuse the teacher's invitation and give up joining the football team.

The title of eccentricity, which had been removed, was returned to Tang Ming because of this.

Tang Ming didn't care about this.

He studies quietly, and he doesn't study physical chemistry or mathematics. Those things are too simple for his super brain. At the same time, the so-called truth that human beings think can be changed at any time, so the subjects of physical chemistry and biology are not Obviously not interested at all.

On the contrary, Tang Ming was very interested in human thought and philosophy.

So when he was in college, Tang Ming chose to major in philosophy. He wandered in human thought and philosophical speculation every day. , and returned to Tang Ming again.

It seems that as long as he is in school, he can't get rid of this title.

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