Hiki Valley Hachiman said that ramen is a food that is suitable for one person to taste silently.

Nishino Mu has a different view on this. He believes that the most people who eat noodles alone are the old men squatting at the door.

However, when a group of people eat noodles, there are indeed many people who don't like the sound of sucking each other, not including the chef.

As a diner, I got carried away eating noodles and made a loud sucking sound. The chef must have been delighted to hear that.

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn't make too much noise when eating ramen, but she enjoyed it very much. After eating more than half of it, she followed Nishino Mu's example and happily raised her hand to ask for more noodles.

Nishino Mu drank the last sip of soup, burped, and watched her eat ramen quietly.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Hiratsuka Shizuka swallowed the ramen in her mouth, sweating profusely.

Nishino Mu said with a smile: "Looking at you eating ramen, I thought it was a delicacy from mountains and seas. How could it be so delicious?"

Regardless of the possibility that the ramen might be soaked soft, Hiratsuka took the opportunity to preach: "If there is a person who likes to eat rice and hates to drink miso soup, he will feel uncomfortable when he drinks miso soup, and his expression will naturally be extremely disgusted, but he eats rice. When you are hungry, you will be very happy in your heart, and it will be reflected in your expression, which means enjoyment. Of course, there are exceptions, such as when you are very hungry and encounter unpalatable food. At this time, eating it is a kind of enjoyment, and the taste is no longer important. gone."

Nishino Mu looked at Shizuka Hiratsuka's ramen. The soup was clear and watery, and there was no possibility of it being red or spicy.

"Hiratsuka-sensei, are you teaching me something?"

"No," Hiratsuka took a sip of the noodle soup and said calmly, "Although you still call me teacher, I am not your teacher anymore."

Xi Yemu deliberately concealed the matter of amnesia, and complimented himself while blaming himself: "In my heart, you have always been my teacher."

"Hahaha, is it?" Hiratsuka ate the noodles triumphantly, and was about to get up and leave: "Since you still recognize me as a teacher, the teacher would like to ask you, did you feel uncomfortable when you found out that I was on a blind date?" ?”

"It's not uncomfortable." Nishino Mu's eyelids twitched.

Hiratsuka smiled quietly, and walked out of the ramen restaurant, Nishino Mu followed behind her.

"Don't forget what I just said." Shizuka Hiratsuka suddenly said, "I already knew whether what you said was true or not."

Rice and miso soup?

Nishino Mu lowered his head and pondered, and roughly understood what she meant: "Are you trying to teach me that the most sincere feelings will be revealed?"

"No matter how good an acting skill is, it's impossible to maintain acting skills everywhere in life."

"I haven't acted, I don't have any psychological burden, I just want to find someone I like to marry, have children and grow old slowly. The ideal is very simple."

Hiratsuka shook her head quietly: "You can't even let me go, it's not easy, don't say stupid things."

There are some people and things that Nishino Mu can't do without admitting. When Hiratsuka is quiet together, he is the most relaxed and happy, even though he has lost the memory of the past now.

Walking in front of Hiratsuka Shizuka's sports car, Nishino Mu opened the door, sat in the driver's seat, and looked ahead: "It's not that I can't put it down, but I just think you shouldn't be like this."

"Sympathize with me?" Hiratsuka sat quietly in the passenger seat and said with a smile, "I still sympathize with you. Is your pressure less than mine? I am pitiful because no one wants it, but you are pitiful because there are too many people who want it."

"It's a pity that in a person's life, there is always a choice."

"A person who is about to starve to death, even if he hates eating rice the most, when a bowl of rice is placed in front of him, he will still ignore the ridicule of others and eat it happily."

Xi Yemu started the car: "I roughly understand what the teacher means, but I don't have the courage to make the most reasonable choice for the time being."

"You can figure it out." Hiratsuka leaned against the car window, thinking about something quietly.

Chapter 97 The Many Inconveniences of Living With Beautiful Women

It has been several days since Hiratsuka Shizuka ate ramen together, and Nishino Mu finally got out of the depression caused by her words and regained an optimistic and positive spirit.

He asked Wu Geng Liuli who was checking the suitcase in the living room: "Are you really going home?"

"That's right, my sisters are calling me and asking me to go back," Wu Geng Liuli squatted on the ground, opened the suitcase, and first secretly checked to see if the underwear was there, and then to see if all the personal items were missing.

After careful inspection again and again, she got up with confidence and clapped her hands as if her palms were covered with dust: "It was agreed that I would only stay for three days, but who knew that after three days and another three days, I stayed here until now."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you continue to live. Xue Nai just called me yesterday, saying that she has read through several books about applying for the office officer, and is preparing to take the first exam organized by the Personnel Academy in September. I don't think she has time to come to Gensokyo during this time."

"So good?" Wugeng Liuli sat on the suitcase in surprise. Her academic performance is actually very average. In her opinion, reading is a thankless task.

"It's not good enough. Today is August 8th, and there is still more than a month before the exam. If you don't work hard, you will definitely fail the exam."

"No way," Wugeng Liuli went to the coffee table in the living room and poured herself a glass of water. After drinking the water, she said as if thinking of something: "Even if Yukino's sister's reputation has collapsed, she won't be the governor of Tokyo. At the end of his career, he is still an important person with great influence, can't he help Xue Nai?"

Xi Yemu leaned comfortably on the Mr. Pan doll that was taken out of Xue Nai's room, put his hands on the back of his head, squinted his eyes and said: "At the critical moment, her sister is afraid of being caught, so she can only rely on herself for the written test. The written test is relatively fair, but the difficulty and risk of manipulation are too high."

Wugeng Liuli put down the teacup, picked up the puppet cat and rubbed it, and said worriedly: "I heard that the number of applicants last year was nearly [-], and only a thousand people were admitted in the end. Why is it so difficult to become an official?"

"No way, it's not easy to become the ruling class." Nishino Mu thought of an interesting thing. If he ran into politics and accidentally became the prime minister of an island country, would he have overfulfilled the undercover mission assigned by the organization?

Then report like this:

Reporting to the organization, I successfully sneaked into the enemy army and became their leader.When does the organization need me to take the lead to actively integrate into the community of shared future for mankind in the new era?

It's exciting to think about it, but it's a pity that it's impossible to be an official. You can eat and wait to die with Yukinoshita covered. In the future, I will ask the second miss Yukinoshita to tell her sister that the future of the world depends on In an ancient country in the east, it is necessary to surrender to the enemy as soon as possible.

"I'm back," Mai Sakurajima, wearing a long blue dress, happily came in from outside, holding a bottle of champagne and a long stick-shaped corkscrew in her hand.

"What's so happy about it?" Nishino Mu woke up in vain. Now is not the time to daydream. We should solve the problems of the Qi family first, and then talk about governing the country and pacifying the world.

"I specially asked Connie to give me a bottle of expensive champagne, and prepared to use it to celebrate the official arrival of our cohabitation life!" Sakurajima Mai happily sat next to Nishino Mu, holding the champagne high.

Wu Geng Liuli got up and approached her, staring at the beautiful champagne: "That's great, I haven't drunk champagne yet."

Xi Yemu said without thinking: "Then drink before leaving."

"Since you took the initiative to invite, if I don't agree, it means I don't give you face, so I will reluctantly drink the champagne before leaving." Wu Geng Liuli glanced at Mai Sakurajima proudly, and happily went to the living room to catch the cat, ready to play with it.

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