Diana asked, "Is the person in the spaceship Clark's cousin?"


Tang Ming responded, then flew over, intercepted the flying spaceship, and pulled the spaceship with one hand and flew over. The kinetic energy of the spaceship could not compete with Tang Ming's strength at all, so he was obediently pulled over by Tang Ming.

Diana: ""

Fortunately, having seen a more shocking picture of Superman, Diana was not too surprised to see Tang Ming dragging the spaceship over.The year before last, she and Tang Ming went to the North Pole to deal with an evil spirit, but there they encountered an ice-bound freighter. At that time, Tang Ming directly pulled the anchor and dragged the freighter out of the Arctic Ocean.

The scene was even more shocking.

Tang Ming pulled the spaceship and flew closer, and said to Diana and Halle: "Let's go back." The voice fell, the space changed again, Diana didn't respond again, and she and Halle stood on the turf of the farm.

Suddenly returning to the gravity of the earth from the weightless environment, Harley almost lost her footing. Fortunately, the experienced Diana supported Harley, and Harley did not fall down.

Not far from the two of them, on the wide lawn, Tang Ming gently put down the spaceship in his hand.

The spacecraft has now been extinguished.

The moment the heavy spaceship was placed on the ground, the surrounding ground shook.The wind brought the fragrance of the grass, Tang Ming clapped his hands and took out the small metal pillar given to him by his adoptive father.

Chapter 554 Eight-year-old Kara

Sensing the small metal pillar, there was a sound from the cabin door of the spacecraft, and with a click, the cabin door slowly opened.

Diana and Harry looked into the cabin door, and in the dark cabin door, it seemed that some magical animal was attracting their attention.

Tang Ming put away the small metal pillar without impatient, and waited slowly.

After waiting for about half a minute, there was movement in the cabin door. At this time, Harry became impatient, and ran to the sheep pen next to him, baa, learning how to babble, and many of the lambs who had just fallen asleep were stunned. After being woken up by Harry, for a while, my ears were filled with the sounds of sheep in various tones.

Diana walked to Tang Ming's side, and at this moment, a little girl came out of the cabin door.The little girl was wearing a strange uniform, with sunny blonde hair and a little baby fat on her pretty face.

"Who are you in Kryptonian language?"

The little girl watched Tang Ming and Diana vigilantly, and then looked at Harley, who was running around in the sheepfold with a big hammer in the distance, and made a defensive gesture subconsciously.

Diana couldn't understand what the little girl was saying, so she asked Tang Ming, "What did she say?"

"She's asking who we are."

Tang Ming answered Diana first, and then said to the little girl in Kryptonian language, "I am Clark Kent, this is my name on Earth, but I think you will be familiar with another name of mine. Karel."

After hearing this, the little girl really widened her eyes and looked at Tang Ming with a surprised expression, "Cousin Carl? No, Carl should still be a child, how could he be so old?"

The little girl looked down at her body, an eight-year-old body. Cousin Carl was even smaller than her, how could it be bigger than herself?

She looked at Tang Ming vigilantly again.

Tang Ming had no choice but to take out the metal pillar that he had put away, throw it to the little girl, and say, "This may prove my identity."

The little girl caught the metal pillar and saw the sign on the top of the metal pillar, her expression changed from surprise to dazed, she looked up at Tang Ming and asked, "It's really cousin Carl, but why are you so grown up, I Still so small?"

"You were thrown into the phantom space because of an accident, which caused you to come out of the phantom space more than [-] years after I came to earth. Therefore, I have grown up, and you are still a child."

Tang Ming explained.

The little girl's expression suddenly fell into memory. She remembered that when her spaceship flew out of Krypton, a meteorite hit her spaceship. Because of this meteorite, her spaceship fell directly into the phantom space. .

"I remember."

The girl looked at Tang Ming and nodded, and said solemnly: "Then Karl, you should know who I am, I am your cousin Carlazoel. When Krypton exploded, my parents sent me to Earth to protect you. ."

Diana listened blankly to Kara and Clark talking, neither of them speaking any language on Earth, so Diana couldn't understand it at all.

Tang Ming nodded, "I know. Since you came to Earth, Kara, you should learn the language here. It shouldn't be very difficult for you."

Carla looked at Diana next to Tang Ming. Seeing the other party looking at her blankly and curiously, Carla nodded. When she came here, she really had to learn the language of the earth, otherwise it would be really troublesome in daily life.

"Cousin Carl, can you teach me?" Kara said to Tang Ming.

Tang Ming shrugged and said, "Although you don't mind calling me cousin, Kara, I hope you call me Clark. I'm used to this name."


Carla winked her pretty eyes, indicating that it was all right.

"Don't stand outside for now."

Tang Ming greeted Kara, "Let's go in and talk, and I'll teach you the Earth language. With your brainpower, learning languages ​​will be very fast. Hey, Halle, it's time for us to go in, or what do you want tonight? To sleep with the sheep?"

Harley stopped chasing the sheep in the sheepfold. She carried the sledgehammer and shouted to Tang Ming, "I don't mind sleeping with these lovely children if you are willing to help me with the laundry."

"Uh, forget it"

Thinking of the red in Harry's apartment, Tang Ming shook his head, "No, I don't want to, you'd better go in and sleep."

"Hahaha, innocent boy."

Harley ran out of the sheepfold with a smile, and when she saw the little girl behind Tang Ming, she bowed her head slightly and said hello, "Hello, Super Girl."

Kara looked at Tang Ming and asked in Kryptonian language, "What is she talking about? Ka'er, Clark?"

"She's greeting you."


On Krypton, there is no concept of greeting.

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