Because of you, I understand that my sister is working so hard to get me out of the family fate of marriage.

Because of you, I understand that there is not only coldness and ruthlessness around me, but also love, friendship and family affection.

Because of you, I understand how big and colorful the world is.

So, Nishino, thank you. Although your plan is very unreliable, I will persuade my sister to adopt it. At the same time, I have already made plans to enter politics.

If possible, you can find a dedicated director to help you handle the affairs. "

After Yukinoshita Yukino finished speaking, she hung up the phone directly.

When she said the second half of the content, her voice was already crying.

Once one decides to enter politics, it means stirring up the hope of the family's future, and marriage naturally loses any autonomy.

Just like Yukinoshita Yono, long before she decided to run for governor of Tokyo, Patriarch Yukinoshita and Patriarch Shinomiya reached a consensus.

The Shinomiya family fully supported her running for the governor of Tokyo. As a price, after she became the governor of Tokyo, she had to marry a direct descendant of the Shinomiya family.

There is not even room for her to repent after becoming the governor of Tokyo, because the Shinomiya family and the Fujiwara family almost control the parliament, and they also have evidence of her illegal canvassing.

If you are disobedient, it is not too difficult to replace someone else.

Yukinoshita Yoshino was able to run for governor of Tokyo at this age because she had reached a variety of interest exchanges with a large number of consortium families. Even before the change of lanes and retrograde incident, she was the most popular among the 16 candidates that.

A questionnaire survey in early July showed that more than 7% of the public supported her. This number - 70, but I don't know how many consortiums gave her the votes of employees.

Nishino Mu had heard about the various methods of the island nation's election campaign. Although he didn't know that Yukinoshita Yono had paid the price of marriage in order to become the governor of Tokyo, he knew that Yukinoshita Yukino would be unable to control himself after entering politics.

"Miss Yukinoshita is a duplicity person, suitable for playing politics. Miss Yukinoshita is too upright to hang around in the officialdom. It would be nice to be my professional manager of Yukinoshita."

Nishino Mu scratched his head and looked up at the ceiling in a sense of loss.

"This woman is really troublesome. It's rare that she said a lot of things, but she didn't believe me at all. It's no big deal to believe me again. You underestimate the pathological power of the island country nerd to stay single to the goddess."

Chapter 71 This Woman Is Not Reliable

On the afternoon of July 7, Yukinoshita Haruno, Yukinoshita Haruno and Sakurajima Mai met in private without Nishino Mu's knowledge...

The next day, July 7, in order to welcome the election of the Tokyo Metropolitan Governor on August 24, the Tokyo Metropolitan Election Management Commission announced the election ambassador as Mai Sakurajima, and the slogan of the campaign was "I want to appoint a new governor".

Five minutes after the news of Mai Sakurajima serving as the election ambassador was confirmed by the media, it once again topped the search list.

All of a sudden, people at home and abroad were frantically discussing how many people would participate in the election of Tokyo Governor this year under the call of Mai Sakurajima.

At the same time, the group that supports Aoyama Nanami, and Sakurajima's brainless fan chatting with each other on the Internet all day, ushered in a new round of speeches from the group leader.

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : What the hell is the Eastern Election Committee doing?Why isn't the election ambassador our Qihai sauce? 】

[Qihai 46: It's strange, no matter how you look at it, Qihai sauce is the most suitable candidate. In the candidate list announced by the Eastern Election Committee in early July, Qihai sauce also ranked first. 】

[Qihai 176: It must be the bitter fruit caused by Qihai sauce being slandered as a mistress recently. It is impossible for the Eastern Election Committee to let the tainted star be the election ambassador. 】

[Qihai sauce, blow it up! : Blame Sakurajima's brainless fans!I'm so mad, I'll scold them again with Lao Tzu. 】

[Qihai 412: Don't worry, I've gotten into the group of many Sakurajima fans, and I've recruited at least a few hundred people to return Qihai-chan's innocence. 】

[Qami 46: Remember, the topic of the comment should be based on Mai Sakurajima's own words. She has no confirmed relationship with the scumbag Nishino. 】

[Qihai 86: Understood. 】

[Qihai 49: Understood. 】


Although it's not cool to be called a scumbag, it's so cool to watch them do things according to their own plans!

Lying on the boss chair in President Wenyuan's office, Nishino Mu smiled complacently, then put away his phone and looked at the woman in front of him.

Naturally, she disguised herself and came to Qingshan Qihai.

"Qingshan, what can I do for you?"

"Today, do you have time today?"

Qingshan Qihai put her hands behind her back, her eyes drifted wildly, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the man in front of her.

Since the second Miss Yukino left her job, no one cared about her anymore. Naturally, she had time, but if she didn't want to go out, it would be nice to stay at home.

Nishino Mu shook his head: "I don't have time. After get off work at night, I have to draw illustrations, read books, and learn acting skills from Sakurajima."

"Learn acting skills from Sakurajima at night? Are you really living with Sakurajima-san?"

Qingshan Qihai's concern is not whether there is time, but here.

Looking at her staring eyes in disbelief, Xi Yemu said seriously: "It's not counted as cohabitation, but she is currently living with me, and she should leave after the filming of [Qing Yan] is finished."

"That's it." Qingshan Nanami's restless mood calmed down a little, and with Nishino's temperament, nothing strange should happen between the two of them.

"Well, Nishino, I'm here to repay you this time, you, would you mind signing me?"

The repayment should refer to helping her get into the seiyuu agency in high school, and saving her when Yukinoshita Yono changed lanes last time.

But what does signing her mean?

Nishino Mu asked puzzledly, "Sign you, how do you sign?"

"My contract at the voice actor agency is about to expire. If you are interested, you can establish a voice actor agency, and I can be the voice actor of the agency."

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