Without even thinking about it, Hong Yun replied.

Fuxi and Nuwa looked at each other and nodded.So everyone looked at Tang Ming.I don't know if he is going or not.

"Then let's go together." Tang Ming nodded and said.

So everyone didn't talk nonsense, and flew directly to Hongmeng outside the prehistoric world.

Along the way, many people can be seen rushing towards Hongmeng.

Primordial Meng is really extremely dangerous. Many people whose cultivation base has not reached Da Luo want to try it, but they fall into Primordial Primordial.

Seeing those corpses, everyone was a little bit sad.

Soon, under Mingming's guidance, everyone saw a Taoist temple in Hongmeng.

The Taoist temple is very simple and unpretentious, with the ancient characters "Zixiao Palace" written on it.

There are two boys guarding the door, carved in pink and jade, very cute.

Seeing several people from Tang Ming flying over, the two boys saluted slightly and said, "I have seen you fellow Taoists, please come in to observe."

Then he led Tang Ming and others inside.

Tang Ming and the others also returned the gift.

When I came to the temple, someone had already arrived.

It's three people.An old man, a middle-aged man, and a young man.

The three sat on three futons, closed their eyes and meditated.

The old man did not open his eyes.

On the other hand, the middle-aged Taoist and the young Taoist saw Tang Ming and the others enter the contemplation, they opened their eyes slightly, and then continued to close their eyes to rest their minds.

There are seven futons in the temple.

The three who came first have taken three, and there are four remaining.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other, then suddenly sped up and sat down on the two futons first.

Tang Ming: ""

The faces of these two people are really thick, and they are also really real.

Jieyin and Zhunti took up two futons, leaving only the other two.

Tang Ming knew that this futon was related to the distribution of the primordial purple qi, and that those who got the primordial purple qi would be able to attain Taoism and sanctification, which was a supreme opportunity.However, as the treasure of Chaos, he is the only creature of Chaos, and he doesn't care about the saints of the wild at all, so he doesn't have much peeps at the Primordial Purple Qi.

Immediately he said to Fuxi and Nuwa: "You two go and sit down on this futon." Then he looked at Hongyun again, and Tang Ming asked, "Do fellow Taoist Hongyun have any objections?"

As expected of a good old man, Hong Yun said with a smile, "It should be like this."

He thought the same way in his heart, and he didn't think about grabbing a futon like Jie Yin Zhun Ti.

Tang Ming nodded, stretched out his hand and pointed out two futons at the side, pulled Hong Yun to sit down, and said, "You and I can sit here for now."

Tang Ming began to close his eyes and meditate.

Hong Yun also closed his eyes and meditated, the old god was there.He didn't know that Tang Ming had unintentionally helped him resolve a crisis of death.

In the original fate, if Hongyun hadn't met Tang Ming and others, he would have come to Hongjun's Zixiao Palace with Kunpeng.

Because they came early, they got two futons.Later, Jieying and Zhunti came, and seeing the strangeness of the futon, they pretended to be weeping. The good old Hongyun was soft-hearted, and persuaded Kunpeng to give up his seat to Jieying and Zhunti.

This concession caused disaster.

Although Hongyun was still divided into a majestic purple aura by Hongjun in the end, he was calculated by the way of heaven, and finally died in Kunpeng's hands, which can be described as lamentable.

At this moment, Hong Yun met Tang Ming by chance.

Fate changed quietly.

After all, Hongjun, who has now become a sage of heaven, dare not offend Tang Ming.

After all, Dao, which is stronger than Tiandao, dare not do anything to Tang Ming.

Chapter 570 Detachment Is My Mission

Seeing that Tang Ming couldn't help but talk, Fuxi and Nuwa pulled Hongyun to sit aside and gave up the remaining two seats to themselves. They were both moved and didn't say much at the moment. They just sat on the futon and closed their eyes to rest their minds. .

Not long after the two of them sat down, several people walked in from outside Zixiao Palace.

The person who came in first, Tang Ming met once, was Kunpeng.

Once Phoenix took him out for a trip, and he saw Kunpeng in Beihai. The so-called Kunpeng was so big that it couldn't be stewed in a pot, and he was talking about this guy.

Tang Ming was not surprised that he could come here.

When Kunpeng and the others came in, they saw that there were no more futons, and they all had helpless expressions on their faces.They wanted to use spells to create their own futons, but found that their magic powers couldn't work in Zixiao Palace.The moment is both helpless and shocking.They all looked forward to Hongjun's sermon even more.

Hongjun has not yet appeared.

Kunpeng and the others had no choice but to sit on the ground and practice with their eyes closed.

I don't know how long time has passed, many prehistoric creatures above Da Luo will fill up Zixiao Palace.

At this time, a voice came from above Guannei: "Lying on the nine clouds, the futon is here" is still the same poem, accompanied by this poem, an old Taoist with white hair and childlike face, dressed in Taoist robes, slowly lay on the top of Guannei.

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