If this precedent is set, there will be a large group of reporters staying at the door of the house.

Although the rain this time was not small, it was not as heavy as the rain that went out with an umbrella with Yukinoshita Yukino that day.

The raincoat was bought on the tram that day, and Yukinoshita paid in advance and bought three pieces.

Later, the bank transferred the money and transferred her a share of the money for buying a raincoat. I don't know if Sakurajima transferred her share of the money to her.

There is a high probability that it will not be transferred. The two girls are worth more than [-] million people, and they may not look down on the money for raincoats.

In my previous life, when I was worth only [-] yuan, I didn't even bother to bend over to pick up a penny or even [-] cents that fell on the ground.

But if you buy something and pay [-] cents more than usual, you will be unhappy, thinking that the seller is a profiteer, and the price has increased again.

I don't know where Yukinoshita Yukino will enter the political circle from, and she can't take the exam and become a small grassroots official.

In fact, I don't want her to enter politics, but I don't want to use the method Hikigu Hachiman said.

It is not so humane and not stable at all for people to surrender themselves and deliberately bear the charge of tampering with Yukinoshita Yonoko.

If someone told the news agency that he was charged with destroying Yokino Yukinoshita's car, the sister of Yukinoshita Yukino's life would be even more difficult and her prospects would be even more gloomy.

Xue Xiayang was wronged, there is no doubt about it, but no one else knew it.

How to let her grievances be dissipated?

Or, do nothing and wait silently for the court's decision.

The term of office of the Governor of Tokyo is two years and can be re-elected.

But occasionally, some unlucky guy commits a felony in office and is dismissed after only a year or even a few months.

However, there are also powerful people who can be re-elected for many terms. It is said that the most served four terms.

The fourth term is only eight years old. If Yukinoshita Yoshino is the governor of Tokyo this year, at her age, she might be able to complete the fifth term.

Six terms is unlikely. If the parliament is stupid enough to allow her to serve six terms and twelve years, it is better to let her be the prime minister directly.

After Yukinoshita Yoshino resigned from the position of governor of Tokyo, there is a high probability that he will enter the National Assembly for a few more years. If he accidentally becomes the leader of the majority party, he can basically be appointed prime minister by default.

Sure enough, it would be better for Yukinoshita Yona to continue working in politics. She alone can hold up half the sky of Yukinoshita's family.

To use a bit of fantasy to describe it, one person is a family?

Yukinoshita Yukino has only just started working in politics, and if she wants to reach her current position, even if everything goes well, it may take at least ten years.

These ten years have been too long, and there have been too many changes.

Not all Yukinoshita can have the conditions and luck of Yukino Yoshino.

So, it's time to make a decision, first ask the two Yukinoshita's thoughts, don't think that doing good things is actually doing a disservice.

Xi Yemu took out his phone, and before the screen of the phone lit up, the raindrops rushed to fall on it, printing out one after another.

Forget it, call again at Wenyuan.

Put the phone back into the pocket of the transparent raincoat, button it up, and spend about [-] minutes coming to President Wen Yuan's office.

First take off the raincoat, hang it on the shelf at the door of the office, and then listen to the reports made by the heads of various departments.

After they left one by one, Ogata Rizu knocked on the door and came in.

"President, I brought 5A grade beef rice today, do you want to eat it together?"

Is this already noon?I just briefly listened to the reports of the department heads and chatted with them a few words. Before I could do the rest of the work, I got off work.

In the past, Yukinoshita Yukino was responsible for these tasks. I only need to call some people to the office to chat when necessary, and I will not always passively listen to their reports.

"Of course we want to be together, thank you for entertaining me." Having known each other for so long, the strangeness of the past has long since disappeared.

5A grade beef, a food that has only been heard of, is not available to ordinary people, but Ogata Rizu should not be considered an ordinary person. She is one of the top mathematicians in the world, and she knows many big names in the education field.

It's very strange, sometimes Sakurajima will prepare bento, sometimes not.

If she doesn't prepare a bento, Ogata Rizu will prepare it, and if she prepares it, Ogata Rizu will not come to invite herself to share lunch.

Did the two reach an agreement?

Mu Nishino stared at Rizu Ogata who was setting the tableware. She seemed to have decided not to wear glasses and to wear contact lenses.

The long bangs also disappeared, replaced by straight hair loosened behind her.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that this beautiful woman was the former Ogata Rizu.

Although the former Ogata Riju was very beautiful, she didn't know how to dress up at all.

The current Ogata Rizu seems to have painted a little eye shadow, her face is rosier than before, and she may have applied moisturizer such as Skin Refining, and her small lips are also very sexy, probably wearing expensive lipstick.

There is a black necklace on the neck, which penetrates into the whiteness of the chest, which is a bonus item.

If it was Yukinoshita Yukino, she couldn't achieve this effect at all, and could only let the necklace hang on her chest alone.

Ogata Rizu's current appearance, in general, is more than twice as beautiful as before, and she can even squeeze into the top three women around her.

The only one who can stabilize her head is Mai Sakurajima with makeup on. After all, she is a big star, and there are millions of makeup artists who specialize in matching styles.

As for Yukinoshita Yukino, this woman who doesn't know how to make up, thinks that she is naturally beautiful and hard to give up, and everyone will like her, at most, she will be in the top five.

Whoever told her not to learn how to make up should let this ranking tell her that she is still far behind.

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