Nishino Mu was taken as a driver by three women, and was forced to go to a private beauty club, but she also accepted the transformation of a stylist.

The most troublesome part of changing styles is the hair.

The hair is resolved, everything is easy to say.

With new clothes and a new hairstyle, the whole person is not in good spirits.

Nishino Mu sat in the lounge and picked up a fashion magazine to pass the boring time of waiting for the three women to come out.

There are many models in the magazine, and there is no shortage of bunny girls.

Mu Nishino looked at it seriously, and planned to compare it with Mai Sakurajima's figure tonight.

"It should be said that it is you who come to this kind of place with women, and dare to look through magazines full of female models."

Hikigu Hachiman rolled his dead fish eyes, came in from the door, and sat opposite him.

"Why are you here?" Nishino Mu asked in surprise.

"I came with Komachi."

"You seem excited?"

"Today is Qixi Festival. As a man, there is nothing wrong with being excited with a female companion."


Nishino Mu instantly understood why the woman in Gensokyo wanted him to come out today.

He lowered his head and pondered for a moment, worried that Black Cat or Ogata Rizu would also send invitation messages.

Ask Hikigu Hachiman for advice: "If you already have an appointment today, and another woman invites you to spend Tanabata together, what should you do?"

Hikigu Hachiman waved his hands desperately: "How can a person like me be invited by a woman other than Komachi."

Nishino Mu had a bad feeling: "The person you are talking about on Qixi Festival is probably your sister?"

"That's right, Komachi is number one in the world!"

A creature like sister control shouldn't exist in this sunny world.

Nishino Mu tried to save the lost youth: "Hachiman, Komachi is your sister, you can't be with her."

"There are billions of human beings in the world, there is no problem if there is one more Komachi who does not marry, and one more me who does not marry a wife."

"It's a big problem! Your excuse is too awkward. It is human nature to marry a wife. If everyone has your idea, the human race will be extinct."

"With billions of human beings, there will always be a few people with weird personalities. If the ideas of these few people with weird personalities are accepted by all mankind, human extinction is a matter of course."

Xi Yemu was at a loss for words for a while.

Strong language communication skills can't beat this sister-in-law?

The level of this mouthpiece is probably not super strong or top-notch.

Hikigaya Hachiman continued: "Komachi promised to take care of me, and I don't want to marry a wife, so we are willing to live a normal life."

"This is not normal at all!" Nishino Mu couldn't help complaining: "And your thoughts do not conform to normal logical thinking."

"Normal logical thinking represents the cognitive level of most ordinary humans. The logical thinking of geniuses is inconsistent with the thoughts of ordinary humans like you. I don't think that individual human beings must have normal logical thinking. If everything is normal, human beings Society will not progress."

"Your character has been distorted. You are obsessed with your sister, and you can't save it."

Hikigaya Hachiman said calmly: "I just want to live with Komachi for the rest of my life. This is my brother's concern for my sister. Don't make up other meanings of my behavior."

Totally unacceptable!

Xi Yemu rolled the magazine into a cylinder and slapped his forehead: "Where do you work?"

"No comment."

"Actually, I want you to come to my company."

"It's impossible to get others to work for you without paying enough. Can you still get rich after offending everyone?"

"What do you mean?"

"It means you pay the salary first, and if it is enough, I can go to work in your company."

Nishino Mu said sincerely: "Use your skills to help my bookstore sell books. The salary and treatment are all easy to talk about."

Hikigu Hachiman stared dead fish-eyed, just about to speak.


A surprised female voice came from the door.

Nishino Mu looked up and saw another beautiful woman.

She is wearing a short-sleeved top, a pleated skirt, and a pair of white shoes, and she has the unique spirituality of a girl as a whole.

"Nishino, long time no see, who are you accompanying?" The girl walked in.

If you don't know who this is, let's say yes.


Hikigaya Hachiman asked sadly, "Komachi, why didn't you say hello to brother first?"

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