However, the most surprising thing is when you think that such a passionate scholar of philosophy will be engaged in this field of work and research after graduation.Instead, he bought a farm as a joke and became a farmer.

"Are you really a farmer?"

Watching Tang Ming come back with the sheep, Diana, who was waiting on the farm, asked with a curious smile.

More than ten years later, Diana's face has not changed at all, and she seems to be more fashionable and beautiful. She is wearing a casual dark skirt, and the breeze is stroking her hair. A picture.

"Diana, are you looking for me?"

"Of course, can't I come to me if it's okay?"

Diana blinked her beautiful eyes with long eyelashes and asked with a smile.

Chapter 551 Harley is looking for you

"No, you make me tired every time you look for me."

Tang Ming said with a smile to Diana while driving the sheep into the fence.

Diana lifted the hair around her ear, twirled it in her hand, glanced at Tang Ming with a smile, and said, "Clarke, it looks like you've learned badly."

"You're the one who broke me if you want to learn bad, Miss Diana. Go and go in, lad, don't even think about coming out, I'll kill you tomorrow and make roast whole lamb."

"Did I spoil you?"

Diana looked suspicious of life.

"Yeah, for more than eight years, you have come to me to go out, otherwise I wouldn't even take half a step out of my farm."

"But every time I call you, you leave with me."

"Of course, who invited me to be a beautiful and righteous superhero."

Tang Ming's helpless shrug made Diana smile.

Diana handed down the show in her hand and said, "Clark, it seems that you are the right choice to be a farmer here. I still remember the first time I saw you, your eyes were full of exhaustion, as if in a desert A traveler who has traveled for a long time."

Tang Ming smiled slightly, like the sun, so bright that it shook Diana's eyes.He looked at the setting sun on the horizon. The huge yellow lantern-like sun hung majestically above the horizon, shedding golden brilliance, dyeing the place where the sky and the earth intersected brilliantly.

"People are always tired, Diana."

"Look at how beautiful the scenery is."

"Maybe you should also stop and slowly appreciate the beauty that nature brings to us."

Diana looked at the beautiful scenery on the horizon, which was like a scroll of ink, which made Diana's mouth curl up involuntarily, and the breeze kissed her cheek, bringing the atmosphere of the evening sunset.

Diana said with emotion: "It's so beautiful. I've seen countless scenery, some of which are even more spectacular and beautiful than they are now, but I don't know why, but they don't make me feel at ease as they are now."

"That's because I'm standing by your side." Tang Ming smiled.

Diana glanced at him and nodded with a smile, "You're right. Who else would be insecure standing next to Superman?"

In the past few years, in addition to buying wife cakes in Gotham to save money to buy a farm, Tang Ming occasionally acts with Batman and Diana, and sometimes has Batman's wisdom in fighting criminals with Batman in Gotham, Tang Ming The power of action, Gotham's criminals are no rivals at all.

Coupled with the power of wife cake, Gotham's crime rate is getting smaller and smaller.

Chief Gordon can now sleep soundly at night.

As for the Joker, he came to Batman repeatedly to "play" and made a lot of noise, but with Tang Ming's help, the Joker's "play" didn't cause much damage, and Batman could send him to him every time. Arkham go.

In addition to acting with Batman, Tang Ming sometimes acts with Diana.When I acted with Diana, I basically went to various secret realms to solve various extraordinary crises, most of which were about events such as magic and demons.

In the worldview of DC's universe, Superman is the physical ceiling, but he is almost smashed by magic.Of course, there are other supermen who are not afraid of magic, but this version of Tang Ming is not.He can also use fairy spells!

Immortal Superman, sounds interesting.

The problem that Diana has to solve is much more difficult than acting with Batman. In Batman, at least most of the people to deal with are still in the category of human beings. The enemies that Diana will face are basically evil gods and evil spirits. Demons, scenes and movements are bigger than Batman's.

That's why Tang Ming told Diana that it was too tiring to work with her.

Of course this is a joke.How can a superman be tired, especially if he is a superman who surpasses the existence of God, he will not be tired at all.But that didn't stop Tang Ming from joking with Diana.

All in all, because of his actions with Batman and Wonder Woman over the years, Tang Ming's name gradually began to spread all over the world. For his superhuman abilities, people called him "Superman".

When Superman comes along, any problem can be solved.

Such a superman naturally brings a sense of security to many people.That's why Diana said that.

But there are also many people who are afraid of Tang Ming's power.

like batman

Although Bruce Wayne and Tang Ming have a good relationship, subconsciously, Batman is deeply afraid of Tang Ming's ability. He clearly knows how much power Tang Ming has, that can easily destroy this planet. strength.

Therefore, when Batman was acting with Tang Ming, he was also observing and recording Tang Ming's actions and habits. He wanted to find something that could restrain Tang Ming from everything Tang Ming showed.

However, Tang Ming could not be restrained at all.

In the real dc universe, Clark has a lot of places that can be arranged, such as Martha, such as reporter Louise. Once Louise died, it caused the blackening of Superman, which led to the formation of the universe of Injustice. .

But for Tang Ming, what weaknesses can he have?

His Hunyuan Daojing has reached consummation, which makes him omnipotent.

Kryptonite was useless to him.

Killing is useless to him because he can easily resurrect the dead.Even if those bad guys killed Jonathan and Martha, Tang Ming could revive them immediately.It is useless to restrain Tang Ming with his relatives.

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