"The photo of you and Aoyama Nanami kissing has become a hot search." An Yilun also sighed: "I can't help you this time, the photo is too clear, much clearer than the one where you kiss Sakurajima Mai."

Nishino Mu raised his eyebrows: "So I was exposed?"

"Not yet, but I think it will be soon." An Yilun also said: "Someone has compared the photo of you kissing Aoyama Nanami with the photo of Sakurajima Mai."

Xi Yemu's face darkened: "They are idle and bored, they have nothing to do. Why should they be so serious about chasing stars."

"Hurry up and go home to avoid the limelight. Don't go out these few days. I have to find my cousin. I won't accompany you for the time being."

After An Yilun finished speaking, she hurriedly rode away.

Xi Yemu planned his route in the alley, tried his best to avoid the pedestrians he met on the road, and returned to Gensokyo.

In the living room, Mai Sakurajima, who is off today, is practicing dancing.

Wearing a pink kimono, she dances gracefully to the beat of the music.

There is a hint of coquettishness and charm on the face with light makeup, and the looming long legs make people want to rush forward and hug them.

Xi Yemu sat on the sofa, poured himself a glass of water, and enjoyed it while drinking tea.

After a dance, Xi Yemu applauded and praised: "It's beautiful."

Sakurajima Mai pursed her lips and smiled, wiped the sweat off her white forehead, sat beside him, poured herself a glass of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Does Yukino know about Aoyama Nanami?" Mai Sakurajima asked.

Nishino Mu shook his head: "I don't know."

"She may be busy discussing with Patriarch Yukinoshita about where to enter the political world recently, so she has no time to talk to you."

Nishino Mu hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "Why aren't you angry?"

"What about you kissing Qingshan Qihai?"


"There's nothing to be angry about." Sakurajima Mai held her face in one hand and the teacup in the other: "It wasn't your first kiss, and you lost your memory, so you definitely wouldn't take the initiative to kiss her, so in a way, you are also a victim By."

Nishino Mu burst into tears, it's great to have someone who understands him.

Thinking of what An Yilun also said, he warned: "Be careful when you go out recently, Qingshan Qihai and I kissed on the top searches, if someone finds out that we live here, the impact will be bad."

"Don't worry, I'll pay attention."

Just as Nishino Mu was about to go back to his room to rest, the expensive puppet cat ran past his feet, rushed onto the dining table, knocked down all the teacups, and spilled the tea all over the table.

Sakurajima Mai set the tea cups, wiped the table, and said helplessly: "She was not taken away by Yukino, she ran around the house all day long, even slipped out to catch a bird to eat, and the living room still smells disgusting. "

Xi Yemu picked up the cat, ignored her struggle and meowing, and put it in the cat cage.

"Don't forget, your master is not here, if you dare to mess around, I will beat you." Nishino Mu squatted in front of the cat cage, and warned her while feeding her.

The cat lowered its head to eat and ignored him.

Nishino Mu felt bored and left alone.

After he left, the cat glanced at Mai Sakurajima who was reading in the living room, opened the cage with its paws, and sneaked out.

She ran to the automatic sweeping robot and confronted it with her tail raised.

Mai Sakurajima glanced at it, but ignored it.

The cat has regained its energy and jumped directly onto the robot vacuum cleaner, meowing proudly~


In the bedroom on the second floor, Nishino Mu was repairing a malfunctioning computer.

He was drawing illustrations just now, and the computer suddenly went black, which was unbearable.

Nishino Mu patted the computer nimbly, but the computer screen was still not lit.

Is it necessary to disassemble the machine for inspection, what if it cannot be installed back?

In the living room on the first floor, Mai Sakurajima called him dissatisfied: "Nishino, there is a problem with the circuit, and the air conditioner stopped."

It turned out to be a problem with the wiring. Great, the computer is not broken.

wrong!It's summer now, if there is a problem with the line, will people still be allowed to live?

Nishino Mu walked out of the room with a serious expression, Sakurajima Mai also realized this serious problem and was checking the wiring.

"Is there really something wrong with the wiring?"

"Absolutely, our house is the only one nearby that doesn't have electricity." Sakurajima Mai swore.

There are indeed lights everywhere outside the window, which is enough to prove that Mai Sakurajima is not lying.

Nishino Mu checked the wiring carefully and found nothing wrong.

It's over, after a while, the house may be too hot to die.

Nishino Mu scratched his head: "Why don't you go out and open a room, and I'll sleep at Lun Ye's house."

"It's not good to trouble others after all, we are not short of money, let's go open a house together."

Nishino Mu hesitated: "Now is an extraordinary time, in case someone finds out, let's go open a room together..."

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