——Absinthe, a kind of strong alcohol, was banned in many countries for its aphrodisiac and psychedelic effects at the beginning of the 20th century.

——In the 20s, through research and analysis, absinthe has no aphrodisiac and psychedelic effects.Lust stems from its unique color, high degree and psychological hints of drinkers.

— There are indeed some hallucinogenic substances in absinthe, but the dose is too small, and the drinker will go to the hospital with alcohol poisoning before being hallucinated by drinking it.

"If Lun also drank this kind of wine with his cousin, wouldn't I have harmed him?"

Nishino Mu hastily sent a message to An Yilun, saying that green absinthe has no aphrodisiac effect unless it is added to it.

I thought it was impossible to get a reply to this message in a short time.

In the end, An Yilun also replied in seconds: It's okay, it's all the same, I've tried my best to throw my cousin into the bathroom, she will take care of it herself.

Ah!Deserves to be single!

At this moment, the sound of Mai Sakurajima coming out of the shower came from the bathroom, Nishino Mu hurriedly put the absinthe back in the wine cabinet, and sat back in the living room as if nothing had happened.

After a while, Mai Sakurajima came to the living room.

Even if it was three meters away, Xi Yemu could smell the fragrance on her body, so he couldn't help turning around to look.

Sensing the man's fiery gaze, Mai Sakurajima shyly dared not move.

The slightly wet long hair is scattered behind her, the dazzling face is covered with a red halo, and the delicate and attractive collarbone...

He was wearing a bathrobe. Although the top and bottom parts couldn't be seen, it still made Nishino Mu feel amazing.

He turned around, pretending to be calm and said: "What are you doing standing there, go to sleep, I'll just make do with it tonight."

"I can't sleep for the time being, have a drink with me." Mai Sakurajima took a deep breath, half squatting under the wine cabinet to get the wine.

She didn't know what wine she wanted to choose, and she didn't take it out for a minute, and finally knelt in front of the wine cabinet, stretching her hand into it.

Nishino Mu licked her lips, looking at her raised buttocks, bare thighs...

Finally, Mai Sakurajima took out the absinthe.

Nishino Mu narrowed his eyes. He just put this bottle of wine in the wine cabinet, and it was on the outermost side of the wine cabinet.

"Sleep after drinking." Mai Sakurajima set the wine glasses, and handed the absinthe and bottle opener to Mu Nishino.

Xi Yemu hesitated for a few seconds, then opened the wine bottle neatly, and poured a little wine into each of the two goblets.

It's really a little wine, and the wine can only cover the bottom of the glass.

Mai Sakurajima complained: "You pour a little more, at least 100ml."

Nishino Mu added a little more to the wine glass, probably less than [-] milliliters, but Sakurajima Mai didn't say any more, she took the wine glass in her hand.

"I'm a woman, I drink [-] milliliters, and you, as a man, drink [-] milliliters." Mai Sakurajima's attitude became more and more tough, and her tone became more and more urgent.

Nishino Mu smiled wryly and said, "I've never drank high-strength spirits, so let's try [-]ml per person first."

"Okay." Sakurajima Mai was also afraid that both of them would be drunk and cause trouble.

She went to the kitchen to get ice water, a spoon, and a sugar cube, put the spoon on top of the wine glass, and put the sugar cube on the spoon.Then pour the ice water over the sugar cubes, and finally the ice water and melted sugar flow into the wine glass together.

"Okay, cheers!" Sakurajima Mai made both glasses of wine according to this ceremony, and raised a wine glass with a flushed face.

"Cheers." Nishino Mu raised his glass and touched her.

The two took a sip together, Mai Sakurajima's eyes widened, her brows were furrowed, and she almost spit out the wine.

Nishino Mu was also a little uncomfortable, the wine was too spicy.

Chapter 67 Don't Ask, Ask Even An Yilun

After drinking a glass of wine, Xi Yemu quietly felt the heat and anxiety in his body, and there was nothing abnormal on the surface.

Mai Sakurajima was stunned, picked up the bottle and poured again: "This is only a little, it's too little, let's drink more."

Nishino Mu held down her pouring hand: "It's almost time to drink a little, go to bed."

"That's where it is," Mai Sakurajima's face became even more rosy after drinking, she shook off Nishino Mu's hand, and poured wine and ice water into her glass again.

Together, there are three or four hundred milliliters.

"Can you finish it?" Nishino Mu didn't think she would be conscious after drinking the wine.

"Don't underestimate me, it's trivial." Mai Sakurajima frowned and took another sip, sticking out her tongue so hot.

Nishino Mu smiled and said, "If you can't drink it, don't drink it."

"No, come and drink with me too." Mai Sakurajima stretched out her arm in a naive manner, obviously already drunk.

Xi Yemu poured himself another [-] milliliters of wine, added ice water, and lightly clinked glasses with her: "Come."

Twenty minutes later, Mai Sakurajima, who drank about [-] milliliters of spirits, fell down on the table with a "bang", the wine glass in her hand tilted weakly, and the green wine inside splashed to the ground.

Seeing her lying so undefended in front of him, Nishino Mu dry-mouthed and put the remaining wine aside, picked up the glass of ice water and drank it in one gulp, his flushed face improved a lot .

He simply cleaned up the table, picked up the unconscious Mai Sakurajima, put her on the bed and covered her with the quilt, and ran to the toilet to vomit crazily for a while.

As long as I spit it out, I can still drink it, just one or two hundred milliliters of spirits, with ice water added, it won't pour me down.


The next day, Nishino Mu woke up in the living room.

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