The short-term goal is to help Yukinoshita Yono become the governor of Tokyo.

The mid-term goal is to make Wenyuan Group bigger and stronger.

The long-term goal is to be so rich and powerful that you can read any light novel you want, any anime you want to read, and any manga you want to read.

To sum up, the goal of life is to let the Two-dimensional culture develop for my personal preference.

See, setting goals in life is that simple.

Nishino Mu nodded in satisfaction, got up from the seat, picked up the book and returned it to the counter.


The money in the library card was debited.

Walking out of the library, the sun had already risen to the highest point, and the ultraviolet rays were baking the earth, and Nishino Mu felt that he was going to be steamed.

He stretched out his arms to block the sun, squinted his eyes, and saw not far away, the radiant Shizuka Hiratsuka and a plain middle-aged man coming out of the coffee shop.

Is this a blind date?

Nishino Mu wanted to go and have a look, but he didn't dare. The last time he peeked at Fumino Guqiao and was confessed, he made a mistake. If he eavesdropped on Shizuka Hiratsuka's blind date and had an accident again, the loss outweighs the gain.

People came and went on the sidewalk, and many people passed by holding parasols. Xi Yemu finally stopped eavesdropping. It was too hot, and it was too silly to brave the sun to watch other people go on a blind date. Go back to eat and enjoy The air conditioning is cool and comfortable.

Xi Yemu turned and left, but after walking a few steps, he heard someone calling himself behind him.

"Nishino, stop for me, why are you walking so fast?" Shizuka Hiratsuka's voice was urgent.

Xi Yemu turned to look at her. Under the sun, she was running fast with her skirt lifted.

"Huh, huh, I'm exhausted." Hiratsuka Jing ran to Nishino Mu's side at a speed of [-] meters, and her breathing became short of breath.

"Nishi, Nishino," Hiratsuka Shizuka calmed down the rhythm of his breathing, and said dissatisfiedly, "Why are you walking so fast, you almost missed."

Nishino Mu stared at her ups and downs, her breasts that were about to open her collar, as expected of a mature woman, the charm she inadvertently revealed made him hard to resist.

"Hey!" Nishino Mu withdrew his gaze and covered his forehead that had been knocked.

"Where are you looking?" Shizuka Hiratsuka blushed, she didn't know if she hadn't recovered from the sprint, or she was too shy, she raised her right hand into a fist, and it was this fist that hit Mu Nishino head off.

"Sorry, I couldn't help but take a few more glances," Nishino Mu rubbed his forehead that was beaten, looked at the middle-aged man who was still standing in front of the coffee shop, and smiled: "Ms. Hiratsuka is on a blind date?"

"Yeah," Shizuka Hiratsuka sighed helplessly: "Yue Nai is preparing to take the senior office officer exam, Yang Nao is on the phone or going out to attend various meetings every day, and I am helping her with business matters, and there is still time It was ample, but my parents introduced me to a blind date.”

Xi Yemu told the truth: "You two look like father and daughter, and his financial conditions don't seem to be very good."

Shizuka Hiratsuka nodded distressedly: "It doesn't matter if the family conditions are good or not. I can earn money, and the money I earn can definitely support a family. He can be a househusband. The main reason is that he has been divorced once and has two children. I don't have time to educate the child for the time being, and he is a man, so he is not careful in taking care of the child, I am worried about this."

That being said, Hiratsuka Shizuka's future husband is more suitable than Kigu Hachiman.

He is more careful than Kigu Hachiman, and wants to be a househusband, but he likes his sister too much, and he definitely doesn't want to be too far away from her.If Hiratsuka Shizuka marries him, she must be mentally prepared to live with her sister-in-law for a long time, which is not appropriate.

If she married this middle-aged man, children would be a serious problem. For a carefree woman like Hiratsuka Shizuka, raising children was more tiring than earning money.

Nishino Mu thought of a way: "Let your blind date send the child to your ex-wife, and give your ex-wife a little maintenance every year."

As soon as Nishino Mu finished talking, he regretted it. What's the point?This is what I should say?

Shizuka Hiratsuka gave a thumbs up and said in an exaggeratedly admiring tone: "Nishino, I really have you. You have worked so hard to get the teacher to marry me. The key is that saying this clearly shows that I dislike children."

"Are you mocking me for not considering my child's thoughts?" Xi Yemu's eyes became sharp.

"So what... no, no, how is it possible, I really think your idea is good, I'll ask him if he is willing." At first Hiratsuka Shizuka wanted to say "Yes so what", considering that he couldn't win Nishino is overwhelmed, if he seizes the opportunity to teach him a lesson again, he may lose face and have to change his mouth and say something against his will.

Hiratsuka turned around and walked towards the middle-aged man. Nishino Mu looked at her tall and straight back, a little bit reluctant: "Even if he agrees, don't rashly agree to marry him, and carefully investigate for a while."

"Understood, don't rush away, I'll treat you to dinner later." Hiratsuka Jing waved her hand without looking back, without stopping: "Thank you for helping me make suggestions."

Xi Yemu was inexplicably uncomfortable: "When did I give you advice?"

"Why not? Didn't you say it? Send the child to his ex-wife." Hiratsuka stopped and sighed imperceptibly: "This is a plan."

Nishino Mu smiled and said: "If he agrees to give the child to his ex-wife, it means that he is not a good father and husband, he is not responsible for the children, he is not responsible for the ex-wife, you will probably have a bad life if you marry him.

If he disagrees, it means that he values ​​his children more than you. If you marry him, you will be treated as a cash machine or a nanny by him as a tool to take care of your children, and it is still impossible to live happily.

If you think these are irrelevant, you need to investigate whether he has a criminal record or violent tendencies. If there are none of these, you also need to investigate his psychological and physical conditions.

If there are no more problems, it is best to investigate his two children. If they are both bear children or have a serious illness, you will definitely suffer when you marry, these..."

Shizuka Hiratsuka turned around angrily, returned to Nishino Mu, and glared at him: "What exactly do you want?"

"What I mean is that you have to think carefully about marrying someone, especially a girl your age, if you marry the wrong one, you might have no room for regret."

There was some hesitation on Hiratsuka Shizuka's face, and finally said firmly: "I won't marry, my old lady won't marry, why are there so many things to marry, it's different from what I thought."

Xi Yemu persuaded gently and considerately: "If you stop thinking about it, if you don't find a man to live with, your life may not be perfect."

Hiratsuka was stunned for a moment, then nodded viciously on purpose: "What you said is that you should consider getting married, I was too reckless just now."

Nishino Mu's face darkened, and he quickly said: "Actually, women in the new era can live well without men. How can a self-improving and excellent woman like you be crushed by men? It's disgusting, okay?"

There was clarity in Hiratsuka Shizuka's eyes, but he said indifferently: "I can be on top, what a big deal."

Xi Yemu looked at her speechlessly, and stopped being impatient, and said directly: "Okay, don't you just abandon him because you don't want to marry, and come to me, do you want me to stop you from marrying?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka said mischievously: "I came to you first. Your remarks are a bit capricious, so I don't want to marry. You just said so many things that need to be considered, are you reluctant to part with me?"

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