As for fighting, who can beat Superman, Tang Ming's version of Superman?

Perhaps only the Demon God in Chaos could compete with Tang Ming, but the Demon God in Chaos had been completely killed by Pangu back then.Even if there are still demon gods left, it is estimated that they are not Tang Ming's opponents now.

So, how to restrain yourself?

Invincibility is lonely and boring.

But who wouldn't want to be invincible?

Tang Ming smiled and said to Diana: "Let's go into the room first. After dinner, you can tell me what you want from me."

Diana has nothing to do, anyway, it's no big deal for her to come to Tang Ming this time.

The two entered the house, Tang Ming went to the kitchen to cook, Diana wanted to help, but Tang Ming refused.He had seen Diana cooking, and that scene was like fighting the kitchen. The picture was too scary, so forget it.

Tang Ming quickly prepared the meal.

Considering that Diana is a female warrior of the Amazon, the dishes for dinner are very rough, but the taste is very good. At least Diana didn't stop eating after eating.

Tang Ming only tasted something, then stopped to watch Diana eat.

He doesn't need to eat.

The sun can provide Tang Ming with energy, so he only needs to shine on the sun.

Diana ate all the dishes on the dinner table in a flustered manner. She ate very fast and looked very bold and unrestrained, but she didn't look irritating, but rather pleasing to the eye.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Tang Ming and Diana finished clearing the dining table, and they sat on the sofa in the living room. Tang Ming poured Diana a glass of his own brewed water flower wine. This wine was made from wheat, and the wine was as white as milk. It tasted sweet and aftertaste. But the stamina is very strong.

Ordinary people, after drinking three or four cups, are basically drunk.

When Xiong Bing Lian World, Tang Ming once went to Guizhou Province and was lucky enough to have a drink there, and he wrote it down in the end.

Diana took a sip of the water flower wine and said to Tang Ming, "I didn't look for you, but Harley looked for you."

Chapter 552 Well, I'm Helping Her Clean Up The Room

Harley, full name Harley Quinn.But that's not her real name either, her real name is Harley Quinzel.

She was originally a psychiatrist and was assigned to Arkham to treat the clown, but Harley was attracted by the clown's crazy personality.Instead of curing the clown, she became a patient obsessed with him.

Harley helped the clown out of prison and changed her name to Harley Quinn.

Because of her crazy obsession with clowns, Harley dressed herself up as a traditional clown and started her criminal career, known as the Harley Quinn.

The Joker didn't reject Harley Quinn at first, but he got tired of Harley and tied her to a rocket and shot her away.The original plot was that Harley, who was seriously injured by the rocket, would meet Ivy, the poison ivy girl, who was treated by Ivy with different medicines and special serums.

But in this world, Tang Ming and Batman were chasing down the clown who escaped from Arkham again, and happened to encounter this scene, Tang Ming flew into the sky and rescued Harley on the rocket.

The clown escaped from Batman's hands. From then on, no one except Tang Ming knew where the clown went.Tang Ming knew where the clown had gone, but he really didn't have the time to kill someone who couldn't die, so he didn't look for it.

If you want to kill the clown, unless the dc universe no longer has superheroes, but the dc world without superheroes will collapse and perish in an instant because no one will pay attention to this world in the real world. It can be explained by deadpool's popularity theory.

Tang Ming let the clown leave.

But the clown left, but Harley entangled Tang Ming.

Harley is a rare existence in the comic world that can break the fourth wall. Like Deadpool, she can also see the real world.

To many people, Harley is just a poor guy with a crazy brain and no superpowers.But there is a saying that there is a fine line between a genius and a lunatic. Strictly speaking, Harley is a bug in the DC world.

She saw the real world, but she couldn't see Tang Ming's existence.

Isn't it strange that she can't see any information about the Superman who is the center of the world?

Such a discovery made Tang Ming overtake the clown in the first place and become the existence that Harley most wanted to study.

So after Tang Ming and Batman rescued Harley, Harley entangled Tang Ming.

Tang Ming didn't mind taking Harry with him.

Because in the DC world, Harley is the best character to deal with the clown.As the clown's psychiatrist, Harley is not the clearest about the clown's crazy logic and three views, but it is definitely a unique existence.

Tang Ming didn't want to play games with Batman and the Joker anymore, so he took Harley with him.Because of her familiarity with clowns, Harley is a headache even for clowns.He'd rather play a year of "games" with Batman than see Harley once.

When Diana came to Tang Ming, she met Harley. The first time she was acquainted with each other, and Tang Ming couldn't understand how Diana could chat with a woman with an abnormal mind like Hali. After chatting for a few times, the two Individuals have become friends.

A good relationship won't work.

Tang Ming was not surprised that Harry would ask Diana to come to Tang Ming.


"Why doesn't Harry come by himself?"

Tang Ming took a sip of the white wine in the glass bottle, "She knows where my farm is."

"She doesn't want to come," Diana said helplessly.

Oh, it's really capricious.

It's you, Harley.

"What is she looking for from me?" Tang Ming asked.

The expression on Diana's face became even more helpless, and she said: "I don't understand, it's just that she saw a spaceship popping up out of nowhere, saying that there are people from your clan inside. I don't quite understand either, she was too confused Well, I've only heard so much useful information."

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