Wugeng Liuli murmured sadly: "Nishino and I are not in the same high school. After I entered high school, I met many new friends. My relationship with him was a bit estranged, and my communication became less, so I couldn't fully understand what happened around him.

It's all the fault of Nishino, why did he get such good grades, he was able to get into Zongwu High School. "

Mai Sakurajima started making miso soup: "My grades are not good, I blame Nishino's grades for being too good, why don't you study hard and apply for Sobu High School together with him."

Wugeng Liuli counterattacked: "Fifty steps laugh at a hundred steps. You have better grades than me, but you still went to Fengyuan High School pitifully. Are you ashamed?"

"What do you know?! Something strange happened to me at that time, and I only knew Nishino not long ago. Why should I go to Zongwu High School with him?"

Not being able to enter Sobu High School with Nishino is an eternal pain in Mai Sakurajima's heart. If she goes to Sobu High School, Yukinoshita Yukino will never have any intersection with Nishino!

"If you put it this way, I seem to be the first to know Nishino. I have known him since the first grade of middle school." Wugeng Liuli said happily.

"The first person to know Nishino was Kato Megumi, right?"

"Huh? She counts too? The first time she and Nishino met, neither of them talked to each other, they were both playing with their mobile phones. If she didn't say anything, Nishino wouldn't even remember seeing him on the tram when she first came to Tokyo." she."


Although listening to two beauties chatting can deepen one's "impression" of the past, the passage of time and the gurgling sound of the stomach made Nishino Mu have to interrupt them at the kitchen door: "Give me back the newspaper, I haven't finished reading it yet." Woolen cloth."

"Meow~" the puppet cat called out at his feet, taking care of each other with him.

"Who cares, here it is." Wu Geng Liuli returned the newspaper to Xi Yemu, and picked up the cat.

Mai Sakurajima said softly: "The miso soup will be ready in three minutes at most, you guys eat the fried eggs first."

"Okay." Nishino Mu put away the newspapers, went to the living room to tidy up the dining table, Wugeng Liuli fed the cat water and cat food, and Sakurajima Mai took milk from the refrigerator and poured it into three cups.

After the three of them had eaten, Wugeng Liuli continued to paint her "Three Sisters of the Wugeng Family".Mai Sakurajima dressed up and went to the filming crew.

Nishino Mu drove to Wenyuan Company and wandered around, briefly looked at the work of various departments, and finally said hello to Ogata Rizu, and went to the public library in Nakano District to read.

Without the second Miss Yukinoshita as the executive director, the life is very free. She can go to work whenever she wants, and she can leave work whenever she wants. Mu Nishino fully feels the life that the president should have.

The Nakano Library is very large. If you look around, you can see either couples or high-achieving students wearing glasses. These people only account for about one-tenth of the tables and chairs on the first floor of the library.

It is sad that we may never see the spectacle of overcrowded public libraries in our lifetime.

Nishino Mu found the book he wanted to read in the bookshelf. Fumino Guqiao strongly recommended the literary masterpiece "Characters under Tianwen" last night before he left. The author is Fumino Guqiao.

"Characters under Tianwen" is as thick as 5 millimeters, and the cover is a piece of starry sky, under which is an unknown beautiful girl.

The book tells about a girl who likes to study. She has a talent for literature, but she studies physics desperately.

The girl in the book believes that the charm of theoretical physics is that it can determine the height of science and lead the development of science and technology in the world.

Who knew that the girl continued to study, the level of theoretical physics did not increase much, but the literature she studied casually reached the top level in the world, and her reputation, status and money came one after another... The girl didn't care, she insisted on studying theoretical physics, and ended up dying Did not research anything.

Nishino Mu thinks that this book is not a cool one. Although the girl has a high social status, she has never been happy because she always cares most about physics.

If physics has not been successful, what is the use of success elsewhere?

Nishino Mu closed the book puzzled, why did Fumino Guqiao let him read this book?

Chapter 95 It's Just Not Suitable To Marry You

Ogata Rizu said that Fumino Furuhashi likes astronomy, but the heroine she described in the book likes physics very much, and her affection for physics has almost reached the point where it is absolutely necessary.

Nishino Mu lay on the desk and searched for "Words under Tianwen" on his mobile phone.

[The title and cover of this book are most suitable for astronomy, why is it about physics? 】

[As expected of a literary masterpiece that won the world's best literary award, I read love from this book]

【I read friendship from this book】

【I read family love】

[I'm just a primary school student. I don't understand anything after reading it. I just think it looks good. Can any kind brothers and sisters tell me? 】

[Let me tell you, Guqiao-san likes astronomy, but she is very talented in literature, and she easily achieves an achievement that most people can't achieve in a lifetime.

Therefore, for Guqiao-san, literature is the basic need for survival, food, clothing, shelter, and transportation, and it is the property left to her by God, the parents. It is not her own thing, and it is not worth being happy.

Let’s talk about astronomy. As we all know, Furuhashi-san likes astronomy. This book uses the cover and name of astronomy, but it is about physics. This shows that Furuqiao-san is willing to give up pursuing astronomy for the sake of physics.

Astronomy is just a superficial skin, which can be discarded and replaced at any time. Physics runs through the content of the book, and it is a dark line that cannot be discarded.

Roughly speaking, Furuhashi-san compares literature to a basic need at your fingertips, astronomy to a hobby, and physics to a goal in life. 】

[I'm just a primary school student, I don't have any insights, and I still don't understand. 】

[Stupid, primary school students don't surf the Internet and go. 】

[In my opinion, physics is the person Guqiao likes!Guqiao is willing to give up everything for him. No literature or astronomy is as good as physics, which is the best in the world. 】

[Pride and Prejudice!Why is physics the best in the world?I am not convinced by literature. 】

[Theoretical physics determines the highest level of science. It is amazing to compare physics to a loved one. 】


Nishino Mu knew that Fumino Furuhashi wanted to match himself and Rizu Ogata, so he didn't think this book was about love, family relationship was unlikely, friendship was possible, and work was the most likely.

Did she want me to know my purpose in life?

Xi Yemu supported his head with his left hand, tilted his head and fell into deep thought. He didn't know what his life goals were, so let's decide on short-term, medium-term and long-term goals for now.

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