He rubbed his sore head, went to the toilet to brush his teeth and wash his face, and took care of his personal hygiene before entering the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Mai Sakurajima has already woken up, clutching the quilt, revealing a pair of empty eyes, staring blankly at the ceiling, as if she lost her body last night.

"Why are you still in a daze? It's already ten o'clock in the morning. We have to go back quickly, so we don't get caught by the paparazzi." Xi Yemu leaned against the door, not forgetting that he was still on the hot search list, and he should be cautious when traveling recently.

"Nishino, do you have no interest in me?" Mai Sakurajima's pupils moved from the left to the right of the eye sockets, looking at the man at the door.

Nishino Mu smiled wryly and shook his head: "You are so beautiful, how could you not be interested in you, I just don't want to."

"Why don't you want to?" Sakurajima Mai murmured: "If you don't want to, just don't come close to me in the first place."

Nishino Mu picked up the slippers that Mai Sakurajima threw away when she went to bed last night, and put them side by side next to the bed: "Sorry, I don't know what I thought before I lost my memory."

"It's really a way of escaping reality," Mai Sakurajima lifted the quilt and put on slippers: "I'll talk about leaving after I finish dressing up. You can contact the hotel to deliver breakfast to us."

"it is good."

If what happened last night is not a good memory, then what I experienced after eating the breakfast provided by the hotel and entering the underground parking lot is definitely a happy event.

Nishino Mu saw that An Yilun was also riding a bicycle that had been cleaned over and over again, following the car left behind by his cousin, Michito Hido, and pedaled away silently.

"An Yilun also seems to have a slap on his face." Mai Sakurajima's eyes were sharp, and Nishino Mu didn't see where the slap was anyway.

He bowed his head to Mr. Lun Ye, who was riding away without fear of worldly eyes.

I, who drives a Mercedes-Benz to a five-star hotel, is still not as low-key as someone who rides a bicycle.

"Mr. Nishino, Ms. Sakurajima, we found that there are journalists haunting every exit of the hotel. Do you want us to escort you in a special car or leave through a secret door?"

Nishino Mu looked at Sakurajima Mai, she hesitated for a moment: "Could it be that the Mercedes we were riding in was photographed?"

"Yes." The waiter replied: "Last night, Mr. Nishino's identity information was exposed on the Internet, and the Mercedes-Benz brand has been targeted by many netizens."

"So fast?" Nishino Mu never expected that the current netizens are so powerful, and within a few days, he actually found out his license plate number.

"My fame plus Qihai's fame, it took a few days, but it was slow." Sakurajima Mai said proudly.

Nishino Mubai glanced at her, and asked the waiter: "You can send us away in a special car, Mercedes-Benz, can I come and drive away when I'm free?"

"Of course there is no problem." If you stop for an extra hour, you will be charged for an extra hour.

Mai Sakurajima said: "We left in a special car, and Mercedes-Benz asked the people from the hotel to help drive away."

Nishino Mu: "Do as you say."

Taking the Rolls-Royce of the hotel to go out, no reporter dared to come up to the traffic jam.

Xi Yemu looked back at the Mercedes-Benz that was driven out of the underground parking lot by the hotel security, and saw a group of reporters desperately surrounding him.

The security guards didn't stop the car and slipped away. The reporters had no choice but to drive after them.

The location of Gensokyo has also been exposed, and there are some reporters hovering outside the door.

Under the command of Mai Sakurajima, the Rolls-Royce was parked on the side of the road, out of sight of reporters.

Xi Yemu leaned on the back of the chair helplessly: "If we get out of the car together, the relationship of living together will definitely be exposed."

"It's okay." Mai Sakurajima said calmly, "Let's expose it."

Nishino Mu sighed, fearing that the days ahead would be difficult.

As if seeing Mu Nishino's worry, Mai Sakurajima smiled and said: "We can find a news agency and openly accept interviews, so that reporters won't want to interview us all day long.

People don’t have to worry about it. In fact, many actors, entertainers and idols live in ordinary houses, and few people go to watch them. "

"You can do this kind of thing alone, just find a reliable news agency and briefly introduce our relationship."

Mai Sakurajima kicked Mu Nishino: "Are you stupid? I gave an interview, but you didn't. Then the reporters will come to you."

"In this case, you arrange a news agency."

"Leave it to me."

Mai Sakurajima began to think about which newspaper office likes to play lace news the most, and then call them to interview.

The two asked the driver to drive the Rolls-Royce a little further away before getting out of the car, because the car had just come out of the hotel, and if anyone saw them getting out of the car, there would be a big earthquake in the entire entertainment industry.

Mu Nishino and Mai Sakurajima, who was wearing a mask, walked into the street where Gensokyo is located, and the reporters who had been waiting at the door immediately surrounded them.

"Mr. Nishino, I'm a reporter from the Tokyo Daily. I wonder if you have time for an interview?"

"Mr. Nishino, may I ask if you were the one who kissed Mai-chan on the Internet some time ago?"

"May I ask what it was like to kiss Nanami-chan?"

Mai Sakurajima glared at the reporter who asked this question, and blacklisted the newspaper from now on.

"Mr. Nishino, witnesses said that your car entered the Prince Hotel last night. I don't know if there are other people in the car besides you and Mai Jiang next to you?"

"Hey!" Many reporters looked at Mai Sakurajima wearing a mask. Is this Mai Sakurajima?They thought it was the green mountains and seven seas.

What?Are you talking about hair color?

This is all false, isn't it normal for celebrities to dress up in disguise?

The reporter who first identified Mai Sakurajima's identity was a young man wearing glasses. He excitedly approached Mai Sakurajima and said, "Mai-chan, I am your loyal fan. Don't say you only wear a mask. Even with my face covered, I can recognize it."

Nishino Mu pulled Mai Sakurajima towards her.

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