The burly man was at a loss for words, and it took him a long time to recover, and said loudly, "There is no one else here except us. Didn't you step on me?"

"The question is why should I step on you, under normal circumstances I would not be able to push you down." Fumina Guqiao burst into tears, accusing the burly man of his evil deeds:

"After I refused to be your girlfriend, you tried to molest me, and I ran around while calling for help. If I hadn't pushed you down by surprise, and President Nishino had arrived in time, the consequences would have been unimaginable. I didn't expect you to be a thief shouting "Stop the thief." Slander me and President Nishino, how can there be a disgusting man like you in the world!"

Nishino Mu looked at Fumino Guqiao in surprise, this woman is so powerful, she spoke true and false words, she changed the topic in a few words, and by the way, treated her body in her own way, and added an insult to a burly man. charges.

The onlookers knew the problem of burly men going up to confess their love when they saw a beautiful woman. Most of them believed Fumino Fumino's words. Some gentle female voice actors began to comfort Fumino Furuhashi, and thanked Mu Nishino for arriving in time. The bolder voice actors were even more angry accused burly male.

Nishino Mu was very satisfied with Guqiao Fumino's performance, and decided not to bother with her about revealing his identity, leading to an escalation of the incident, and even arbitrarily stopped the burly man from rushing over.

Although she knew that Fumino Guqiao didn't know that she was good at fighting, and that what she did before was for her own good, but her series of actions were not helping her at all.

Nishino Mu didn't say anything on the surface, but he was quite uncomfortable in his heart. Now it seems that he underestimated Fumino Guqiao, and she was able to easily solve this difficult matter.

Now that the problem has been basically solved, Fumino Guqiao's help is naturally no longer counted.

Nishino Mu began to blame himself for being too curious for peeking at Fumino Guqiao's confession. If he didn't watch, nothing would happen.

Although few people come here, it's not like there are no people here. If something really happened, Guqiao Wennai can just call out, and there's no need to take a special look, this damn curiosity.

Nishino Mu was thinking wildly, and said to the burly man with righteousness in his mouth: "When I came, you were trying to insult the ancient bridge, and after you were arrested, you tried to slander us. I will reserve the right to pursue your legal responsibility."

No matter what, Guqiao Wennai handed him a "knife", and he had to make good use of it to regain his innocence as soon as possible and reject the pressure of public opinion.

Guqiao Fumino and Nishino Muyi sang together, making the burly man accused by everyone furious. In island countries, the consequences of molesting women are very serious.

For example, the reason why the men on the tram raise their hands is that they are afraid that some women will slander them for sexual harassment.

Under normal circumstances, the law and public opinion will support women, and men can't argue with it.

The burly man knows well that if things go wrong, the entire White Dolphin Voice Actor Agency may be boycotted by the industry. Who made him the son of the president of the White Dolphin Voice Actor Agency, and naturally represents the White Dolphin Voice Actor Agency. The female voice actors of the White Dolphin Voice Actor Agency are all in danger.

The incident where he tried to insult Fumino Furuhashi made a big splash. I am afraid that few female voice actors are willing to work in the White Dolphin Agency, but those who can leave will most likely go to other offices, and then excellent male voice actors will be attracted by female voice actors. Naturally, their White Dolphin seiyuu firm was finished, and it was doomed to decline.

no!Absolutely can't bear this inexplicable infamy. He obviously didn't do anything, but just wanted to beat Xi Yemu to vent his anger. How did he become what he is now?

The burly man knows who he is. Although he sees one and loves the other, he has never threatened the beautiful female voice actors of the White Dolphin Voice Actress Agency with strong means, because the White Dolphin Voice Actress Agency is his family's business. Or he was unlucky.

The burly man with well-developed limbs and not a simple mind couldn't wait to explain to everyone: "I didn't try to insult her, I was just giving her an ordinary confession, and I didn't do anything."

"Oh," Fumino Furuhashi nodded suddenly, "Didn't you just say that you saw me having an affair with President Nishino? How come you confessed to me now?"

The burly man was startled, his face turned pale, that's terrible!I slipped up.

"Hahaha, the truth is revealed," Nishino Mu sneered, "If you tell a lie, you don't have a high EQ."

The burly man was annoyed.

