As soon as he said this, Xi Yemu immediately understood his purpose.

This is to demonstrate the strength of its own talented animation production.

There are many people who want to be commended by the Marine Conservation Committee every year. Nakatani Taizhi can be commended with an animation, which fully proves the strength of Yingcai animation production.

Just wanting to make an anime of "Bai Yuan Knot" for this reason is a bit of a dream.

Nishino Mu smiled indifferently: "The commendation meeting has already started, is it appropriate for President Nakatani to be here?"

The Marine Conservation Committee is an official organization responsible for the protection of the marine environment. If you offend them by not attending the commendation meeting, you will suffer a blood loss.

After all, the island country is surrounded by sea on all sides, and the power of the Marine Conservation Commission is not bad.

Taizhi Nakatani does not rely on the ocean for his food, and he has no great fear of the Marine Conservation Committee.

He waved his hand and said softly: "Participating in the commendation conference is not as important as making the animation of "Bai Yuan Knot".

To be honest, I am a fan of "Haiyuanjie", and I am very eager to make an anime of "Haiyuanjie".

In fact, I took the risk of offending the Marine Conservation Committee to meet with you this time just to make the animation of "Bai Yuan Knot". "

This is playing the emotional card.

An ordinary young man should be moved by his words.

Nishino Mu secretly exclaimed, the old man in front of him was indeed an old man who had been in the business circle for many years, with just a few words, almost quietly affecting his judgment.

However, as long as he can see through his purpose, his strong language communication skills are not fake.

The acting skills learned from Mai Sakurajima during this period of time will also be used.

Xi Yemu showed a handsome smiling face, giving people a feeling of spring breeze, and said heartily: ""Hundred Fate Knot" is the most popular light novel of our Wenyuan, Teacher Guqiao specially wrote a script for this, I personally hope to make it Outsourced to an animation production company that strives for excellence."

Nakatani Taishi nodded with a smile: ""Hundred Fate Knots" is a good work, as it should be."

Xi Yemu changed the subject, pretending to be wronged and said: "But Wenyuan's funds are limited."

"I don't know how much money Wenyuan can provide?"

Nishino Mu avoided talking about it, and instead of answering this question directly, he just said: "The price of DX animation is [-] million."

Nakatani Taizhi chuckled: "The market value of DX animation production is [-] million."

An animation production company with a market value of [-] million yuan wants [-] million yuan to produce an animation, which is very unreliable, and human nature cannot withstand temptation.

For DX animation production, [-] million is a huge sum of money, and we must try our best to squeeze out the oil and water.

Nishino Mu said calmly: "President Nakatani's talent animation production is much better than DX animation production, and the market value is [-] million."

Too many are true, but they are all the same.

Fifty million yuan is one-tenth of the assets of Yingcai Animation Production Company, so it is impossible for them not to do anything.

Not to mention that no one on Nishino Mu's side understands the financial issues of animation production. Even if someone understands, it's useless to do financial supervision.

These animation production companies may not be able to do animation well, but they use financial statements to legally take away investors' money, and each one is better than the other.

We can't prevent it, we can only find a way to make them do a good job in animation seriously.

Don't take away [-] million in the end, spend [-] million, and make a [-] million animation.

Right now, Nishino Mu is running on Nakatani Taishi, hoping that he will sign a contract that guarantees the animation quality of "Hai Yuan Knot".

Naturally, Nakatani Taizhi also knew that as long as he signed the guarantee contract, he would definitely get the right to produce the animation of "Hai Yuan Knot".

But he will not nod easily, because to ensure the quality, he has to spend more money, and if he does not make a profit, he will even lose money.

This quality standard, too much moisture.

If Wenyuan keeps saying that the quality is not enough and they send back to redo, they will go bankrupt.

So facing Mu Nishino's run on him, he said with a solemn expression: "If you want to produce a high-quality animation with [-] million yuan, it will not be easy with our company's strength."

The implication is that it is absolutely impossible for the group of industry bastards in DX animation production to make a high-quality animation with [-] million yuan.

As for their talented animation production, although there are difficulties, they can make a high-quality animation with the value of [-] million flowers.

Nishino Mucai didn't believe the capitalist's verbal guarantee, and asked Nakatani Taishi: "The most powerful STE animation production in the industry has collapsed many animations. Does President Nakatani know the reason?"

Nakatani Taizhi smiled and said: "It's nothing more than the company's insufficient strength, insufficient funds and poor supervision."

The lack of strength of the company means that it cannot find a good team to do animation, and the people it finds are all rookies.

Insufficient funds means that there is not enough money. If there is no money, hire a good artist, good voice actor, and good soundtrack.

Supervision is not good, the simplest and rude, is that the quality of animation production is not well controlled.

Of these three reasons, the first two are not suitable for the rich and powerful STE animation production, and the last one is the key point.

Nishino Mu asked: "Who is Yingcai planning to invite to supervise the animation production?"

Nakatani Taishi had an ominous premonition, and asked, "What does President Nishino think?"

"I recommend Bian Hang and Cheng!"

Nakatani Taizhi's face suddenly became embarrassing, Bian Hang and Cheng are the top supervisors of Yingcai's animation production, if they are used as supervisors for outsourced animation, in a word, it's a loss!

What's more, they themselves plan to make an animation, and they plan to use Bianhang to make it happen.

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