"Add more money." Nishino Mu said expressionlessly: "You are avoiding the important and paying the light. Don't forget that Gu Qiao said you were a molest woman. If she bites you to death and molested him, you will lose your skin if you don't add money. I can't justify it."

"Add money, add five million." Guqiao Fuminai said, "Give me another five million, or I will insist that the idiot wants to moleste me."

The executive director said angrily: "You are Pengci! There is no monitoring, no witnesses, we are willing to give you money to settle the matter, it is already for the sake of our young master who slandered you first, don't poke and force people !"

Chapter 91 Nanami is beautiful and has a good figure

Ogata Ritzu turned on the video on the phone, and said calmly: "How can you say there is no evidence? There are videos. Your young master first said that he saw Nishino having an affair with Fumino and was pushed down and stepped on for no reason, and then that he was just confessing to Fumino." , did not do anything, the words before and after do not correspond.

If Nishino and Fumino didn't explain, wouldn't you guess how the media would smear your young master?With the identities of Nishino and Wen Nai, you can definitely sue your young master for defamation, and the chances of winning the case are still very high. "

"I remember that some people were locked up for several days because of swearing, and some people made rumors to slander a company's top management, and went to court. Don't think that you can slander others casually." Fumino Furuhashi said: "I have evidence that you have slandered me. , but you don’t have the evidence that I slandered you, it’s a big deal to see you in court.”

The burly masculine face turned green, Nishino Mu looked at it secretly, and couldn't help admiring Fumino Guqiao, this woman can really say that she can handle such outrageous things well.

"The matter has developed to this point, let's take a step back, okay?" The executive director said wearily: "If the matter becomes serious, it will also have a bad impact on your reputation. We will give you 500 million and President Nishino 100 million. The caliber, saying to the outside world that what we posted on Twitter is the truth, and we will not pursue legal responsibility."

"500 million and 100 million?" Nishino Mu said dissatisfied: "Are you insulting me and Wen Nai? Who cares about such a small amount of money, if you don't get more, I would rather go to court with the idiot."

"Who are you calling stupid?" The burly man glared at Xi Yemu.

"Whoever promises to call whoever."

"President Nishino's 200 million, and Guqiao-san's 600 million will be enough, no more." The executive director interrupted the two, and spread his hands, expressing that it's that much money.

"I want to ask," Fumino Guqiao asked curiously, "Is this money paid by the White Dolphin Voice Actress Agency, or by the idiot himself."

"Don't call me an idiot!" The burly man was impotently furious, and no one paid any attention to him.

"Of course he takes it himself. The company will not pay for his private actions. I am a peacemaker out of concern for the younger generation." The executive director said without hesitation.

Fumino Guqiao changed his mind slightly: The executive director means that it doesn't matter how much money he pays, anyway, he just asks that the reputation of the White Dolphin Voice Actress Agency not be damaged?

"Since that's the case, let's take a step back, big fool, how much money do you have?" Guqiao Wennai asked calmly.

The burly man thought of the number in his bank card, and closed his eyes in pain: "You guys are asking the price, don't ask so much."

have to!Looking at him like this, you can tell that he is a poor man, but it cannot be ruled out that he is pretending to be poor.

Nishino Mu discussed with Fumino Furuhashi and Rizu Ogata, and said to the executive director: "Give us [-] million, we want [-] million in total, as long as you give us [-] million, we will never talk nonsense, let the white dolphin voice actor The firm's reputation has been damaged."

The claim of [-] million is actually an exaggeration, but the managing director's psychology was accurately grasped by Fumino Furuhashi, and he chose to accept it.

"Ten million is not much, we accept, young master, how much money do you have?" The managing director asked the burly man.

"300 million yen." The burly man whispered.

"That's all?" The executive director frowned: "The president is worth a billion dollars, so I'll give you this little pocket money for no reason. Don't you have a job yourself, so you haven't saved any money?"

The burly man said awkwardly, "I spent all my money."

"That's it." The managing director said with a headache, "Call the president for the remaining 700 million yen."

The burly man had no choice but to go out in desperation, not knowing where he was hiding, and called his father who was far away abroad. When he came back, at the request of Nishino Mu, he transferred [-] million yen to Arrived at Fumino Guqiao's account.

"The deal is concluded, so we can do whatever we want," Fumino Guqiao said.

"Tweet, Twitter is normal, so we won't pursue legal responsibility." Nishino Mu was very stable.

"Don't worry, I will post in strict accordance with what I said before." The managing director personally wrote the tweet.

The burly man lost [-] million yen, and his flesh hurts. He watched helplessly as the managing director posted what happened on the official Twitter of the White Dolphin Voice Actress Agency.

Mu Nishino looked at the content of the Twitter, and found that it was similar to what the burly man said, so he used the Twitter feature to like it, and commented that the facts were the same, and he did not pursue legal responsibility for this matter.

Fumino Furuhashi also clicked a like, indicating that he agrees with the content of this tweet.

Because the matter hadn't become a big deal, it was easily suppressed.

With this tweet and these two likes, even if things get serious and the video goes viral on the Internet, the White Dolphin Seiyuu Agency can still confidently come forward to refute the rumors, telling people not to watch the video and guess randomly, the truth has long been published on Twitter It's on.

After everything was done, it was already the time to get off work in the evening, Nishino Mu took Fumino Guqiao and Rizu Ogata away, and the three of them went downstairs to chat.

"Ten million is a lot, I'll give you five million." Guqiao Fuminao said generously.

"I don't want the money anymore. It was caused by my curiosity." Nishino Mu said apologetically, "And I didn't do anything. I was almost wronged, but it wasn't really wronged. I have nothing to lose." .”

"According to what you said, if you don't show up, if I refuse his confession, the matter will be over, and there is no chance to ask for money." Fumino Furuhashi held Ogata Ritzu's hand: "If you want a little, I can take it with peace of mind."

Ogata Rizhu's finger was pinched by Fumino Guqiao, and he persuaded: "Fumina can get so much money, you have put in a lot of effort, even if you don't take five million, at least four million is appropriate."

It doesn't matter, it's all small money.

Nishino Mu said flatly: "Okay, just transfer the money to me later, my bank card number is..."

Fumino Guqiao's eyes lit up, and he took out his mobile phone: "Add line, and send me the bank card number. I have a bad memory and can't always remember it."

"Write it down in the phone memo." Nishino Mu said.

Fumino Guqiao snorted: "I'm not used to using memos, maybe I will contact you in the future, it's more convenient to add a line."

"Well, it seems that my mobile phone is still with you."

Ogata Rizu hurriedly handed the phone to Nishino Mu and said, "Here, by the way, Wen Nai went to find you after chatting with Mr. Tongxu for a few words. Mr. Tongxu told me that she was going to be the principal of Ichinose High School. Let's celebrate. The celebration day is August 8."

Hikigaya Hachiman's birthday is August 8th, perfectly staggered.

Xi Yemu took the phone back and turned it on, nodded: "Got it."

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