"Actually, it's the same when I go to open a room alone. You can't let me go to the hotel alone. Why don't you send me off when the time comes? If we are photographed at the hotel entrance, we will also be wronged and gossiped by netizens."

"Okay." It's a big deal to open two rooms.

At night, 23:[-].

Nishino Mu drove to Tokyo Prince Hotel with Mai Sakurajima.

When entering the underground parking lot, the license plate number was scanned, and the security guard let it go.

After entering the underground parking lot and parked at the designated location, immediately there was a driver wearing a deacon uniform, bowing respectfully beside the car.

In the car, Nishino Mu was a little flustered, and asked Mai Sakurajima next to him, "What kind of hotel is this, and why is the service so good?"

"It's just a five-star hotel. I'm a senior VIP here. I've already booked a presidential suite, and I've notified them of the license plate number in advance, so I didn't stop us. It's okay, get off at ease."

Nishino Mu frowned: "You only reserved one room?"

Mai Sakurajima blinked her eyes wide: "I can only use the no-reserve room booking once a year. If there is no free room, I can't book yet. How can I book two rooms."

"Are we going to live together?"

"What does it matter, the bed in the presidential suite is ridiculously big, it can sleep us."

"It's not about the size of the bed, it's about why we have to come to this hotel."

Xi Yemu has already seen dozens of cars parked in the underground parking lot, at least tens of millions of luxury cars. His Mercedes may not even have a security car here.

Mai Sakurajima smiled and said, "I don't dare to go to a small hotel. This kind of big hotel can guarantee that our information will not be leaked. It just so happens that I am a senior VIP here, so I use the privilege that can only be used once a year."

"I'd better go, get out of the car by yourself."

Mai Sakurajima suddenly became angry: "Have you ever thought that if I get out of the car alone and you drive away, what will these security guards and car boys think of me? I still have to be shameless?"

Nishino Mu rubbed his temples helplessly, and said in a low voice, "If something happens tonight, don't blame me."

"Don't worry," Mai Sakurajima said confidently, "I will never give you a chance, get out of the car and pick me up."

"it is good."

While thinking about how to pick her up, Nishino Mu was about to open the door, and heard Sakurajima Mai add: "Tips, you can give them or not."

Of course I have to give it, I can't lose face, but I don't have much cash with me.

Nishino Mu asked, "Do you have a tip ready?"

Mai Sakurajima shook her head: "No, shouldn't you give the tip when I come out with you? Besides, even if we want to give a tip, we won't prepare a tip for them ourselves, right? If you have cash, you will give it. If you don't, you won't." Give it."

Nishino Mu secretly opened the wallet and looked, there was one for [-], two for [-], and the [-] can be given.

Get out of the car and hand over the keys and a [-] bill to the driver. During the stay, the car will be taken care of by the driver. He will be responsible for protecting, pumping, refueling and cleaning.

He walked around the front of the car to help Mai Sakurajima open the door, and reached out to help her out.

A series of behaviors barely meet the requirements of Western nobles.

Mai Sakurajima snuggled up to Mu Nishino intimately.

As a result, whether it was the security guard or the car boy, they all envied and hated Xi Yemu in their hearts, and wished to replace him.

Before getting on the elevator, Xi Yemu noticed a bicycle among a group of luxury cars in the parking lot, and a bicycle boy was cleaning it with a flushed face.

So, why is An Yilunye's bicycle here?

Chapter 66

The elevator started, and it took less than a minute to go up from the underground parking lot to the 32nd floor without any pause.

The elevator door opened, and Nishino Mu didn't even dare to go out, because the corridor was covered with expensive tatami mats, it was so inhumane.

"Mr. Nishino, Ms. Sakurajima, welcome to the Prince Hotel."

A waiter who looked like a housekeeper put his hand on his chest and saluted respectfully.

Mai Sakurajima looked up at Mu Nishino, and took his arm with a little effort.

Nishino Mu patted her hand and said to the waiter, "Please take us to rest."

"Yes, two distinguished guests, please follow me."

The waiter led the way, and the three of them walked to the room stepping on the tatami that they could lie on and sleep on.

On the way, I met a few waiters who delivered fruit or supper to guests, and they all stopped politely at the side of the aisle to say hello: "Mr. Nishino, Ms. Sakurajima, welcome to the Prince Hotel, please tell me anything."

All the waiters know that I come here with Sakurajima?Still know us?

Mu Nishino glanced at Mai Sakurajima, she smiled at everyone generously, as if she wasn't worried at all.

That's right, it's a five-star hotel anyway, keeping one's mouth shut is the most basic professionalism.

When he came to the room Mai Sakurajima had reserved, the waiter said softly, "This is where the two distinguished guests rest, and only one room card can be used to open it."

"Well, thanks for leading the way." Xi Yemu handed him the last five hundred yuan bill.

The waiter said happily: "Thank you Mr. Nishino and Ms. Sakurajima for your appreciation. There are all kinds of fresh fruits in the lobby on the first floor. Do you need me to get some for you two?"

Nishino Mu waved his hand: "No need, we will rest when we go in."

"Yes, if you have something to do, just ask, there is a walkie-talkie in the house."

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