Shinomiya Kaguya casually sipped the black tea, Hayasaka Ai stood upright behind her, looking warily at the man opposite the eldest lady.

"Little sister." After a while, the man finally spoke.

"Brother, if you have something to say, why waste time with me here."

"Have you intervened in the matter of Yukino Yoshita?"

"What do you think?" Shinomiya Kaguya gave him a contemptuous glance: "The idiot man beside Yukinoshita Yoshino has been weak for more than [-] years, but he never thought that he would be so masculine at this time, making fun of so many of us." Round and round."

"I will take care of his affairs. The position of Governor of Tokyo cannot be lost. Yukinoshita Yono may not be able to take the position at present."

Shinomiya Kaguya sneered: "You don't need to remind me. My father has given me full authority to handle this year's Tokyo governor election."

"You should have been very happy at the house of the person you like during this period of time. Why come back and get mixed up in these things. When you really deal with these big things, you will find that the love with him is just a cloud, completely dispensable, this is Don't be fooled by your father's scheme."

"Okay, why do you think I want to fight for the position of the first heir? It's just to take the entire Sigong family as my dowry. Don't be jealous. It's not good to live a lifetime by guarding your one-acre three-point land?"

"Your words are too much. The family property of my Sigong family has been passed down for generations. I can't let you, a prodigal daughter, give it up."

"Oh! This is not giving in, this is a god-sent opportunity for the Sigong family to go further. When I marry Nishino and give him the Sigong family as a dowry, he will rush to the world with the Sigong family. Let me and his son inherit the family property, what a perfect plan, don't make trouble."

"It's unreasonable!"

"Xiao Ai, send him away, my big brother can't understand our grand goal."

"Yes, Miss."

"Little sister, you are just a woman born to a concubine. Don't think that if your father values ​​you, you can do whatever you want. I will get it back sooner or later...Ah! You servant dare to beat me?!"

"If you dare to insult the eldest lady again, believe it or not, I will destroy you."


Seeing Ai Hayasaka give her elder brother a lesson and drag her out, Shinomiya Kaguya smiled unkindly.

"This big brother, and third brother, why don't you believe what I said?" Shinomiya Kaguya sighed faintly.

Hayasaka Ai came back from the outside and gave her a blank look: "To be honest, I don't think Nishino can lead the Shinomiya family further."

"Hey! Why?"

"Because he is omnipotent only in your eyes."

"Nishino is omnipotent!"

"Yes, you are right."

Ai Hayasaka looked up at the ceiling, sincerely hoping that the Shinomiya family would not decline after Miss Kaguya took over.

Shinomiya Kaguya collapsed on the sofa, raised her legs and kicked: "The selection of the governor of Tokyo is a big event, I may not have time to go to Nishino's house this year, ahhh, it's so annoying!"

"It's just a good time to take this time to restore your previous seriousness."

"No!" Kaguya Shinomiya rolled on the sofa and sat up anxiously: "Yukino will succeed her sister in politics, and will definitely move out of Nishino's house by then, so only Mai Sakurajima will be left! Ai, are there any people from us near Gensokyo?"

Daring you didn't hear what I was saying, Ai Hayasaka said helplessly: "Yes, all the arrangements have not been withdrawn, and there is still a small group of people secretly protecting Nishino."

"Are they male and female?"

"There are men and women."

"Women are not allowed. You can't let a girl get in touch with Nishino. What if she also likes Nishino? You can't let a man enter Gensokyo. My bedroom is there.

Xiao Ai, I can only rely on you, you rushed to Gensokyo overnight, stayed in my bedroom temporarily, and supervised Mai Sakurajima instead of me! "

"Miss, I am also a woman."

"It's okay, I trust you."

Looking at the star-studded world outside, Hayasaka Ai felt bitter in her heart, and she was going to Gensokyo again wearing stars and moons.

Just when she was about to leave, Shinomiya Kaguya changed her mind. Ai Hayasaka was considered a beauty, so it was hard to guarantee that she would not like Nishino, so it was better not to let her go.

"Xiao Ai, go install a few cameras and bugs, focus on monitoring Mai Sakurajima, and come back after installation. Don't meet or contact Nishino, I believe you can do it."

Running over to install the camera in the middle of the night, and coming back after it's over, this is the so-called trust me?

Oh my God!

Ai Hayasaka burst into tears: "Miss, you have to be considerate of me once in a while, or you will lose me sooner or later."

"This..." Shinomiya Kaguya finally noticed the darkness outside, and said weakly, "You don't have to come back so early, it's fine to rest in Gensokyo for a night, but don't have too much contact with Nishino."

"Yes, my eldest lady."


Gensokyo, where there are only two people, is very quiet. Nishino Mu returns to his room to paint and read after dinner.

Mai Sakurajima is depressed and has no time to teach him acting skills today.

It was one o'clock in the morning, and the big star next door still didn't come to attack at night.

It seemed that she was not used to the leaving of the two girls who had been bickering all the time. Mu Nishino closed the book, turned off the bedside lamp, and planned to sleep.

At this moment, under the moonlight, a black shadow flashed past the window, and Xi Yemu was startled.

This is the second floor, and there is an ordinary old tree outside, what can there be?

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