"I don't like to eat," Shinomiya Kaguya said immediately.

Yukinoshita Yukino picked up the kitten: "I don't like it either, but I will eat it if I have any."

"Where's Nishino?" Mai Sakurajima asked again.

"I don't care if I eat or not."

"I can't eat it, I've already made a dish of infinite green peppers."

Mai Sakurajima came out with a plate of green peppers that looked good.

Shinomiya Kaguya cleared his throat: "You asked us if we would eat it when you finished it?"

Mai Sakurajima put down the green pepper and said happily, "Your opinions are ignored. If Nishino says he doesn't like it, I will throw it into the trash can."

"Mai!" Shinomiya Kaguya called her name dissatisfied.

Yukinoshita Yukino put the kitten into the cage she bought, fed some cat food and water, turned her head and asked, "Who bought the cat?"

Shinomiya Kaguya shook her head: "It's not me."

Mai Sakurajima squinted at Mu Nishino: "I didn't buy it either."

"Nishino," Yukinoshita Yukino's voice was unprecedentedly gentle: "Did you go shopping at noon today?"

"Well, I lost the bet with you. This cat is a gift from me."

"I like it, thank you."

"Bet?" Shinomiya Kaguya's expression became terrifying, it was the angry expression of finding out that her husband was cheating and was about to hack him to death with a knife: "What kind of bet did you two make?"

"I want to know too," Mai Sakurajima sat down, her eyes narrowed into a line.

"The bet is whether the publishing house can make ends meet within a month. If so, I will lose." Nishino Mu said sincerely.

"This bet is unfair," Shinomiya Kaguya's expression returned to normal, and he looked at Yukinoshita Yukino: "You are deceiving Nishino!"

Sakurajima Mai responded, "It's really unfair to Nishino."

"Why do you say that?" Nishino Mu asked strangely.

Shinomiya Kaguya sighed: "The key is that you can definitely manage Wenyuan Publishing House to break even within a month."

Nishino Mu scratched his head: "How can I have such a great ability."

Yukinoshita Yukino stood up: "Don't talk nonsense, lying and deceiving people is something that the least confident people will do."

"This bet is not important," Mai Sakurajima waved her hand indifferently: "It doesn't matter, I'll go to the kitchen and bring the food, let's serve!"

Shinomiya Kaguya said dejectedly, "Why didn't I think of using this method to get the gift?"

The voice of this sentence was so low that no one present could hear it.

Unlimited green peppers are hollowed out green peppers, cut into shreds, and covered with a layer of meat and sauce.

Quite unpalatable.

After Nishino Mu ate it, I missed the scrambled eggs with green peppers and shredded pork with green peppers...

Green peppers are delicious when fried!

In the evening, I finished drawing the illustration of [Pinch Girl Shaking].

Just about to go to bed, An Yilun also sent a line message.

[It's urgent, go online! 】

【? ? ? 】

【King Game PC Version】

Considering that the inviter was one of the few male friends, Nishino Mu gave up falling asleep, returned to the computer desk and opened the game.

An Yilun is also a big anchor, not only playing galgame games, but also playing many other interesting games.

Such as Hanazard, king game and so on.

Tonight, as usual, he opened a king game room to play with a few fans and a co-host.

As a result, he played five games in a row, and all games were targeted.

In the fifth game I lost in the end, I was ordered to call another real male friend to play together.

Speaking of this, An Yilun wanted to cry.

There is only one male friend of his, and he can't do without calling him.

As soon as he logged into the Ghost Card Game, before he could see the overall layout of the game, Mu Nishino was invited into a room.

game channel.

[I'm not a defeated dog: Welcome newcomers! 】

[XM, Pai Mian: Are you ready to be humiliated? 】

【Nishino: ...】

[Lun Yejun: Get ready! 3, 2, 1.Games start! 】

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