Her breathing became short of breath and her heart beat faster and faster.

Finally, I felt the man reach out to his...arm.

Are you about to start?

However, in the next second, a force came from the arm, pulling her up and leaving.

Mai Sakurajima opened her eyes cutely, and was pushed out of the room by Nishino Mu with staggering steps, and the door closed with a "snap" in front of her.

The whole set of movements flowed like clouds and flowing water, without a single pause.

Ruthless smelly man!

Standing in the dark, cold and quiet corridor, Mai Sakurajima became more and more angry, took off her high heels, took out the key from inside, and wanted to open the door again.

Unexpectedly, the moment she inserted the key in, the cat's continuous meowing came from the room of Second Miss Yukinoshita.

Under the attack of this voice, Yukinoshita Yukino will definitely be awakened.

Mai Sakurajima pulled out the key, lifted her high heels, and ran away soundlessly like a frightened rabbit.

Ten seconds later, Yukinoshita Yukino came out with the cat in her arms, and knocked on the door of Nishino Mu's room.

"Nishino? Are you asleep?"


Nishino Mu, who was leaning on the door to calm down, immediately opened the door.

Yukinoshita Yukino looked suspiciously at his room: "Why do I smell a fragrance?"

Nishino Mu shook his head: "Impossible, I didn't wear perfume."

"It's not perfume." Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Mai Sakurajima's room, walked into Mu Nishino's bedroom and turned around.

"What's wrong?" Nishino Mu looked at her strangely.

"Woke up by Xiaoxue, can't sleep."

"I just can't sleep, let's go for a walk together."

"Yeah." Yukinoshita Yukino rarely said something like [Do you want to take me out, so I won't return to you for a night], but obediently agreed.

The two changed out of their pajamas and walked out of Gensokyo lightly, without seeing Mai Sakurajima sneaking behind them.

And behind Mai Sakurajima, Ai Hayasaka, with dark circles under her eyes, slapped the mosquito that bit her heartlessly.

The eldest lady is still comfortable, and she is still sleeping like a dead pig. Go back and ask her to give me a huge bonus, otherwise my mother will really quit.

Nishino Mu and Second Miss Xuexia strolled on the sidewalk under the street lamp, but they didn't notice anyone following them from the beginning to the end.

Mai Sakurajima came out in a hurry, the bunny girl uniform was not changed, only a coat was put on outside.

She followed the two people in front of her out of the street where Gensokyo was located, saw the camera next to the traffic light, and fell into a dilemma.

If it appears, it will most likely be photographed, and it will be on the hot search tomorrow, and then discovered by Nishino.

But if they don't go out, Nishino and Yukino will run away.

Mai Sakurajima is hesitating, but Ai Hayasaka doesn't.

She decisively climbed up to the nearby residential building, bypassed Mai Sakurajima from the top of the building, and continued to follow the man and woman in front.

Seeing that Nishino and Yukino were really going to disappear, Mai Sakurajima no longer hesitated, covered her face with her jacket, and planned to rush through the traffic lights.

At this moment, she saw a figure walking out from the balcony of a small building next to her, who happened to meet her exposed eyes.

Don't panic, although I don't have makeup on, I've covered my face.

The figure was an elderly woman with light sleep. She looked at Mai Sakurajima, who was dressed in black and covered her head in horror, and screamed, "Who are you?!"

The sound was so ear-piercing that it might wake up everyone nearby.

Seeing the small building lit up, Mai Sakurajima hurriedly ran to Gensokyo, not forgetting to reply to the woman angrily: "People passing by."


"There seems to be something behind me," Xi Yemu looked back suspiciously.

After discovering the direction of Gensokyo, the lights lit up one after another.

Indistinctly, someone could be heard shouting to catch the thief.

"Let's go back and have a look. Sigong is the only one at home, so nothing happened." Nishino Mu said.

A look of disappointment flashed in Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes: "Okay."

What could happen to Shinomiya, apart from Hayasaka Ai, I don't know how many bodyguards are around.

I really want time to stop and go on like this forever with you.

Unfortunately, I can't say that.

Back in Gensokyo, no one had any accidents, and Mai Sakurajima, who had changed into her pajamas, appeared from the room as if she hadn't woken up.

"Thief? What kind of thief? I haven't seen it before." She even beat him up and asked Xi Yemu, "Why are you wearing casual clothes with her in the middle of the night?"

If it wasn't for knowing that Mai Sakurajima had left her room not long ago, Mu Nishino would have believed her evil.

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