At this time, the executive director of the White Dolphin Voice Actor Agency arrived late. He glanced at the burly man and stretched out his right hand to Mu Nishino: "I have admired the name of President Nishino for a long time, and the first meeting today really deserves his reputation. Let's find a place to talk about how to do it." Let's settle this matter."

Nishino Mu shook hands with him: "Of course, I hope your company will give me an explanation to Mr. Guqiao. Don't forget, I am the rumored boyfriend of Sakurajima and Aoyama. If they misunderstand this matter, the consequences will be very serious." serious."

Putting pressure on, properly taking advantage of the situation to put pressure on.

Naturally, Nishino Mu's Wenyuan company can't suppress the White Dolphin voice actor agency, but the addition of Fumino Furuhashi, Mai Sakurajima and Nanami Aoyama is enough.

First use these to regain innocence, and then wait for an opportunity to retaliate against the burly man's shameless behavior of wanting to beat himself and slander himself and Fumino Furuhashi.

The managing director really didn't dare to offend so many people, so he dispersed the crowd, and together with the burly man, took Mu Nishino, Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata who had just arrived into his office.

A group of five people sat down, and an assistant served tea, and the burly man explained the matter carefully to the executive director.

Nishino Mu took a sip of his teacup with a relaxed expression: "The president of your office seems to be very busy, so he doesn't want to come out for a chat?"

"President Nishino doesn't know something. Our president has traveled abroad," the managing director said with a half-smile, "I can handle ordinary things."

"What is an ordinary matter?" Nishino Mu smiled and said, "This matter is related to the innocence of me and Guqiao. You may not be able to handle it. Why don't you ask your executive director to take a look?"

"The executive director is out for a meeting." The managing director said with an ugly face: "I'll try to deal with this matter, President Nishino, in fact, this matter is also related to the reputation of our white dolphin voice actor agency and the reputation of the young master. We will carefully consider your opinions, and you can directly raise any requests you have.”

The burly man was full of flesh, and said with a ferocious expression: "This time I admit defeat, but don't force me, be careful that I will die with you."

"It's a dead end? What's wrong? You don't want to inherit the White Dolphin voice actor agency?" Fumino Guqiao said disdainfully, "Your previous performances were made into videos by my friend. If you plan to sell the White Dolphin voice actor agency, Even if I upload the video, it won't affect you much, but are you willing to give up the White Dolphin Voice Actress Agency?"

The burly man looked at Fumino Guqiao firmly: "If the conditions you raise are too high, I don't mind persuading my father to sell the White Dolphin Voice Actor Agency. At worst, everyone will get nothing."

The executive director persuaded: "Don't worry, there is something to talk about. In fact, this is a small matter. We will give you some compensation. Don't be a lion, and the matter can be easily resolved."

"It's not a trivial matter," Nishino Mu said angrily, "This idiot wants to beat me and slander me. If I don't come back with revenge, am I still a man?"

"That's right," Ogata Ritzu nodded approvingly: "Nishino is free from the pressure of public opinion. It would be too unfair to him to be slandered because of this incident. You will have to pay the price no matter what."

The burly man couldn't help roaring: "But I didn't accomplish anything. Not only was I stepped on, but I was also slandered by you for molesting Fumino Furuhashi."

Guqiao Fuminao said cautiously: "I didn't slander you, it was you who wanted to moleste me."

The managing director sighed: "That's not the case. I don't have a recorder or camera in my office. You might as well open up and say, if you have any requests, just ask."

"This incident has been seen by so many people, so I definitely can't hide it. The idiot first apologizes publicly and admits that he is talking nonsense." Nishino Mu said: "I also need to pay 500 million yen for my mental damage."

"I want 700 million yen." Fumino Furuhashi said.

"I can give you money, but it's too much. Also, I want to know how to explain this publicly." The managing director did not rush to agree.

"Is this okay? Let's just say that I fell in love with Guqiao-san, and I was rejected when I confessed to her. Then I found out that President Nishino accidentally saw this scene. I became angry and wanted to hit President Nishino, but I accidentally fell on the spot and was panicked." The confused Furuhashi-san stepped on it, and I disliked the embarrassment of my fall, so I deliberately slandered President Nishino and Furuhashi-san, of course, I have now realized my mistake and compensated the parties involved, I hope everyone understands."

The burly man thought up a manuscript in a moment, and looked expectantly at Fumino Guqiao and Mu Nishino.

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