After the chat ended, An Yilun still didn't reply to the message, and he didn't even see him.

Nishino Mu called him.

"Lun Ye, have you finished shopping?"

"I finished shopping, I bought a motorcycle helmet."

"Did something happen on the way?"

"Yes," An Yilun said embarrassedly, "I met Hachiman, and he is staring at my helmet now, so embarrassing."

"You take care of yourself, I'll go first."

"No, you wait..."

Nishino Mu hung up the phone, took the iron pot, the bag containing the bowls and chopsticks, and the apron, and slowly returned to Gensokyo.

Maybe it was near noon, and I didn't meet many people walking under the sun along the way. Even the shade trees on the side of the road with lush green leaves had their branches hanging down. Occasionally, there was a gust of wind, but it was still hot.

Nishino Mu's back was already wet with sweat. If it was someone else, he might have put an iron pan on his head to shade him.

But he didn't need it, because a girl held an umbrella and came to him on her own initiative to create a shade for him.

"It's so hot, why don't you take an umbrella when you go out, if you don't mind, I'll take you home?"

The girl's beauty is fair, not very beautiful, and she can only be a legendary class flower in school.

Nishino Mu smiled kindly: "You don't need to see me off, I'll be home in about two minutes, thank you for your kindness."

The girl pondered for a few seconds, then pretended to be reserved and asked: "Do you need my contact information? I also live nearby, let's add friends, maybe we can help each other in the future."

"Thank you, no need." Xi Yemu refused decisively, and said with a disgusted expression: "I don't like women."

"You?" The girl stood there dumbfounded, until Xi Yemu walked away, she blushed and muttered to herself with rapid heartbeat: "Two men are together, ah! Just thinking about it will cause nosebleeds!"

Hikigu Hachiman and An Yilun also happened to pass by her and heard this sentence.

After walking away, Hikigaya Hachiman said expressionlessly: "A rotten girl can be equated with a man who likes Lily, which is a reasonable existence. As a human being, I can't succumb to the lust of the flesh. Isn't the communication of the soul beautiful?"

Hikigu Hachiman thinks that he and his sister are mostly in spiritual communication, and he is sad that the relationship between the two is not recognized by the public.

The world is not gentle at all!

An Yilun also took a few steps away from Hiki Valley Hachiman, and said solemnly: "Men who like men, women who like women, are not for spiritual communication, he or they are for fierce physical collisions, Hachiman, please leave I stay away."


Back in Gensokyo, put away the things I bought, put my hands on the hem of the jacket, and decisively took it off and threw it aside.

This is the life you can only have when you are alone in Gensokyo.

Nishino Mu compared Hihiro's biceps, and looked down at his abs. He didn't have abs before. As time went by, more and more people praised him, and he got abs.

Who makes the "focus person" improve the charm value, not the appearance value.

During this period of time, Nishino Muhu ate and drank the dishes made by Sakurajima Mai and Ogata Rizu, and the eight-pack abs not only did not have a tendency to return to one, but became more and more obvious.

Feeling narcissistic for a while, Nishino Mu turned on the air conditioner in the living room, took off his pants, threw them to the bathroom door, and went in to take a shower.

Halfway through the shower, I turned off the tap and was squeezing the shower gel when I heard someone knocking on the door...

Nishino Mu simply rushed, put on the blue bathrobe, and walked out of the bathroom: "Is someone knocking on the door?"

"Nishino, I'm Ogata."

Listening to the voice, Ogata Rizu was right.

Mu Nishino opened the door, and the petite Rizu Ogata looked up at him from the door.

"Oh, come in and sit," Nishino Mu stepped aside, noticing the suitcase pulled by Ogata Riju: "Are you...?"

"I'm going to attend Teacher Kirisu's celebration party the day after tomorrow. Should Nishino drive to Nanao City or take the train?" Ogata Ritzu asked back.

Ichinose Gakuen is located in Nanao City, two hours away from Tokyo.


"If you drive, can you take me with you? My driving skills are not very good."

It's really not easy for little Lolita to drive, Xi Yemu nodded: "Yes."


When the two entered the room, Ogata Rizu obediently held the teacup and asked in a low voice, "Can I stay with you first?"

Why did they come one after another, Xi Yemu was reluctant and asked her: "What happened?"

"It's a big deal. A group of professors came to my house and asked me to teach them mathematics." Ogata Rizu said embarrassedly: "I taught them mathematics and it would affect Wenyuan's work, but they still refused to leave, every day. Come to my house to eat udon noodles and harass me, my dad had to beat and scold me, so I had to leave."

"This is the reason," Xi Yemu probed, "Why don't you live in Guqiao's house?"

"Her father is at home. It's not convenient for me to live in the past as a girl."

I also live in Gensokyo, why don't you say it's inconvenient?

Xi Yemu was not reconciled, and asked again: "Where is Wugeng's house?"

"Her parents are at home, and there are only three bedrooms in the house her family just bought. Her parents live in one, and she shares the remaining two with her sisters. I'm embarrassed to go again."

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