Mai Sakurajima picked up a magazine from the table next to her, and flipped through a few pages at random: "Hikigaya, can you clear your head?"

Yukinoshita Yukino held hands with Hikigaya Komachi, and said flatly, "It's probably impossible to make Hikigaya's head clear."

Nishino Mu agreed with the girls' point of view, and said righteously: "Hikigu, there is something wrong with your way of thinking, don't try to influence others."

Hikigu Hachiman's face darkened, he stood up and said, "Why do I have to listen to your preaching, Komachi, it's getting late, let's go back."

"No, I want to be with sister Yukinoshita."


Hikigu Hachiman couldn't believe his ears, is his dearest sister going to leave him?

"I'll go back to accompany you to the night market in the evening. The current Komachi belongs to sister Yukinoshita."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at home."

Evening was only a few hours away, although Hikigu Hachiman was reluctant to give up, but he did not force his sister to go with him.

He warned Nishino Mu with his eyes, if you dare to attack my sister, I will play with you.

Nishino Mu ignored him and left in a Mercedes with the four girls.

Hikigu Hachiman stood blankly at the door of the beauty salon, watching the Mercedes-Benz go away.

In the car, several women had a heated discussion about the unintelligible terms of cosmetics, and finally decided to go to a shop named [Meng Feibo].

Following the command of Shinomiya Kaguya who was sitting in the passenger seat, Mu Nishino drove the car to the door of the store.

The four girls got out of the car one after another.

Xi Yemu rolled down the car window: "I won't go in, I'll wait for you in the car."

"In the private club before, the secrecy was strong, so I went out without makeup. If I only wear a mask to go in now, there is a risk of being recognized. I will wait in the car with you." Sakurajima Mai plans to return to the car inside.

Yukinoshita Yukino held her back: "Nishino won't get out of the car, it's fine if your identity is revealed."

Shinomiya Kaguya nodded: "Go in to buy cosmetics with us girls, it's okay to be seen, as long as you run away before being surrounded by fans."

"Sister Sakurajima, it feels good if we go shopping together," Hikigaya Komachi said pitifully.

"Hey, okay," Sakurajima Mai gave Nishino Mu a look of "you stay here by yourself", and followed the three of them into "Meng Feibo".

Xi Yemu sat alone in the driver's seat, turned on his mobile phone, and silently browsed the news.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the next burst of rain came again.

Nishino Mu was disturbed by the sound of small water droplets ticking and falling on the roof and glass of the car, put his phone in his pocket, and enjoyed the timely light rain.

If it rains, you shouldn't have to go out.

[Meng Feibo] Under the eaves at the entrance of the store.

Four magnificent beauties appeared before they called.

Nishino Mu took the initiative to pull the car over.

"President, it's so windy outside." Kaguya Shinomiya was the first to run from under the eaves and grabbed the passenger seat again.

"I can feel it." The moment the co-pilot's door was opened, the smell of the wind rushed to his face.

"The weather news said that it will continue to rain today, and the activities in various places may be reduced." Mai Sakurajima was one step behind Kaguya Shinomiya, and did not grab the co-pilot seat, so she could only get into the back row and sit down with the other two.

"It's fine," Kaguya Shinomiya had already prepared, "The Shitamachi Tanabata Festival in the Ueno Asakusa area will be held as usual."

"I thought I didn't have to go out when it rained," Xi Yemu said disappointedly.

Yukinoshita Yukino put away the facial cleanser, hand cream and other things he bought without sloppiness, and said with contempt: "Your brain is not working anymore? How could you think that a little rain can interrupt the sales promotion of the merchant. "

Indeed, if there is no benefit, businesses will not actively integrate various resources and arrange event venues one after another.

Whether it's Valentine's Day in the West or Qixi Festival in the East, the happiest is not couples, but businessmen.

Nishino Mu looked at the light rain again. He thought that walking in the light rain with an umbrella in hand was one of the most romantic things in the world.

Looking at it now, the rain is too light and the wind is too strong to prevent merchants from carrying out promotional activities, let alone open umbrellas properly.

Many people on the road simply do not use umbrellas to cover the rain, but to block the wind.

Hikigaya Komachi opened up the lipsticks he had just bought, applied a little on the back of his hands, leaned out his upper body from the back row, and stretched out his small hands: "Nishino, from your man's point of view, which of these lipsticks are there?" A better looking one?"

Xi Yemu observed carefully for a while, and while starting the car, he said, "The one on the far left."

Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes kept wandering, facing the lipstick mark on the leftmost back of Hikigani Komachi's hand: "It turns out that Nishino likes pink lipstick."

"It's just that I think it looks good."

Mai Sakurajima opened the gift box: "I also bought this lipstick, and I just put it on to see the effect."

Yukinoshita Yukino thought she was pretty enough, so she didn't buy perfume or lipstick, she only bought various lotions to protect her skin.

She turned her head to the side, not watching Mai Sakurajima applying lipstick in the small mirror.

Xi Yemu stopped talking, and focused on driving, trying to be stable.

Finally, Mai Sakurajima put on the lipstick and touched her lips a few times: "It's really pretty."

Nishino Mu slowed down and looked in the rearview mirror.

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