Ogata Rizu didn't expect to see him when he came in, and said happily, "Nishino, it's good to have you back."

Nishino Mu showed a hearty smile: "What's the matter?"

"No, no, I just came to see if you came back."

"What's so beautiful about it."

"...I, I went back to work."


Ogata Ritzu left for a few minutes.

The office door was knocked open again, Yukinoshita Yukino came in: "What shameful deed did you do, and learned to be sneaky?"

"I didn't sneak around, I just didn't have time to inform you that I'm back."

"It's good to be the president. Send a line message to inform me that I can't come to the company because of something, so I decided to miss work for an hour." Yukinoshita Yukino tilted her head and looked puzzled: "Can the president disobey the discipline?"

"Anyway, he's also the president, okay."

"Remember: it works like a boss! If you, the president, take the lead and don't work, the employees will also be lazy."

"I don't think we as leadership need to clock in every day."

"I will give you a chance to reorganize the language, there is only one chance."

Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were terrified, Nishino Mu wanted to puff up his chest forcefully, and insisted on not revising what he said just now.

But...can't do it.

Who told this woman to say that it is indeed reasonable. If the leader does not work hard, why should he expect the employees to work hard.

"Executive Yukinoshita is right, I will definitely be serious in the future."

Yukinoshita Yukino nodded with a smile, and put a bunch of documents on the desk.

"These... need you to deal with."

Chapter 41

Destiny has already arranged the time for mankind.

According to the law of conservation of energy, the longer the leisure time, the more busy you will be at work.

After Yukinoshita Yukino left, Nishino Mu had no intention of worrying about her leisure due to the heavy workload.

He put his heart and soul into it, and eventually he was exhausted.

After get off work in the afternoon, I drove home with Yukinoshita Yukino who also worked overtime.

Yukinoshita Yukino almost ran a red light due to tired driving, and Yukinoshita exchanged places with him immediately, taking over the steering wheel.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Xi Yemu secretly vowed that he must develop a supernatural ability that can strengthen his physical fitness.

Yukino under the snow parked her Mercedes, and before she entered Gensokyo, she heard the soft meow of a cat.


Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes brightened slightly, she walked to the gate of Gensokyo, and asked in surprise, "Why is there a cat meowing inside?"

Nishino Mu smiled and said, "Let's go in and have a look."

"Fantasy Township is where we live, pets must be approved by you, the landlord, let's go in quickly..."

While speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't wait to push open the gate of Gensokyo and change her shoes at the entrance.

Hello!This is too much like cats, where is the previous cold and self-discipline?

I'm afraid you're not a fake Yukinoshita Yukino.

Nishino Mu complained frantically in his heart, walked quickly into the living room, and saw the "fake" Yukinoshita squatting in the corner, stroking a white and pink puppet cat.

One person and one cat all tilted their heads with cute and comfortable expressions.

At the dining table, Shinomiya Kaguya supported his face with one hand, and smiled as he watched the scene of harmony between humans and animals.

Her eyes are shining brightly, which is the happiness of seeing cute plush creatures.

Nishino Mu walked to the dining table and sat down, pouring himself a cup of tea.

Shinomiya Kaguya glanced at him, then turned his gaze to the cat.

Nishino Mu was happy to be at ease.

He picked up the teacup, slowly closed his eyes, and enjoyed the limited warm time.

The living room hasn't been so quiet for a long time. On weekdays, the women are always chattering non-stop.

Not bad today.

It seems that the kitten bought the right one.

Nishino Mu opened his eyes, took a sip of the black tea made by someone, and showed a satisfied smile.

This tea is really good, even better than the Uji tea I drank in the Qingyan crew last time.

At this moment, Mai Sakurajima poked her head out from the kitchen: "Does anyone like green peppers?"

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