Mai Sakurajima had a weird face: "In the second inspection, some experts said that the problem with the car may have appeared after being hit. It cannot be fully confirmed that Yukinoshita Yang changed lanes because of a problem with the car."

Now it's all right, not to mention finding someone who tampered with the car, Yukinoshita Yoshino himself is deeply involved in the whirlpool of public opinion.

No matter how the court finally judges, in the conspiracy theories of the public, Yukinoshita Yoshino has problems.

Nishino Mu opened Twitter, clicked on Hot Search, and saw a report.


——Whether it was the driving recorder, the surveillance camera, or the shooting of passers-by, it couldn't prove that Yukinoshita Yang Nao didn't change lanes on purpose.

——The main reason is that Yukinoshita Yoshino's sudden deceleration is really intriguing. If there is a problem with the car, will she slow down in time?It must have changed lanes and rushed in the opposite direction.

——According to the expert's first judgment, the problem with the car was the culprit that caused Yukinoshita Yoshino to change lanes and go retrograde.

——But in the second investigation, an expert who dared to tell the truth pointed out that the problem of the car may have appeared after the car accident.

——Some netizens pointed out that it was because Yukinoshita Yangnai did not obey the traffic rules and changed lanes. After a traffic accident, he first contacted a group of experts who had a good relationship with him, hoping to blame the car manufacturer or political opponents.

——Some netizens pointed out that the first batch of experts who went to test the car were people who often spoke for the Yukinoshita family.

——An expert who dares to tell the truth is Yukinoshita Yoshino's childhood sweetheart. He has never told lies since he was a child, and he is honest and kind.


[This report is nonsense!Every word slanders Yango Yukinoshita. 】

[I agree with the above, Yuxia Yang treats people and things, is perfect, and it is impossible to openly violate the traffic rules. 】

[The two idiots upstairs, who play politics on the surface are noobs, but they have many dirty tricks behind their backs. 】

【Deliberately change lanes and go the wrong way. When turning a corner, you must slow down and drive carefully. Yukinoshita Yoshino slowed down. 】

[I suspect that after she slowed down, she deliberately changed lanes to go the wrong way, and almost hit the white car. She panicked and hit the sidewalk. 】

【I don’t plan to vote for Yokino Yukinoshita anyway, I don’t want the position of Governor of Tokyo to be occupied by duplicity people. 】

【Under the snow, Yang Nai 1】

【Under the snow, Yang Nai 2】


Look at this comment, it's a big deal.

Nishino Mu rubbed his temples with a headache, and using [Crisis Insight] to "see" the scene of a car accident, he knew that Yokinoshita Yoshino's car was out of control.

At that time, Yukinoshita Yoshino didn't have time to slow down, and hit the Mercedes-Benz he was riding at full speed, the assistant died on the spot, and he sat unconscious in the back row, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

Under such circumstances, it is impossible for Yukinoshita Yang to deliberately change his course and not take his own life seriously.

However, this kind of judgment basis cannot be said, and no one will believe it.

Chapter 62 Put down your weapon in front of me

at the same time.

Ye Shan's house.

An old man is scolding a young man.

"Nizi! Why did you do that?! Do you know that the Yukinoshita family is the main family we want to serve!"

"Because the eldest lady will marry the young master of the Shinomiya family after she becomes the governor of Tokyo."

"So you take this opportunity to slander Miss Yukinoshita?"

"Father, I like Missy, so why can't I marry her! Also, how can I slander Missy, don't smear people's innocence out of thin air, from childhood to adulthood, no one knows that I am a good boy."

"Shut up! What is your identity? What is the identity of the eldest lady? Are you worthy of marrying her?"

"I know I'm not good enough for her, but I've been working hard. Given a few more years, I may not be bad enough for Missy."

"You don't slander the eldest lady this time, she will become the governor of Tokyo! My son, what is the use of your hard work? Can it bring us greater benefits?

Listen to my father's persuasion, hold a press conference, and explain your slander of the eldest lady clearly, don't make the same mistake again and again. "

"No, I did nothing wrong. Tell Master Yukinoshita to marry Missy to me."

"Are you negotiating terms with us?"

"No, I just want to give myself a chance."

"Nizi, get out!"

"This seems to be my room."

"You! Humph!"

The old man left angrily, and the room finally became quiet again.

Hayama Hayato held the wine bottle and sat alone on the balcony and took a big sip.

"Ahem! It turns out that wine is bitter, compared to Penguin and Ximu. If you were in my position, what would you do?"


Four Houses.

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