Nishino Mu remained silent, his inner selfishness made him say those words naturally, but this was actually extremely unfair to Shizuka Hiratsuka!

"I don't want to marry anymore, what about you? Do you want me to marry?" Shizuka pushed her hair and smiled softly: "My age is here, and there is a high probability that I will marry an old man in her [-]s or [-]s." Man, I don't want to, do you think I should marry or not. "

From time to time, passers-by looked at the chatting "couple" in the shadow of the roadside, wondering what they were talking about.

Xi Yemu hesitated and said: "It's more comfortable to find a man, at least someone to be with you, but I don't support you to find a man casually, it's better to find someone you like or who likes you."

"The point is that the man I like is much younger than me, Nishino, you said I let him have fun without having to be responsible, don't want children, pure love between men and women, will he agree?"

"You're so pretty, yes, and once might not be enough."

"Huh? Does he still want to cooperate for a long time?"

The two looked at each other, Nishino Muxian looked away guiltily, Hiratsuka said quietly with a smile: "Do the teacher a favor, come with me to destroy this blind date."

Chapter 96 She is still the same as before

"What do you think of your blind date?" Nishino Mu suddenly asked as the two walked towards the coffee shop.

"I don't have any opinion, an ordinary middle-aged man from the island country."

"Not happy with him?"

Hiratsuka shook her head: "I can't say I'm satisfied, I just want to find someone to accompany me, and live my life in an ordinary way."

"Actually, I'm quite curious. You are rich and good-looking. Although you smoke and drink violently, there should be quite a few people willing to marry you. Why haven't you found a suitable husband yet?"

"Who is willing to marry me? Don't you know that my blind dates before the age of 30 were all successful people? They want face, machismo is super serious, and they don't want to be bullied by a woman like me every day, let alone smoking and drinking .”

"What about after 30? Are you being too picky?"

"Impossible, I'm not picky at all, you can do it."

"Huh?" Isn't that called picking?

He Nishino Mu, less than 25 years old, worth 10 billion, handsome, super high IQ, very good at fighting, graduated from a world-class university, has part of the memory of another world, with supernatural power, in the world, Belongs to one of the top human beings.

Isn't that the case with the legendary diamond king?

Nishino Mu looked at Hiratsuka Shizuka's white side face illuminated by the sun, holy but unreal, it's hard to imagine that she likes to drink and smoke.

"Mr. Yamamoto," the two of them walked up to the middle-aged man, Hiratsuka quietly smiled brightly, "The one next to me is one of my most proud students, Mu Nishino."

"Mr. Nishino, hello." Nishino Mu greeted him politely.

"Hello," the middle-aged man frowned puzzledly, and asked Hiratsuka Shizuka, "Why didn't you call me to say hello when you saw someone you know acquaintance, I don't worry about you running over alone."

"There is nothing to worry about," Hiratsuka Shizuka reached out and hooked Nishino Mu's shoulders, with a heroic aura of good brothers: "My student is very good at fighting, and I will definitely protect me."

Mr. Yamamoto looked at the arm on Nishino Mu's shoulder, and his expression became ugly: "My physical fitness is actually quite good. Is Mr. Nishino's body a little thin?"

"Really? I'm suffocating," Hiratsuka Jing took out the cigarette and lighter from the small bag tied to the ankle of her left foot, lit the cigarette skillfully, took a puff beautifully, and said in a cold voice, "Why don't you come here?" Try to beat me? I'm just an ordinary woman."

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Mr. Yamamoto's eyes widened in disbelief, Shizuka Hiratsuka's smoking action and tone of voice were completely different from those in the coffee shop.

"What are you! To be honest, not only do I smoke, I also drink, and I like to hit people when I drink too much." Shizuka Hiratsuka looked at me, and said melancholy: "This is the main reason why I have been single so far."

"I can accept drinking, but I can't accept smoking, and I can't bear beating. My two children are still young, and I can't be a mother with a lot of bad habits. I don't think we are suitable for the two of us." Mr. Yamamoto gave up decisively. A young man who is not a sperm and a brain, is now willing to remarry, more for the sake of children, so if Shizuka Hiratsuka has a bad personality, no matter how beautiful or rich he is, he will not marry.

This is the superficial reason, but the inner reason is that after being cheated on by his ex-wife once, Mr. Yamamoto developed the habit of paying attention to the men and women around him all the time. He keenly caught Hiratsuka Jing looking at Nishino Mu's eyes. So it's better to get away now than to be toyed with by this pair of dogs in the future.

Mr. Nishino, who didn't know that he was a "dog boy" in the eyes of Mr. Yamamoto, was very surprised. He just watched the two people in front of him fall apart. This was the first time he had witnessed the cruelty and ruthlessness of the dating world.

"Mr. Hiratsuka, is there any mistake? I'm useless," Nishino Mu complained, "What's the use of hiding your personality on a blind date? No, it's impossible once you expose it."

"Don't hide that I can't even find a blind date partner," Shizuka Hiratsuka breathed out a puff of smoke with melancholy eyes: "As long as there are words such as smoking, drinking and violence in the information provided by the dating agency, it is basically impossible to find a suitable partner."

"But it's not a problem for you to hide like this. If it happens, and you expose it after marriage, wouldn't you lose your wife and lose your army?"

"It's not a big problem. It's not certain who will take advantage of who." Hiratsuka Jing held her head high and said the most shameless words in the smallest voice: "When I was touched by a handsome guy before, I would scold him as a pervert and throw him down." He fell to the ground. Now that he is touched by a handsome guy, he will be secretly happy, it seems that the old lady is not as beautiful as before, and there are still handsome guys who take the initiative to flirt."

Xi Yemu couldn't help but support his forehead: "A woman of your age is really scary."

"Actually, I'm just talking about it. I won't really take advantage of the young man. If someone touches him, he will still be knocked down!" Hiratsuka Shizuka grabbed Nishino Mu's big hand: "Go, the teacher will take you to eat!" Best ramen ever.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka's hand was as soft as boneless, warm and tender, and Nishino Mu was inattentive, and was staggered by her: "Teacher Hiratsuka, is this what you said about the bare mouth?"

"What? Do you think the teacher is taking advantage of you?" Hiratsuka Jing held a cigarette in the other hand, and said nonchalantly, "You little pervert wants to take advantage of the teacher, pretend I don't know? Don't take advantage of it and act like a good boy."

In the end who got cheap and behaved?Nishino Mu wanted to say that since he was a child, except for his mother, no woman in his memory dared to drag the child to walk like he is now.

A man is a big man, and when he walks hand in hand with a woman, he must walk in front, and he is a hero if he walks behind with a little woman's posture.

Xi Yemu walked a few steps quickly, and pulled Hiratsuka Jing back: "You are walking too slowly, show me the way, and I will take you to the ramen restaurant."

Hiratsuka was taken aback, smiled softly, and pointed to the parking area not far ahead: "My car is there, let's go pick it up first."

"It just so happens that my car is also there."

Nishino Mu nodded calmly, and dragged Hiratsuka to the parking area in silence.

The summer sun shone on the two of them, making them look like golden boys and girls. A passing photographer quietly took pictures of this beautiful scene.

In the photo, the two are holding hands, Nishino Mu is leading the way, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth, Hiratsuka Shizuka is obediently following her, Shuangxia is blushing, like a shy 18-year-old girl.

Under Hiratsuka Shizuka's repeated requests, Nishino Mu gave up driving and took Hiratsuka Shizuka's sports car to a seemingly ordinary ramen restaurant.

Open the door curtain, walk to the bar and sit down in front of the waiter's welcome.

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