Although it was not her own money, Mai Sakurajima was still very excited. She was happy to witness Nishino Mu's layout in the stock market.

What's more, the recent days have been too comfortable.

First, Kaguya Shinomiya was caught by Nishino because of Ai Hayasaka and owed her a favor, and the Yukinoshita sisters begged her for help, and Nanami Aoyama was sprayed into a mistress by her fans.

In fact, I'm sorry for Qihai, she is a good girl, but she was treated maliciously by netizens.

When she can't bear the blow of being wronged and withdraws from the pursuit of Nishino, I will help her and make her career one step closer.

The more Mai Sakurajima thought about it, the happier she became, and finally she even snickered while lying on the table.

Nishino Mu tapped her on the head with the thick end of the chopsticks: "Why are you smirking? Isn't it only 1.25 million yen? What a fuss! Eat well."

Chapter 73

Nishino Mu knew that lilies would be in full bloom in July, but he didn't expect to see a beautiful white lily with his own eyes.

The lily is located in an unremarkable bush on his daily commute to and from get off work.

He was the first to discover that the lily was not him, but Qingshan Qihai.

The ponytail girl, wearing a mask, stood alone outside the bushes on the side of the road.

At any rate, she was someone she knew. Xi Yemu got out of the car and came to her side: "Did something happen?"

Aoyama Nanami turned to look at him in surprise: "Nishino, why are you here?"

"I should ask you that, why are you standing here alone?"

"Look," Aoyama Nanami pointed to the blooming lilies in the bushes: "It's so beautiful."

Lilies need sufficient sunlight and moist soil to bloom. This lily, which does not know where it came from, grows alone in a pile of bushes.

Perhaps by luck, or perhaps on purpose by the gardener, the sky above the lilies was not obscured by shrubs.

Nishino Mu suggested, "Why don't you take it away."

"It's not good to do this." Qingshan Qihai shook her head: "Maybe someone planted it here intentionally, what should we do if we take her away?"

Nishino Mu smiled and said, "I thought you would say don't pick wild flowers on the roadside."

Qingshan Qihai said solemnly: "This lily grows here. If you don't look for it intentionally, it is almost impossible for people to see it. I was lucky enough to see it by chance. If I take it away, more people will see it." Well, I don't mind taking it away."

"So you're worried that someone planted it here on purpose?" Nishino Mu asked.

Qingshan Qihai nodded: "Maybe whose spiritual sustenance it is."

Nishino Mu sighed softly. Spiritual sustenance is a good thing. In his previous life, he failed to achieve anything. Maybe it was because he didn't have spiritual sustenance.

Uh?What seems wrong?It seems that there is no spiritual sustenance in this life, and every day is muddled along.

Here comes the question, why is there basically no shortage of money in this life?

There are many answers, but Nishino Mu is too lazy to think about them one by one, he just feels that his life can be seen to the end at a glance.

Birth, going to school, working, getting married, having children, raising a family, getting sick, dying of old age.

If there is a problem in any link, life will be regarded as a turning point.

Other than that, it's just simple life experience, it doesn't have any difficulty for him, it's really boring.

Thinking of this, Xi Yemu's eyes darkened. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that making money is meaningless, and money can never be earned.

But if you don’t want to make more money, you will have no pursuit. You can’t really spend your life eating, drinking and having fun. In the end, you will be sick in bed in your later years, saying that this life is too boring.

"Nishino, what do you think people live for?" Aoyama Nanami stared intently at Lily, her earrings glistened under the sunlight.

This question is difficult to understand.

Nishino Mu racked his brains for a long time, and gave a fairly reliable answer: "Probably in pursuit of a life without regrets."

Now that you are already living in this world, instead of thinking about why you are here, you should think about how to make this life perfect.

It is said to be perfect, but in fact no one can have a perfect life, we can only try our best to pursue it.

Qingshan Qihai thoughtfully raised her smooth chin, her lively ponytail twitched lightly: "Since this is the case, I still want to pursue a life without regrets."

"Of course." Nishino Mu said, "Haven't you been doing this all the time? To become a qualified seiyuu, you have put in so much hard work."

"Yes, so my goal at this stage will not be easily given up."

"If it's convenient, can you tell me what the goal is?"

"Of course," Qingshan Nanami leaned forward with her hands behind her back, approaching the man in front of her.

The distance between the two was so close that Nishino Mu could smell the faint fragrance of her body.

"I... want to find a qualified husband right now." Qingshan Qihai uttered this sentence not in her own voice, but in a coquettish, dependent girl's voice, sweet and sticky.

Her face was still red.

Nishino Mu touched his ears unnaturally, it's amazing, is this the strength of a top voice actor?

Hearing this short sentence, a beautiful girl even appeared in his mind, telling himself with a charming face that she was looking for a husband.

Although he guessed that the so-called husband in Qingshan Qihai's mouth most likely refers to himself, Nishino Mu didn't make any indication. He smiled awkwardly, then said goodbye and left.

This kind of behavior may be called fleeing in the eyes of outsiders.

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