I'm bothering you.

But I can't really find the place to put those words out there.

Please forgive me.

I probably said some nonsense in nonsense, if it affects your mood, I apologize to you here.

Please forgive me.

Please forgive me

Chapter 569

It turns out that more communication is good.

Even though Jieyin Zhunti's cultivation level is a bit low, the two of them have a good understanding and perception of the road they are walking.They sat cross-legged, with golden lotuses blooming in their mouths, almost expressing their feelings.

Tang Ming and the others sat aside, and they felt something when they heard it.

It has to be said that Jieyin and Zhunti are currently the lowest among the cultivation bases of several people.But low cultivation doesn't mean they don't have a deep understanding of their own Dao.

Even Tang Ming sounded thoughtful.

Soon, the reception and quasi-mention were finished.

Several people stopped to communicate with each other.The content of the exchange was what the few of them gained from the discussion of Jieyin Zhunti.

This kind of communication is like the exam paper exchange group in the school. Through the conversation, everyone can gain something.

After receiving Zhunti, it was Hongyun.

Hong Yun's cultivation was so high that he was the one with the highest cultivation among all the people present except Tang Ming.

Even Fuxi and Nuwa can't compare.

It surprised the other four people except Tang Ming.

Quite surprising.

Hongyun began to talk about his own way of practice, his narration was like a gurgling stream, and it was not as good as the golden lotus on his tongue and the heavenly constitution in his mouth that led Zhunti.

But the victory lies in the long flow of water.

It makes people fall into Hong Yun's words without knowing it, and fall into a state of perception following his words.

This sermon went on for a long time.

Everyone was caught in the comprehension, and they didn't know the passage of time. When Hong Yun finished his discussion, everyone woke up one after another.

Jieyin said with emotion: "The way of fellow Taoists is better than the way of two of us."

He had a deep understanding of Hongyun's discussion.His cultivation has even made a breakthrough because of Hong Yun's avenue.

Zhunti nodded in agreement.

Hong Yun smiled and said: "Our Dao, which one is better and which is worse. I have a deep feeling to receive and guide fellow Daoists, and to discuss Daoism with fellow Daoists."

Fu Xi nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Hongyun is right. There is no distinction between Tao and Dao."

Next, Fuxi preached.

Several people took turns to preach, and when everyone finished preaching, hundreds of years passed like that.In front of the immortals, time is really no different from air.

It's all so easily overlooked.

On this day, everyone was intoxicated by Tang Ming's sermon, when suddenly, a voice came from the sky.

"Highly lying on the nine clouds, the futon is true. Outside the heaven and the earth, I shall be the master of the master. Pangu produces Taiji, and the two rituals and four images follow. "

"I am Hongjun. I obtained the Tao today, and I will open a forum to discuss the Tao in Hongmeng. Anyone who is destined can come."

Like a telepathy, all the creatures in the wilderness looked up at the sky.I saw bursts of auspicious clouds in the sky, thousands of auspicious auras, and strange fragrances.

Vaguely, he seemed to see an old Taoist with a fairy air standing on the sky with a bamboo stick.

In the next second, the image of the old man disappeared.

But this time, the prehistoric life boiled.

When everyone is still struggling and can't find the direction, there are people who have attained the Tao. Why are you not surprised?

For a while, many people were discussing.

At the same time, everyone is also discussing, where to find Hongjun in Hongmeng?

Hongmeng is very big.

It is a special interlayer space between the prehistoric and the chaos, almost bigger than the prehistoric.Moreover, not everyone can go to Hongmeng.

Just like chaos, not everyone can go there.

Only people with a realm above Daluo can enter and leave Hongmeng without any danger to their lives.Of course, if he is too careless, Da Luo may also die in Hongmeng.

"How many fellow Taoists are you going to go?"

Jieyin looked away from the sky, and asked Tang Ming how kind he was.

"I'm going."

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