For him, it's not a question of whether it looks good or not, but whether it's attractive or not.

For a moment, Nishino Mu didn't know whether to be proud of his good eyesight, or to praise the beauty of the person wearing lipstick.

"It's very beautiful, and it suits Mai very well."


"Sister Sakurajima, this lipstick was born just for you."

"Thank you for the compliment."

There is a cheerful atmosphere in the car.

Nishino Mu followed the trend and praised: "Sexy."

"Huh~, it's so disgusting!" Yukinoshita slapped her mouth and nose with her left hand a few times, and said with disgust: "You call beautiful lipstick sexy, and what's on your mind."

Shinomiya Kaguya's voice was a bit hollow and scary: "Dirty man!"

Hikigaya Komachi looked left and right, and smiled awkwardly: "Nishino, how can you just say that a woman's lips with lipstick are sexy, are you thinking something bad?"

Mu Nishino looked at Mai Sakurajima, who was smiling and silent from the rearview mirror, and said depressedly, "My first reaction was sexy."

"The first reaction!?" Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes widened, trembling with anger.

Yukinoshita Yukino also frowned dissatisfied.

Hikigaya Komachi held his forehead and sighed: "When did you become so upright?"

Mai Sakurajima couldn't help laughing: "Nishino is a good man, he won't lie casually."

"Yes!" Nishino Mu nodded firmly.

"Shut up! Drive your car well, if something happens, you can't afford it." Yukinoshita Yukino made a big move when she came up, dissatisfied: "Don't talk when driving, don't drive when talking, understand?"

Nishino Mu kept silent, and didn't say "understand" in a daze.

Mai Sakurajima blinked: "Nishino means that I understand, so I won't say I understand."

Hikigaya Komachi covered his mouth and smiled: "Those who don't understand will understand."

Now, Shinomiya Kaguya couldn't help laughing.

All of a sudden, three of the four women in the car were laughing, only Yukino Yukino was calm and serious.

Back in Gensokyo, Hikigaya Komachi was surprised to learn that all three women lived here, and planned to visit the bedrooms of the female tenants on the second floor one by one.

"I suspect that you have an improper relationship with Nishino, betraying our pure friendship in high school. There must be something unclean in your room."

"Komachi, what does this have to do with our friendship?" Mai Sakurajima knelt in front of the coffee table, laying out various snacks.

"It has a lot to do with it! If my brother marries a wife, I'll marry Nishino," Hikigaya Komachi hopped around in the living room like a bird.


On the opposite side, the cat Koyuki lay comfortably in Yukinoshita Yukino's arms, wagging her tail following Hikigaya Komachi's figure.

Hikigaya Komachi hops to the left, and its tail flicks to the right.

Hikigaya Komachi jumped to the right, and its tail swung to the left.

Shinomiya Kaguya stared at this tail, his eyes sometimes turned to the left, sometimes to the right, and after a while his eyes were full of little stars, and he had to rub his eyes to rest.

She rubbed her eyes and asked, "Komachi, do you regard Nishino as a substitute for your brother?"

"It's not a substitute. An older brother is an older brother. It's impossible to marry Komachi."

"Didn't you say you wanted to marry Hikigu?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked while stroking Xiaoxue's head.

"It doesn't count what I said when I was a child," Hikigaya Komachi said annoyedly, "I really want to marry Nishino, but my brother is like that, and I'm married. He is destined to be alone. It's too pitiful."

"You mean to find a wife for Hikigaya before you marry Nishino?" Shinomiya Kaguya's eyes brightened.


"If you have this idea, you will never marry Nishino." Yukinoshita Yukino said seriously.


"Because it's impossible for Hikigu to find a wife."


"I think so."

poor brother.

Hikigaya Komachi cuddled up against Yukinoshita Yukino with a mournful face.

Xi Yemu sat down at the coffee table and quietly picked up a piece of snack.

Mai Sakurajima glared at him, but ignored him.

Nishino Mu stuffed the snack into his mouth, and listened to the women's discussion about Hikigani Komachi wanting to marry him in every possible way.

Impossible, just listen to it.

As for Hikigaya Komachi, he had absolutely no urge to marry her as his wife.

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