"Nishino, do you know what misfortune comes from your mouth?" Sakurajima Mai's eyes were shining coldly under the sunlight, and she held champagne fingers tightly together.

Nishino Mu's expression was serious, his brows were furrowed, and he said calmly, "There are too many people and it's lively, but the two of us are too deserted, so we might as well treat opening champagne as a farewell banquet."

Mai Sakurajima smiled slightly, looked up at Gogen Ruri who was scaring the cat with a mouse prop, and lowered her voice: "You still have a way, we are happy when we drink champagne, and she is full of sadness when she drinks champagne, think about it Just be happy."

"You're right." Nishino Mu's eyes were full of disapproval, but he didn't refute.

Ms. Sakurajima was dissatisfied that he left Miss Black Cat to drink a glass of champagne before leaving. She just said that on purpose, why bother to refute and add unnecessary trouble to herself.

Today, the fifth watch Ruri was about to leave, and Mai Sakurajima happily cooked a big meal, and went out to get a bottle of champagne, and didn't have breakfast until 10 o'clock.

At breakfast time, the three of Gensokyo gathered together to discuss who would be responsible for opening the champagne.

Mai Sakurajima sat at the dining table, rubbed the cat's soft fur with her bare feet, and said first, "I suggest Nishino to drive. He is the only male among us, and he is strong enough."

Wu Geng Liuli nodded: "Second proposal!"

Nishino Mu glanced at the wooden stick for opening champagne, and was not confident to use it to open the champagne. He voted against: "I have never opened champagne, let Sakurajima come. She is a big star and can open it."

"She doesn't know how to open it, she hasn't opened it before," I don't know why Wu Geng Liuli said that, she stretched out a white and soft hand to pick up the wooden stick, and handed it to Xi Yemu, as if solemnly handing over the Chuanguo Yuxi: "It's unlucky to rely on an actor to open champagne, but you are more reliable."

"Hehe!" Sakurajima Mai's expression froze for a moment, picked up the champagne, pointed it at the sky above Wugeng Liuli, and said happily: "Nishino came to open it in person to see you off, are you happy?"

"What nonsense. What are you saying to see me off? Are you cursing me?" Wu Geng Liuli's body trembled slightly, and she didn't know whether it was too angry or too sad: "You woman should be carried by black people..."

"Okay, okay, you two, stop arguing, and eat well." Nishino Mu raised his right hand, and lightly hit the champagne bottle with a wooden stick. Even more glazed face.

"Nishino!!!" Wugeng Liuli's scream resounded through Gensokyo. She wiped the liquid off her face at a loss, then raised her wet collar and shook it, complaining dissatisfiedly: "The clothes are all wet!" How can I go home, you two did it on purpose."

Sakurajima Mai tilted her head and cut her head: "Shouldn't you go back after taking a shower and changing clothes, as for complaining here, or is it that you don't want to leave, is this your excuse not to leave?"

"Don't treat the belly of a fallen angel with the heart of a little girl." Wu Geng Liuli said.

"You're a cat at best, a cat that's black and can't catch mice, and you're not a fallen angel."

"Thanks for the exaggeration, I actually like black cats."

"The sound of the female cat's spring is very unpleasant. Are you a female black cat?"

"The cry of Fachun is unpleasant to your ears, but it is full of all kinds of temptations to the ears of the same kind."

"Nishino, the black cat says you're a cat, and you don't care about her." Sakurajima Mai complained like a child.

Nishino Mu also didn't expect to succeed in opening champagne for the first time. He was secretly happy, picked up the champagne calmly on the surface, and poured it into three glasses.

When Mai Sakurajima filed a complaint, Wugeng Ruri looked like a pitiful girl, her bright and big eyes sparkled with fluorescence, which seemed to be a few tears squeezed out.

"Eat well and drink champagne, war of words is meaningless." Xi Yemu warned: "If you don't obey me, you will all be driven away."

Xi Yemu hoped that they would be disobedient, so that he could be tougher and drive them out of the house.

If a single man lives with a woman who is not a relative or wife, he will have various inconveniences.

The door of the toilet must be closed, the cleaned underwear should be placed in an inconspicuous place, the socks and body must be washed every day, and the next day after not taking a bath, a woman will remind her that she smells of sweat...

What Xi Yemu couldn't bear the most was that he was a vigorous man, he was getting thinner and thinner, and he was using more and more toilet paper.

We must act, do something, and solve real problems.

The first step, is there anything that can strengthen the yang and invigorate the kidney?

Xi Yemu made up his mind that if the two quarreled again, they would be forced to drive them away. The quarrel became more and more outrageous, and it was about to rise to personal attacks. Would the next step be to start destroying corpses?

All bad signs must be snuffed out, and a good atmosphere of unity and friendship must be created.

However, Wugen Ruri and Sakurajima Mai were honest for a while, they stopped arguing, and they didn't give him a chance to explode.

After eating, chatted for a while, and sent Wugeng Liuli home.

Said it was a delivery, but actually walked a few steps away, because the two fifth-generation younger sisters came to pick up my elder sister in person, and when they met them, they had already reached the intersection of the streets of Gensokyo.

Nishino Mu handed over Wugeng Liuli to them intact, and together with Mai Sakurajima watched them play and play as they went away.

At this moment, will the sentimental poet say: An era is over?

Nishino Mu was not a poet, but was just wondering if it would be feasible to change the bedroom door lock without telling Mai Sakurajima and Gogen Ruri. He went back to Gensokyo, lying on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone.

"Aren't you going to work?" Mai Sakurajima painted eyeshadow in the small mirror, making herself very beautiful.

Nishino Muduo looked at her a few times, with a smile on his brows, and explained: "I have handed over most of the work to the ministers, and they can basically handle daily affairs, involving business strategic planning, financial review, personnel management, etc. I have only looked at issues such as promotion and job title evaluation, and the workload is not so heavy."

Mai Sakurajima turned her head to look in the mirror, licked her pink lips, so that the lipstick could be applied more evenly, and reminded: "Be careful of corruption, cronyism, arrogance and complacency among the employees below, which will cause you a whole lot of trouble."

"I know it in my heart." Nishino Mu said.

His supernatural ability [Everyone's Demeanor] is by no means a display, but a magical skill that can subtly influence people whose social status is lower than his own to be loyal to him.

As long as supernatural abilities are used well, employees are brainwashed every day, and they show a little more approachable leadership, it may be difficult in modern society to cultivate a loyalist, but it is easy to cultivate a cronies.

Shiraishi Kazuki of Wenyuan Group is a typical representative. Before he became the executive director, he was unwilling to offend people easily. After he became the executive director, Nishino Mu often asked him to discuss work.

In a matter of time, as long as Nishino Mu put forward requirements and tasks, Kazuki Shiraishi would rather take the risk of offending all employees to complete them.

However, his enthusiasm is temporary. Nishino Mu found that he went to the company to give a speech once every three days on average, so that most of the employees would not slack off, and only then could the company's top executives headed by Shiraishi Kazuki be dedicated to their work.

"Sakurajima, why are you so beautifully dressed?" Nishino Mu asked curiously.

"Crew dinner, I'm the lead actress, of course I'm going." Sakurajima Mai went out in high heels satisfied, and blew a kiss to Mu Nishino before leaving.

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