Yukinoshita Yangno laughed lightly: "Then do you like Yukino? If you say you don't, I will never take care of this matter."

Although I don't love her for the time being, can I say I don't like her?

Seeing Nishino Mu's serious expression and not knowing how to answer, Hiratsuka patted Yukinoshita Yono on the shoulder: "You go and deal with this traffic accident properly first, and leave Nishino's matter to me for the time being."

"Don't go with him."

"rest assured."

Although Yukinoshita Yoshino was worried about the man and woman messing around, he still followed the trailer and left.

This traffic accident seems to be a trivial matter, but in fact it is of great importance, enough to affect her running for the position of governor of Tokyo, so it must be treated with caution.

Under this major premise, the red car that was involved in the accident could not escape her sight, so as not to be tampered with secretly.

Watching Yukinoshita's departure, Nishino Mu heaved a sigh of relief: "Thank you for helping me out."

Hiratsuka stretched her waist: "Try to avoid this kind of situation in the future, you kid was not that stupid before, why refute her words."

Nishino Mu could only smile wryly. He didn't dare to say that he had no relevant memories, and he didn't have much awe of Yukinoshita Yono.

"Are you hungry?" Hiratsuka asked.

"A bit."

"Find somewhere to eat."

The two of them took their assistants and walked into a restaurant on the side of the road at random.

The assistant sat far away with great eyesight, and Mu Nishino couldn't even call out.

This restaurant is just an ordinary shop, the first time someone came over in a dress, whether it was a waiter or a customer, they all turned their attention to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Shizuka Hiratsuka didn't care, regular customers usually asked the clerk for ramen noodles, boldly picked up a chopstick, and swallowed it with a "suction".

"Regardless of whether this traffic accident was caused by someone playing tricks or not, the possibility of Yang Nai becoming the governor of Tokyo is very small, because she really changed lanes and violated traffic rules."

"If there is a problem with the car, I can't blame her." Xi Yemu watched the clerk bring the shrimp rice he ordered.

It turns out that apart from the rice, the shrimp rice has only shrimp.

Shizuka Hiratsuka took a piece of shrimp from him, and said while eating: "Even if it's a car problem, political opponents can lead the public to accuse her of being incompetent because she doesn't know how to maintain the car."

"Could it be possible to catch the mastermind behind the scenes, and this matter will turn around?"

Hiratsuka shook her head: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's enough to prove that the problem with the car was done by someone else.

But this is very difficult. The results of the preliminary investigation by the experts just now show that there is no trace of man-made problems with the car. The specific situation needs to be taken to the factory for detailed inspection. "

It is really puzzling, how could a car worth tens of millions suddenly lose control.

If Yukinoshita Yoshino saw Nishino Mu on the side of the road and wanted to slow down to say hello to him, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Although Nishino Mu, who knew nothing about politics, cared about this, but he was unable to help Yukinoshita Yono, so he didn't mention it anymore.

He and Hiratsuka had a quiet meal, chatted for a while, and said goodbye to each other.

Back at the company, Yukinoshita Yukino's backlog of work plans were dealt with one by one. It was already after 8 pm and it was already dark.

On the way back driving alone, Nishino Mu realized that there was no such thing as sneaking in, but the Second Miss Yukinoshita helped him handle most of the work.

Pushing open the door of Gensokyo, there was only Mai Sakurajima in the living room, and she fell asleep at the dining table.

Turning off the light that had just been turned on casually, and borrowing the light from the mobile phone, Mu Nishino covered her with a blanket on the sofa, and quietly searched the entire Gensokyo, but did not see the second Miss Yukinoshita and Shinomiya Kaguya.

At the entrance, the shoes of the two are still there, but the person is nowhere to be found.

Nishino Mu sat quietly at the dining table, feeling empty in his heart.

I am used to the laughter and laughter when I come back every day, but suddenly it is so quiet, I feel a little lost.

After an unknown amount of time, Mai Sakurajima's eyelids twitched slightly, and she opened her eyes in a daze.

In the darkness, he vaguely saw a figure sitting opposite him.

She looked down at the blanket on her body, and asked softly, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

Nishino Mu squeezed out a smile: "Go ahead."

Soon, the chandelier in the living room was lit.

Mai Sakurajima went to the kitchen to heat up the cold food, and sat back at the dining table feeling lost.

"Why do you look unhappy?" Nishino Mu asked with concern.

"Xue Nai is gone, and Si Gong is also gone. I don't know what will come back."

"Gone means, don't you live here?"

"Almost," Sakurajima Mai squatted at the dining table: "Yono violated the traffic rules, and her political career can basically be declared over. Yukino must go back to inherit her political legacy and ensure the status of the Yukinoshita family."

Nishino Mu frowned: "Didn't it mean that you can't be the governor of Tokyo? How could your political career end?"

He was busy with work in the afternoon and didn't check Twitter at all. He didn't know about it yet.

Mai Sakurajima smiled wryly and shook her head: "Four hours ago, someone sued Yukinoshita Haruno for violating traffic rules and questioned the responsibility statement issued by the traffic law enforcer on the spot."

Nishino Mu didn't understand: "Didn't the experts already say that there was something wrong with the car?"

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