Establishing a voice actor agency is not an easy task, and you need to think about it.

The main reason is that there is not enough money and there are not many partners.

Nishino Mu refused: "I have no plans to establish a voice actor agency for the time being."

"You can establish a small voice actor agency first, even if I am the only voice actor, it can bring benefits to the agency."

Qingshan Qihai won the Best Voice Actor Award in the island country last year, and became a top voice actor. She belongs to the industry's top existence that can make a lot of money by herself.

Nishino Muyi thought up to this point, and said straightforwardly: "I can't repay the favor, you can build a studio by yourself, you don't need to become my employee for the sake of repaying the favor."

"Okay," knowing Nishino Mu's character, Aoyama Nanami didn't push any further, and said in a second-best way: "I want to start a voice actor agency myself, but I don't have any management experience, can you invest in it and send someone to help me? "

Xi Yemu did not refuse, this is a mutually beneficial cooperative relationship, regardless of the personal relationship between the two, any company that wants to become bigger and stronger will try to win over the management as much as possible.

As for whether it will turn against the management after becoming bigger and stronger, that's another story.

After confirming the initial cooperation intention with Aoyama Nanami, Nishino Mu asked her: "When you leave the original voice actor agency, do you leave alone, or do you bring your friends together."

"I haven't told my friends about leaving, and I don't know what they think."

"Go and ask, you're leaving anyway, don't be afraid of being suppressed by the firm."

"it is good."

It was very simple to discuss the plan to attract more people from the original office to leave, and it was only when Qingshan Qihai left that he realized that it was a bit unethical to do so.

The original seiyuu agency actually treated her pretty well, but the money they gave was a little less.

After Aoyama and Qihai left, Nishino Mu opened the computer desktop, and on it was her general experience since her debut.

These can be found by searching the Internet.

As early as when Nishino Mu received the news from the front desk that Qingshan Qihai came to him, he opened this webpage and took a rough look.

He couldn't bear to look directly at the contents above.

Aoyama Nanami was able to join the voice actor firm because of her melodious Kansai accent.

At that time, there was an anime where the heroine was set in a Kansai dialect, and the agency recruited her just for this anime.

After the admission, Aoyama Nanami served as the heroine of the anime, but the anime unexpectedly became popular after it was broadcast.

The seiyuu agency took the opportunity to drag her to participate in one animation audition after another, and also planned to arrange broadcasting for her.

Unexpectedly, Qingshan Qihai participated in thirteen seiyuu auditions after all kinds of intense practice and preparation, and finally only got two passerby roles.

Obviously, she is not suitable for the road of seiyuu, and she can't get the heroine when she is famous.

The firm was disheartened and gave up the plan to train her, but only allowed her to attend auditions occasionally according to the contract.

Qingshan Qihai did not give up, and continued to practice her voice day after day, year after year, and finally got another female lead in the last year when the contract was about to expire.

The agency renewed the contract with the heroine for the sake of the heroine, and finally the anime did not become popular after it was broadcast.

So the office ignored her again, and Aoyama Nanami didn't care, and continued to compete for one role after another in the audition.

It doesn't matter if the protagonist can't get it, isn't there all kinds of passer-by jobs, plus the money from odd jobs, relying on these meager incomes, you can't starve to death.

Anyway, I also became a voice actor, money is not important, the dream has come true.

Finally, two years ago, Qingshan Qihai once again got a heroine after she accumulated a lot of money.

After the anime aired, it was very popular. It was the hegemony series at that time, and even a second season was going to be released.

Qingshan Qihai became famous again, but the office no longer believed that she could keep it up forever, and did not take the opportunity to arrange an additional audition for her, but let her broadcast on the radio.

The broadcast promoting the second season of the anime made money, but the broadcast with the anime lost money.

In the second season of the anime, the ratings were dismal, the word-of-mouth plummeted, and in the end, it was scolded because the picture collapsed too much.

In this way, when the second season of this show came out, Qingshan Qihai still didn’t earn much money. She was obviously the heroine of the hit show (being scolded), but she could only live in a dark and damp rental house.

It's not a big problem, it's not the seiyuu who is being scolded, not to mention that because every episode has lines, Qingshan Nanami's money is much more than before, enough for her to eat every day.

Soon, Aoyama Nanami got a heroine again.

After deliberation, the office agreed that she was too unreliable and her reputation was too unstable. It was only because she was lucky and famous recently that she got this role, so she should be treated with care.

In the end, the office gave her an extra opportunity for the audition, but the contract still hasn't been revised, and the broadcasting is still in the foreseeable future.

In this way, Aoyama Nanami is already a first-class popular voice actor, but still holds a rubbish contract for a newcomer voice actor.

This went on for a month.

A month later, Qingshan Nanami became more famous with the broadcast of the anime. Some fans looked for her information and found out that her contract was still a rookie contract, and angrily scolded the firm as an idiot.

This incident aroused netizens' solidarity with Qingshan Qihai, and the final result was great. It not only allowed her to sign a better contract but also made her reputation go further.

Qingshan Qihai really became popular after the contract incident, and her reputation has been maintained until now. Last year, she also won the Best Voice Actor Award.

In fact, the voice actors of the island country get paid according to the number of episodes they star in, and the money they can get for each episode is about the same.

Even well-known voice actors are the same, they dare not raise their prices, fearing that the animation production committee will not use them due to cost issues.

Who makes the island nation's seiyuu most indispensable is a newcomer who is willing to replace the old man with a low salary.

Well-known seiyuu earn money from CDs, photo shoots, and the number of times they participate in anime.

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