Who is Mr. J?

"The clown is going to kill you?"

Tang Ming understood.Harley will call the clown "Mr.J" or "Pudin".When she said Mr. J, she meant the clown.

"That's right, Mr. J has already killed many Harrys in other worlds," Harry said, shaking his ponytails.

Diana: ""

Tang Ming: ""

Tang Ming touched his chin and said, "Why did the clown go to other parallel worlds? I saw him go to outer space last time."

Diana blinked: "Parallel world?"

"Our world is not the only one. Besides our world, there are other parallel worlds. In those worlds, most of them are similar to our world, but there are also differences. For example, on Earth 11, it is a parallel world where personality changes. In the world, the Batman there is a woman." Tang Ming explained.

Diana opened her mouth in surprise, "Can it still be like this?"

Tang Ming smiled and nodded, "Of course."

Diana looked at Harry in shock, and asked, "So the clown went to other parallel worlds and killed Harry in those worlds. But, Harry, how do you know?"

"I see." Harry said.

"How did you see it?"

"Of course I saw it with my eyes, Xiaona is so stupid."

Diana: ""

"I know why you came to me."

Tang Ming interrupted the communication between Diana and Halle. Diana is a normal demigod. Although she and Halle are good friends, it is impossible to communicate clearly.

But Tang Ming didn't want to "play" with the clown, that was Batman's task, so he took out his mobile phone and called Batman. It was night, and Batman was probably patrolling the streets of Gotham, but soon Tang Ming's call was connected.


Batman's dark voice came from the other end of the phone. The hoarse mechanical voice indicated that Batman was patrolling Gotham, not having fun in a high-rise building.

Tang Ming said into the phone: "The clown has gone to another world. Maybe he has some bad idea. Batman, you need to be vigilant."

In the dark and cold alleyway, Batman looked at the several criminals who fell on the ground, remained silent for a few seconds, and then sent another response from his nasal cavity: "Yes."

"Okay. I'm hanging up."

Tang Ming hung up the phone with Batman, looked at Harry and Diana and said, "To ensure Harry's safety, Harry, you can move from here to my farm and help me herd the sheep, okay? "

"Do you herd sheep?"

Harry's eyes lit up, "Okay, let's go now!"

She jumped off the sofa lightly, excited.

Diana looked at the excited Harley and shook her head helplessly. If the clown wanted to kill Harley, then it was indeed the safest for Harley to stay with Clark.But do you herd sheep? I feel a little envious.

Seeing that Harry was so excited, Tang Ming stopped talking nonsense.

The main reason is that Ha Li didn't bring any big bags or small bags. She just picked up a big hammer that was randomly placed in the corner of the room, and she wanted to leave with Tang Ming.

"and many more"

Just as she was about to walk out of the door of Harry's apartment, Diana suddenly stopped, looked at the two of them, and said, "Did we forget something?"

Harry touched his pocket and said, "I haven't forgotten anything."

"That's not it."

Diana shook her head, "I mean, Harley, didn't you say you saw Clark's people. You all seem to have forgotten about this." She looked at Harry and Tang Ming and reminded.

"I haven't forgotten."

Tang Ming smiled, "I want to send you to the farm, and I'll pick her up later."


"Speaking of which, she should be my cousin?"

"Do you want us to go with you?"

Diana asked.

Tang Ming thought for a while, then nodded, "Okay, don't bother to run twice." He snapped his fingers, but before Diana could react, the surrounding space had changed, surrounded by vast darkness and dim starlight Shooting from the depths of the distant universe, they suddenly came from Gotham on the earth to the starry sky of the universe.

Diana looked down at herself in amazement, and found that a strange force had formed a thin membrane around her body, protecting her and Harry from cosmic radiation and freezing temperatures.

Diana looked at Tang Ming in shock again.

Shocked in her heart, she didn't realize at all that Tang Ming brought them to the universe starry sky. What kind of ability is this?

Didn't Clark use his full strength in the previous actions?

Diana recalled her and Clark's actions in the past few years, and found that Clark always looked at ease in action, as if he was traveling with her. At the time, she didn't care much. Now that she thinks about it, she realizes that Clark is so powerful. .

"Xiaona, Xiaoke, look!"

Harry suddenly pointed the hammer in his hand into the distance, and Diana looked over subconsciously, and saw a spaceship flying rapidly.That layer of membrane allows them to have a normal conversation in space.

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