In the corner, the cat Xiaoxue seemed to notice something strange, shivering in the cage.

Xi Yemu sat back at the dining table, picked up the egg and took a bite.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked up at the egg that was bitten open, and then turned her gaze to the milk glass in her hand.

Mai Sakurajima looked up at the ceiling, Mu Nishino followed suit, and found nothing strange.

Shinomiya Kaguya was sullen for a while, and was the first to disturb the weird atmosphere: "Nishino, why did you compromise your health just to play games?"

"I only do it occasionally."

"What a man says is unbelievable."

"Len can also prove to me that he invited me to play games so late twice."

"Let me just say, Nishino is not the one who makes us worry about the game. The responsibility lies with An Yilunya!" Mai Sakurajima stopped looking at the boring ceiling, and vented her anger on An Yilunya in resentment.

God knows how frightened she was when she saw Xi Yemu languid. Damn An Yilun, how could she let my man rest well.

Yukinoshita Yukino smiled sweetly, her dimples and canine teeth are very beautiful: "An Yilun will also ask you to play games next time, reject him!"

It was only then that Nishino Mu realized what it meant to say misfortune came from his mouth.

He seemed to have tricked An Yilun accidentally.

How can this work, to save him a wave.

Nishino Mu added: "I don't blame Lun, the main thing is that the king game is very interesting."

"You've always been praised for being handsome, so that's interesting?" Shinomiya Kaguya said, "You can't become a king in the game of kings, and you will lose interest in games soon."

"The people who play games with me want me to praise them for being handsome. I'm embarrassed to leave."

"Nishino, some people don't need to care about what they think, only living out their own appearance is considered qualified in life." Yukinoshita Yukino said.

Mai Sakurajima nodded in agreement: "Nishino, you said this to Yukino before, and now she returns it to you intact, you two are clear."

Shinomiya Kaguya clapped her hands and applauded: "Mai is right."

Yukinoshita Yukino's face was full of astonishment and speechlessness: "The two of you have never used your brains in your life, right? You really want to try the thrill of losing to the game."

Mai Sakurajima thought for a while: "No, games are not a necessity for Nishino, but only a seasoning."

Shinomiya Kaguya showed a contemptuous smile: "I don't like Nishino, and I'm afraid of losing to the game, so I'm just telling the truth."

"It's really simple to think about. A man only plays games all night once and countless times. He can't stop this time, and he will continue next time." Yukinoshita Yukino closed her eyes, and when she opened them again, she took a deep breath.

"Wait," Nishino Mu finally understood why these women had such a big opinion of him, and asked, "Are you guys loathing me for not taking good care of myself, or are you loathing games for taking up too much of my time?"



"I just hate that you didn't take good care of yourself," Shinomiya Kaguya's face was pale, and his expression seemed to be smiling, but it was not, it was a heartbroken sense of regret.

"Okay, Yukinoshita and Sakurajima," Nishino Mu raised his hand in surrender: "I promise to play games in the future, and I will never delay my sleep."

"You pass the test." Yukinoshita Yukino said angrily.

Mai Sakurajima asked, "Why is my name after Yukino?"

Shinomiya Kaguya said solemnly: "Maybe you are not as important as Yukino."

"Shut up, you don't even have a name."

"I don't care."

"Whether you care or not, you know it in your heart."

"I just don't care. I'm not like you women, who bruised themselves all over for a man!"

Nishino Mu pressed his temples as if he had a headache.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the time and pulled him up: "It's time for work, let's leave first."

"Yeah." Nishino Mu didn't care to drink up the milk, stood up and was about to leave.

Mai Sakurajima stopped the meaningless war of words with Kaguya Shinomiya, and turned to look at him: "Drink the milk I ordered before leaving."

Nishino Mu was taken aback and stopped drinking milk.

Shinomiya Kaguya curled her lips: "Eat breakfast well, sleep well at night, be a good man, don't let Mai and Yukino worry anymore."

"Don't worry," Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino went out side by side after drinking all the milk.


Today, the heads of various departments must be properly arranged, provided that there are enough employees and a large enough office space.

Wenyuan has developed to the present, and is no longer a small workshop company.

There are more than one hundred employees, and Mu Nishino and Yukinoshita Yukino alone cannot audit the intricate and complicated matters.

"The sixth floor of the Xuefeng office building is quite large, and it can be divided into two areas. Half of it is used to house the employees of Wenyuan Publishing House, and the other half is used to house the employees of Wenyuan Novel Network."

"Where's the headquarters of Wenyuan Group?" Nishino Mu asked.

"President, I, I don't think the headquarters of Wenyuan Group needs an office location for the time being." Cai He Liangsan, who had just been promoted to the head of the human resources department, boldly expressed his true thoughts.

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