Bian Hang and Cheng are now 46 years old. They became directors for the first time when they were 34 years old. So far, they have directed the production of 22 animations, 17 of which are popular series.

Among the 17 popular series, two of them are hegemony series.

It is no exaggeration to say that Bian Hang and Cheng are responsible for half the sky of Yingcai animation production.

Nakatani Taizhi was not willing to let Bian Hang Hecheng direct the outsourced animation "Hundred Fate Knots", and said with a wry smile: "Bian Hang's schedule is too full recently, so there is no way to direct "Hundred Fate Knots."

Nishino Mu said flatly: "It's a pity, if Bian Hang directs "Hundred Fate Knots", I can add another [-] million."

[-] million to make an anime.

Nakatani Taizhi was a little hesitant. He didn't know whether he should agree or not. Agree, he is not reconciled!If you don’t agree, you won’t be able to earn the money to make the animation of “Bai Yuan Knot”.

This is [-] million. If their company gets it, they can use the relationship between the painter, voice actor and music to legally arrange money, and besides, they can get a large production fee.

Xi Yemu saw that he was moved, smiled slightly, and stated the ultimate goal: "Actually, your company can invest together with Wenyuan. I believe that with the director of Bian Hang and the teacher of Guqiao holding the pen, "Hundred Fate Knots" will definitely be a big success." .”

Nakatani Taizhi was startled, thinking about it carefully, it really is so.

He asked with an uncertain expression, "How should we solve the issues of production fee and dominance?"

Nishino Mu spread his hands: "It is impossible to give you the production fee, you can take out another 30 million, and Wen Yuan's [-] million to make up [-] million, which will account for [-]% of the future revenue of "Hundred Fate Knots".

The leading right will naturally be given to Bian Hang’s supervision, but we, Wenyuan, will send someone to take charge of the finances. "

The corner of Nakatani Taizhi's mouth twitched: "You guys want to get 70% of the shares after paying [-] million yuan plus the animation adaptation rights of "Hai Yuan Knot"? We are all doing the hard work."

Nishino Mu shook his head: "This [-] million investment is using your team. Whether it's music, painters, or voice actors, you can find people you know well. To put it bluntly, the money is still earned by you."

Nakatani Taizhi had never seen such a brazen person before, and he couldn't help being laughed angrily: "Don't forget, your company is in charge of finances."

"If you find the right person, we won't be stuck with funds. After all, we hold the most shares. If we lose money, we will lose a lot."

Speaking of this, Nishino Mu continued his efforts: "It is also an industry rule that big investors are in charge of finances. The ugly words come first: one is to monitor you and prevent you from spending money indiscriminately. The other is to decisively withdraw your capital when you deal with it casually." People, stop losses in time."

Nakatani Taizhi's attitude softened, but he still said in a cold voice: "If you deliberately withdraw your capital and leave, our company can't afford it."

"Simple, we can write a special article for the next contract. It is that your company must produce animation within three months.

And we, Wenyuan, will tell you one day in advance if we find out that your company has maliciously withdrawn funds.

If you make corrections and pay back the funds withdrawn, we shall not withdraw the funds, otherwise we will hand over 30% of the remaining funds to you.

Of course, if such an unlucky thing happens, the production results of "Hundred Fate Knots" will belong to us. "

Nakatani Taizhi was really relieved, no matter what, the risks in the contract were controllable.

Even if Wenyuan withdraws their capital, they won't lose too much.

Investing is risky.

After everything has been discussed, the next step is naturally to visit the aquarium, eat and drink with the assistant, and sign the contract by the way.

Important content of the contract: Wenyuan withdrew its capital and left, distributed the remaining money to Yingcai 30, and what was taken away was "Baiyuanjie", which was made part of the money spent.

Nakatani Taizhi knew, but there was no way to change it.

I can only ask Bianhang and Chengyong and Yingcai to have a relationship with the firm, and pray that Wenyuan will not withdraw its capital.

All of this was within Nishino Mu's expectation, and Nakatani Taizhi became obsessed with "Hundred Fate Knots" unconsciously.

Chapter 55 Who broke whose good deed?

["Bai Yuan Knot" animation confirmed! 】

The 9th hot search on twitter.

Nishino Mu turned off his phone and looked up at the big star standing at the door of the room.

The long rabbit ears on the top of the head are bent forward, the soft black hair hangs over the shoulders, the delicate and upright face has a hint of sex, and there is a black bow around the neck.

Her bulging body was outlined in a perfect S-shaped curve by the black gym clothes. Her chest was just right, and her hips were upright, making her an alluring criminal.

The white wristbands on her wrists once again let people know her identity as a bunny girl. Her straight and slender legs were tightly wrapped in flesh-colored black pantyhose, and she wore bright high-heeled shoes on her feet.

A bold idea came to Nishino Mu's mind. He looked around and saw that it was his bedroom.

So, do you want to capture this house bunny girl?


"Thinking about something strange?" Mai Sakurajima took catwalks, walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, stretching her legs lazily.

Whether it was intentional or not, her feet just reached the feet of Nishino Mu who was sitting in front of the desk and facing her.

Xi Yemu stared at the high-heeled shoes and beautiful legs less than half a meter away from his eyes, his throat moved slightly, and his voice was a little hoarse: "I'm sure the door is closed, how did you come in?"

"Guess what~" Mai Sakurajima caressed her lips with her fingers, sticking out her pink tongue.


This woman is really... powerful!

Xi Yemu closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, his eyes had become firm and decisive.

He stood up abruptly, impatiently approaching the beauty on the bed.

Mai Sakurajima's cheeks were flushed, she grasped the sheet tightly with her hands, her body slowly leaned back, her eyelids were gently closed, and she lay quietly on the bed.

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