If the leadership team of Wenyuan Group headquarters is not well established, the work will still not be easy.

Nishino Mu shook his head: "Wenyuan Group's headquarters also needs to get on the right track and be responsible for supervising its subsidiaries. Go talk to the person in charge of Xuefeng Office Building and see if you can rent another floor."


"Also, collect the entry information of each employee as soon as possible, and then seize the time to recruit enough employees in accordance with the relevant requirements."

"Yes, President."

Nishino Mu waved his hand, and Cai He Liangsan retreated in response.

Kazuki Shiraishi, who had been waiting at the door of the office, immediately came in to report the arrangement of advertising space for July.

Overall, there was not much difference from June, Xi Yemu didn't listen very seriously.

In the end, Kazuki Shiraishi panicked when he realized that the leader was dissatisfied with his work plan.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Our advertising department plans to formulate an advertisement to attract more people to Wenyuan."

Nishino Mu became interested: "Tell me in detail."

Shiraishi Kazuki bowed his head respectfully: "Since the development of Wenyuan, the animation adaptation rights of several works have been sold. We plan to use this as a breakthrough point to focus on promoting some writers so that they can gain both fame and fortune, so as to attract more writers to write articles. source."

"It is indeed much easier to promote an individual than a company. You mean celebrity effect?"

"Yes." Shiraishi Kazuki added nervously: "For example, Mai Sakurajima, her fans are from all walks of life, what kind of talent is needed, just say on Twitter, and that type of talent will take the initiative to contact her.

I believe that personal fame will definitely drive Wenyuan's fame and bring huge benefits to the company. I hope the president will approve our plan. "

"Okay, let's do it."

"Thank you boss."


He should have entered the entertainment industry back then, and there should be more good-looking humans in it.

Nishino Mu watched Shiraishi Kazuki leave, and thought of the guest role in Qingyan's crew.

When it becomes popular, go to the celebration ceremony to see if you can meet good-looking humans in the entertainment industry.

Don't fire and continue to follow the fate, waiting for the opportunity to meet a good-looking human being.

Chapter 43

The focus of Wenyuan's work in July is to expand the company's scale.

Every day at work you see new faces.

Those people wore work badges on their chests, and bowed carefully to the seniors they met.

There was even a bold girl who put her hands on her chest and screamed at Nishino Mu's back.

Words such as "so handsome", "look at the president every day, so happy", "a woman who really wants to be the president" came from their mouths, which made all the male employees around, especially the unmarried ones, very depressed.

Amidst these praises, [Supernatural Ability-Focus Character] played a huge role, and Xi Yemu was handsome every day.

Until July 7th, Sunday, light rain, windy day.

Although Nishino Mu was in poor mental state due to playing games all night, Shinomiya Kaguya and others invited him to go out in the evening to relax.

"I do not want to go."

As an otaku, going out and hanging out is really unacceptable.

"If you don't go, you won't be able to. If you stay at home like this, you will overweight." Kaguya Shinomiya typed [Ueno Asakusa Shitamachi Tanabata Festival] on the laptop.

Xi Yemu looked down at his thin body: "If I can gain weight, I don't even want to go out."

Yukinoshita Yukino read the book with one hand and stroked the cat with the other, without taking her eyes off the book, she said, "Would you rather be confined in a small house, are you a pig waiting to be slaughtered?"

"Hey, Yukinoshita, what you said is too much." Nishino Mu couldn't help protesting.

"It's all true, not too much."

Damn woman.

Nishino Mu closed the half-read "The President's Thirty-Six Strategies", his eyes lingering on the delicate faces of the three women.

Mai Sakurajima raised her phone and smiled: "If you agree, our three beauties will accompany you out together, and let you enjoy what is called left hugging and right hugging."

"Impossible!" Shinomiya Kaguya showed a [so disgusting] expression.

Yukinoshita Yukino stared directly at Mai Sakurajima with cold eyes: "If you don't wear makeup, you might not be able to leave the house. If you put on makeup, you won't be as ugly as a woman, so what qualifications do you have for Nishino to hug you?"

Mai Sakurajima didn't feel bad because of this, she said nonchalantly, "No matter what my make-up looks like, I'm still me, and the feel won't change."

Nishino Mu lowered his head and glanced at his phone, which showed the message sent by Mai Sakurajima just now.

[If you agree to go out, I will come back at night and wear a bunny girl uniform as a model for you]

It must be admitted that this sentence has a powerful lethal force on men.

Nishino Mu expressed his submission and was willing to go out.

"Great," Shinomiya Kaguya said happily: "Let's go change our look first, and prepare for going out in the evening."

Even Yukinoshita Yukino would not object to this proposal.

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