[Guqiao: Do ​​you want to adapt "Hundred Fate Knot" into an anime?]

[Nishino: The number of words in "Hundred Fate Knots" is too small]

[Guqiao: I can write a script that is suitable for adaptation into animation, and I can definitely make money]

【Nishino: Deal】

It is difficult to lose money on the adaptation of "Hundred Fate Knots", one is because the book has many fans, and the other is because Fumino Furuhashi is talented and famous.

It is no exaggeration to say that the anime version of "Hundred Fate Knots", even if it is completely different after production, can still make a lot of money relying on the fan base.

"Obviously not earning money seriously, just developing step by step, how to make money opportunities one after another."

Nishino Mu's thoughts moved slightly, and he waited until 12 midnight.


— Score settlement.

-10 points.

— Obtain a hair from the cat Xiaoxue.

Xi Yemu pinched the white hair that appeared out of thin air in his hand, and threw it into the trash can in grief and indignation.

What's the use of this hair, he can secretly grab a handful without telling Miss Yukinoshita, and Xiaoxue can't speak anyway.

No matter how unsatisfactory life is, what should be lived is still to be lived. Nishino Mu set the next target creature as the owner of the cat, Yukinoshita Yukino.

I thought I could get some good things happily, but who knew that the next day I got a pair of indoor shoes that the second Miss Yukinoshita discarded when she was a child.

When Xi Yemu got the shoes, they were tattered, dusty, and covered with dog hair.

Needless to say, it was embarrassing to take it out, so I secretly disposed of it.

On July 7, Mu Nishino set the target creature as Mai Sakurajima, and what he got was the hair rope of her sister, Kazuka Toyohama.

Nishino Mu really didn't know what a hair rope could do to a man, so he stuffed it into the bedside table.

Then the time came to July 7.

On this day, when Nishino Mu was not working, he found that the stocks of [Yizhiqing] and [Ruilan Electronics] had both risen.

While he was surprised, he didn't think too much, got up and went to meet with the quasi-company executives recruited from the headhunting company.

After these few days of busy work, the company has basically completed the division.

The headquarters of Wenyuan Group is nominally located on the seventh floor of the Xuefeng office building, but the seventh floor has not yet been renovated, and Nishino Mu and Yukinoshita Yukino are still working on the sixth floor for the time being.

At present, the framework of various institutions in Wenyuan Group headquarters has been set up, with more than [-] employees.

Wenyuan Publishing House has more than [-] employees.

Wenyuan Novel.com has the largest number of employees, nearly two hundred.

Each floor of the Xuefeng office building is huge, there are more than [-] people, and one desk per person can barely make do.

But this situation can't last long. The company's top management needs an office, and some of their work needs to be kept secret.

The purpose of renting the seventh floor is to meet the needs of the company's top management for offices.

Chapter 54 Party A: Wenyuan Group

As the president, you have to sign and seal, make decisions, meet important customers...

Monday, July 7th, Ocean Day.

On this day, coastal areas will hold celebration programs and hold commendation conferences.

Nishino Mu was invited to meet the president of Yingcai Animation Production in the aquarium.

The president of Yingcai Animation Production is Nakatani Taizhi, an elderly man with white hair and glasses.

This time, he took the initiative to invite Xi Yemu to meet at the aquarium.

The two people met to discuss the outsourcing of the animation production of "Bai Yuan Knot".

Wen Yuan currently does not have the ability to produce the animation of "Bai Yuan Knot".

If an animation production department is set up specifically for this purpose, the cost is too high and it is not worth it.

So you can only spend money to outsource.

No, as soon as the news that the animation of "Baiyuanjie" was going to be outsourced, Yingcai Animation came to the door on its own initiative.

Profitable deals have to be won by yourself.

The total assets of Yingcai animation production are only a few hundred million, which is better than DX animation production. If you don't work hard, you will be eliminated.

Nishino Mu and Nakatani Taishi walked side by side in the aisle of the aquarium, a group of subordinates respectfully followed behind them, not at all interested in watching various marine life.

After the meeting, Taizhi Nakatani briefly explained the meaning of Ocean Day.

"Ocean Day is established to protect the marine environment, and the Marine Conservation Council recognizes those who have made significant contributions to the protection of the ocean in the past year every year on this day."

Nishino Mu didn't understand why he said this when they met, and he insisted on praising him if he didn't agree with him, and said: "President Nakatani is one of the candidates to be commended this year, which is really admirable."

"Hahaha, last year I produced an animation that persuaded people to protect the ocean, and this year's selection is all due to it."

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