There is also one who is as good-looking as the current Ogata Riju, Shizuka Hiratsuka.

This woman who is definitely going to be three, maybe four, is unexpectedly satisfactory.

In fact, she is indistinguishable from Yukinoshita Yukino in terms of appearance, but it is very comfortable to be with her, maybe because she is manly enough.

With Yukinoshita Yukino, I was always worried about what I did wrong, afraid of being caught and ridiculed by her.

In fact, they are all very good-looking. I thought I was not face-blind, but I had to admit that if they didn't wear makeup, or if they all wore makeup, even with a magnifying glass, they might not be able to tell who is more beautiful.

No, Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka must be number one. She likes to fight with her very much, and being with her is super comfortable. Maybe you can hang shoulders with her, eat meat, and drink heavily without caring about her appearance.

If you drink too much and eat enough, you can still feel refreshed when you go out and open a room.

No, you can’t think about it any more, and if you think about it any longer, problems will arise in your thinking.

It seems that I am really not a good thing, thinking about it, why do I miss it.

Nishino Mu shook his head and looked at Ogata Ritzu calmly.

It just so happened that she had already served the meal.

"Nishino, use it carefully and slowly," Ogata Ritzu picked up the bowl with a smile, and handed it along with the chopsticks.

"Thank you." Nishino Mu hurriedly reached out to pick it up.

Watch her set the tableware, watch her serve the meal, and even ask her to pass the bowl and chopsticks over.

What a sinful man I am.

Nishino Mu's eyelids drooped, and he picked up a piece of beef and stuffed it into his mouth without making a sound.

It is a bit exaggerated to melt in the mouth, but it is not an exaggeration to say that it is tender and juicy.

Can't believe beef is so good, poverty is limiting my imagination?

Nishino Mu stared wide-eyed, moved the chopsticks quickly, and swallowed the beef and rice together three times.

Put down the empty bowl, drink a taste of Zengtang, and pat your stomach, it's very comfortable.

"I can't finish it, so I'll give you some."

Ogata Rizu wanted to put beef in the bowl again.

"Don't, don't, don't, I'm already full, and eating any more is a waste."

Nishino Mu stretched out his hand to stop, this legal loli may not eat much, but how can she not eat such delicious beef.

There were only four or five pieces of beef in the bowl, and he still had to pinch them out, which made him, who had eaten seven or eight pieces of beef just now, feel so miserable.

"But I really can't finish it." Ogata Rizu said in a low voice.

Nishino Mu touched her head: "You eat the beef first. The beef rice made by yourself is not only beef. I will eat the leftover vegetables for you."

Most of the rice sold in the island country has only one ingredient.

For example, rice with shrimps, which is expensive at death, is only shrimps.

Nishino Mu went to eat with Hiratsuka Shizuka last time, and after eating once, he never wanted to eat again.

Feeling the big hand on her head, Ogata Rizu's first reaction was to get out of the way, and then she blushed, narrowed her eyes, and wanted to rub comfortably.

I don't know why, when I see a girl of the same age who is too short (it's better to see the top of her head), I always want to reach out and touch her head.

When I see a short boy, I don't want to touch his head, but I want to put my arm on his shoulder.

These two habits are not very good.

Nishino Mu picked up the empty lunch box and bowl, stood up and said, "I'll go clean it first."

"I'll clean it up later." Rizu Ogata anxiously stood up holding the bowl: "I'm almost done eating, let's wash it together later."

Nishino Mu laughed loudly, pointing to the rice grains at the corner of her mouth: "There are rice grains at the corner of her mouth."

"Ah?" Ogata Rizu stretched out her pink tongue to lick.

Xi Yemu brought up the lunch box: "Don't forget to send the empty bowl after dinner, I'm going to clean the tableware."

Ogata Rizu licked the rice grains smoothly, and responded blankly: "Yes."

Chapter 70 Yukinoshita will team up with Sakurajima

"Nishino-kun, I have only been away from you for a few days, and you opened your mouth to call me like a crocodile seeing a toothpick bird. Do you want me to pick your teeth or do you want me to dedicate myself to filling your stomach?"

This was the first sentence she said after taking the time to call Yukino Yukino.

Nishino Mu asked with interest: "Miss Yukinoshita, I called you only after you left for so many days. Is it inappropriate to use a crocodile and a toothpick bird as a metaphor for our relationship?"

"It's very appropriate. I have already picked your teeth and left you again. You have been dishonestly stealing food these few days and stuffed the gaps between your teeth with carrion. Naturally, you can't wait to ask me to come into your mouth to help you clean it."

Stealing refers to the recent lace news between me and Aoyama Nanami and Sakurajima Mai, or does it mean that I handle the internal affairs of the company alone without asking her opinion?

Does the carrion refer to my complicated relationship with Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama, or does it refer to the difficulties I have encountered in handling company affairs?

Nishino Mu's brain was stunned, why is the second young lady Yukinoshita always speaking so bluntly.

"Under the snow, there is actually no need to worry about stealing or carrion. After all, the relationship between the toothpick bird and the crocodile is deceptive."

"Heh!" Yukinoshita sneered, and said in a contemptuous tone: "Whether the story is true or not is never important, what is important is the deep meaning expressed in the story. If you don't understand this truth, I suggest you go back and find your father." , Let the hall read "Andersen's Fairy Tales" for you."

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