"Impossible, Nishino-kun is so handsome, there is a high probability that he is a scumbag."

Nishino Mu blinked, this woman is so hateful, it has nothing to do with being a scumbag or not.

The waiter continued to say some strange remarks: "No wonder Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama fall in love with each other, they are really handsome."

Xi Yemu took a sip of wine, if he is handsome enough to make a beautiful woman fall in love with him, An Yilun must also be a harem king, but he only has one cousin now.

The waiter looked around cautiously, and while no one was paying attention, he bent down and whispered, "I'm still a virgin, a student from a nearby high school, and I work part-time here. If you're interested in me, would you like to give me a first try?"

The wine that Xi Yemu had just drank into his mouth spurted out with a "pop", and he couldn't believe that there was such a woman in the world.

"Sir, are you okay?" The waiter hastily took out a tissue to wipe his mouth, his eyes turned to other people's positions from time to time, and he was relieved to see that they didn't care.

"It's okay." Nishino Mu took the tissue and wiped it by himself.

The waiter's ears were already red, but he was still talking in a low voice: "I just want to find a man who is handsome enough to give the first time, and you don't need to be responsible."

Xi Yemu threw the tissue into the trash can, and said dumbfoundedly: "Why do you think I will agree?"


"Do you think you are comparable to Sakurajima or Aoyama?"

"This..." The waiter was a little embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "I'm not bad looking, aren't you a scumbag? A woman has come to your door, why don't you accept it?"

"Girl, I'm not a scumbag." Nishino Mu got up and went to the counter to check out. Before leaving, he said: "A woman's first time is very precious in the eyes of all men. This is your biggest bargaining chip in the future. Why rush to hand it over?" .”

"But if I don't hand it over, my classmates will laugh at me."

Nishino Mu paused, then continued to leave.

I can't control it, the atmosphere of the island country has always been like this.

Back at the company, the assistant has already arranged a new office.

Nishino Mu glanced at the employees who were still working, and roughly calculated the size of the empty space on the seventh floor, and asked the assistant: "Are there enough people in each department of the company?"

"If the company is no longer expanding, it is completely sufficient."

"It is impossible not to expand, and we will be eliminated sooner or later."

"What the president said is that I continue to urge the HR department to recruit new employees?"

"No, this is enough for now. If there is a shortage of people, we will recruit again. Now there is no shortage of people."

"Yes." The assistant bent down even lower.

Returning to Gensokyo after get off work at night, Mai Sakurajima is happily giggling in the living room.

"What's so happy about it?" Nishino Mu went to the bathroom to wash his hands, and sat beside her to eat.

"Don't you know?" Sakurajima Mai handed him the phone to look at: "The stocks of [Yizhiqing] and [Ruilan Electronics] have been rising these days."

Xi Yemu took a look at the stock price chart, and the stock prices of the two companies have been rising steadily for two consecutive weeks.

It doesn't matter how much the stock price of [Yi Zhiqing] rises, as long as it exceeds the number promised by their president.

The stock price of [Ruilan Electronics] is more important, and there is still [-] million yen controlled by Mai Sakurajima in his hand.

According to the agreement between the two, the money earned from the [-] million yuan will be divided fifty to five.

Nishino Mu's eyes lit up: "How much has [Ruilan Electronics] increased?"


5 of 50 million is 2.5 million, and I can divide 1.25 million!

Nishino Mu was excited, the money did not belong to the company, it belonged to him personally.

"We quickly sold the stock and divided the money." Nishino Mu said.

"Why?" Sakurajima Mai asked puzzled, "Don't the stocks go up again?"

Who knows this?

Whether the stock is going up or not, except for those who can control the stock, no one else knows.

Um?Nishino Mu thought of his supernatural ability and obsession with love.

This ability can make his obsession affect the probability of certain things happening, but he has almost no obsession, and most of the time he cannot exert the powerful effect of this ability.

[Love Obsession] was the most powerful one that made a mess of [Yi Zhiqing], other than that, it also usually affects the probability of a small matter.

Therefore, it is hard to say what the future trend of [Ruilan Electronics] stock price will be.

Nishino Mu picked up a piece of fish and hinted to himself while eating that the stock price of [Ruilan Electronics] would definitely rise.

But this is far from enough, and some external force is needed.

Mu Nishino asked Mai Sakurajima: "If the stock price of [Ruilan Electronics] continues to rise, what do you think will be the reason?"

Mai Sakurajima took back her mobile phone and read the expert’s analysis post above: “[Ryland Electronics] just received a [-] billion loan from Tokyo International Bank two days ago, and held a press conference at [-] o’clock this morning, announcing the sale of a new model of air conditioner… "


Nishino Mu nodded in satisfaction: "Don't be in a hurry to sell, I expect [Ruilan Electronics]'s stock price will continue to rise. When many people give bad reviews to Ruilan Electronics' new air conditioner, it will not be sold at that time." Late."

"I see."

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