If you are well-known, you can sell CDs, photos, or radio broadcasts better.

The more famous you are, the more you can participate in more animations and get more money.

If they are famous, they can ask the firm to revise the ratio and arrange broadcasts, advertisements, photos and CDs for them.

Qingshan Qihai has appeared in many episodes over the years, after all, she has been the heroine several times.

But it’s fine that the firm didn’t change the percentage of commission in the contract, and there are no plans to shoot broadcasts, CDs, etc. for her.

Even before the contract incident, Qingshan Qihai only had a deposit of more than [-] yuan.

The more than [-] yuan is the money she saved from working part-time as a seiyuu.

It was only two years since Qingshan Qihai's real rise. Even though the radio broadcasts and CDs continued in the past two years, it was still impossible for her to earn much money.

Nishino Mu began to worry about whether Aoyama Nanami had enough money to establish a voice actor agency.

In the future, Wenyuan will establish a voice actor agency, animation production company, music culture company, etc. based on the adaptation of the novel. This voice actor agency is actually a good opportunity.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to make good use of this opportunity of Qingshan Qihai's departure, try to build up the reputation of the firm in one fell swoop, save the establishment of a new firm in the future, and develop slowly.

Chapter 72

The contract between Aoyama Nanami and the firm is still half a year away, and Nishino Mu ordered his assistant to pay attention to it and selectively forgot about it.

There are many things before him, such as moving the office to the seventh floor.

In order to train the assistant's working ability, Nishino Mu fully entrusted him to help move, while he went to the izakaya he frequented to get the free air conditioner.

It may be that there are not many customers in the izakaya because of the lack of meal time.

Xi Yemu ordered a few glasses of draft beer, and took out his mobile phone to check Twitter in every possible way.

Ignoring a few trending searches about Mai Sakurajima, checking Twitter can maintain one's awareness of the world.

"Sir, if you buy five glasses of beer, you will get a plate of persimmon seeds for free. Would you like two more glasses of beer?"

Nishino Mu raised his head and saw a young female Communist Party member.

She may be afraid that she will not know about the promotions in the store, and there are currently no customers in the store, so she came here to remind herself.

"Thank you, please bring me two more draft beers." I have already ordered three draft beers, and two more will be five glasses.

Persimmon seeds are one of the cheap and common snacks in the island countries. They look like persimmon seeds. They are delicious, and a plate is also good.

The waiter left happily, and after a while came out with a plate of persimmons.

He simply thanked her, and reached out to take the persimmon seeds she handed over and put them on the table.

"Sir, are you a celebrity?" The waiter didn't leave, and interrupted him to drink and eat persimmon seeds.

"No," Nishino Mu picked up a persimmon seed and stuffed it into his mouth to chew. It tasted surprisingly good.

"I don't know why, but I always feel like I've seen you before," the waiter said.

"I used to come here often, you may have seen me."

"Impossible, today is my first day at work." The waiter smiled sweetly, and his smile was very sunny.

'If this waiter is my employee, I will definitely resign her immediately. She talks too much with customers, don't you know it's working time now? '

Nishino Mu supported his head with one hand and looked at the waiter: "Do you usually check Twitter?"

The waiter smiled shyly: "Occasionally."

This is the kind of standard human being who only cares about playing with his mobile phone and never cares about the world.

They use their mobile phones mainly to play games, listen to songs, watch movies or browse Amazon.

It is not ruled out that she is a good student and often uses her mobile phone to study, but this possibility is very small.

Nishino Mu moved his eyes from the top of the waiter's head to her feet, but didn't find anything extraordinary, and said in a flat voice: "You may have seen my photo when you occasionally checked Twitter."

The three words "Nishino Mu" are often juxtaposed with Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama recently. Some people have seen his photos, but it is normal for them to feel familiar when they see them in reality.

People, never think how important you are.Even for Mai Sakurajima, some people don't know her or even dislike her.

The waiter tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally stuck out his tongue playfully: "I really can't remember where I saw you, can you give me a little hint?"

"Farewell, if you can't remember, it means we are not destined." Do you want me to take the initiative to tell you that I am Nishino Mu?no way.It's best not to know me.

"Ah, don't do it." The waiter said aggrievedly, "I just can't remember it for the time being, but I will remember it soon."

"Don't think too much, I'll be leaving soon." Xi Yemu grabbed a handful of persimmon seeds and put them into his mouth one by one.

Eating persimmon seeds and drinking wine is really comfortable.

The waiter didn't leave, but just stood by and took out her mobile phone to watch the news online. A typical rude woman, isn't she afraid of being caught by the store manager and deducting her wages?

"I see, you are Nishino Mu." The waiter put the phone back into his uniform pocket, his face was full of joy.

"Well, it's me." Nishino Mu began to feel annoyed that she shouldn't have hinted that this woman herself had been on Twitter.

"Nishino-kun, I heard that you are on two boats and have an affair with Aoyama Nanami and Sakurajima Mai at the same time, is it true?" The waiter's eyes revealed gossip.

As expected, a man can't figure out a woman's brain circuit. What are you talking about?Am I a man with two feet?

Nishino Mu pouted: "Of course it's fake, I'm not a person who has two feet."

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