Ah!You'll be fine living here.

Nishino Mu glanced at the shirt he had taken off on the sofa, and the pants at the bathroom door.

Turn on the air conditioner when you get home in summer, and the refreshing days of taking off your clothes are far away.

Chapter 99 Nishino and his classmates are at odds

I heard that married men will miss their previous single life, and Nishino Mu began to miss it when he was not married.

He helplessly helped Ogata Riju tidy up the room, and in the process of washing clothes in the washing machine, the phone rang.

Press the switch button of the washing machine and turn on the mobile phone.

"Hi, this is Nishino Mu."

"Nishino, I'm An Yilun."

"Why do you call me when you have time? Are you home?" Nishino Mu went to the refrigerator in the kitchen to get a can of Coke.

"Of course I went home, but the motorcycle helmet I planned to give to Hachiman couldn't be delivered, and I needed to prepare other gifts."

An Yilun also had an audible resentment in his tone.

Xi Yemu didn't take it seriously: "Didn't you say he was happy to give him anything? Wouldn't it be good for you to give him a motorcycle helmet?"

"But he already knows that I bought a motorcycle helmet, and don't you think it's embarrassing to give him the motorcycle helmet?"

"I don't think so, and I didn't send it."

"You...forget it, I called this time not to complain that you left me alone, but I have a wonderful plan that needs your help." An Yilun also said excitedly: "I plan to redo fantasy Township."

The game version of Gensokyo appeared again. Nishino Mu sat down on the sofa in the living room, turned on the hands-free phone and put it aside, turned on the Coke forcefully, and took a big sip: "Have you ever played other games besides Gensokyo?"

"I've done it before, but it's not as good as Gensokyo, Gensokyo is enough. Gensokyo is the first game we made, with Kato as the heroine, Kasumigaoka-senpai and Mitaka-senpai as screenwriters, Eri Rika, Shiina, and Umi Sogaku My sister draws illustrations, my cousin does music, Aoyama is a voice actor, and Akasaka is doing programming.”

"Kato? Shiina? Umigusa?"

"The full names are Megumi Kato, Mashiro Shiina, and Misaki Umikusa."

Shiina Mashiro knew each other, but didn't know the other two.Nishino Mu raised his eyebrows: "The production staff of Gensokyo includes me and you, how about the two of us? What are we two doing?"

"It's the three of us, and Sorata, Kanda Sorata, you write the characters and make plans, I try the game to give opinions, Sorata is responsible for publicity and sponsorship, and we are the logistics support personnel."

Don't put gold on your face.Nishino Mu asked: "What type of game is Fantasy Township? Is it popular?"

He was curious about how a game with famous people involved in the production would end up.

"It's not popular at all, it only earned tens of millions for us. If everyone divides it equally, everyone doesn't lose much." An Yilun also regretted and said with admiration: "You don't take any money, and you take what should belong to you. Five million yen was given to Aoyama as a bonus."

Earning tens of millions is not popular enough?

Nishino Mu's well-defined and handsome face is no longer indifferent, his eyes inadvertently revealed a doubt: "Didn't I also make an anime, the animation should be done first or the game should be done first, and I'm making an anime Where did the money come from?"

"Games are made first. When making games, Aoyama is the most trouble-free. As long as she is full of food, she will dub us for free. Later, the game makes money. You just ask me to call you five million yen in the name of animation bonuses. Qingshan, who made the anime popular during that time, as for where you got the money to make the animation, I don’t know, it may have something to do with the ancient eastern country.”

And Dongfang...here, could he really be an undercover agent?

Nishino Mu panicked, and asked nervously, "Who knows this news?"

"Hachiman and I, you and we have shown off, saying that you made a fortune in the ancient eastern country, and you are very admired by the people there. We asked you, but you didn't make it clear."

Nishino Mu was embarrassed for a while before he calmed down. How could he be a spy? He was just an ordinary young man from the island country. Don't scare yourself.

"Lun Ye, you really don't know what I did in the ancient eastern country?"

"I really don't know, you can ask Hachiman, he is so smart, maybe he knows."

"Okay, hang up first..."

"Wait!" An Yilun said dissatisfiedly, "Did you forget what I just said?"

"Hahaha, I haven't forgotten, don't you want to redo Gensokyo, I support you."

"Don't just support me with words, you can contact someone who is capable to help me. The Gensokyo we built back then only sold tens of millions in the end. Are you willing?"

Willing, of course willing, tens of millions!

How many people can make a game that can sell tens of millions in high school?

Before the stock price of [Ruilan Electronics] rose, I didn’t care about the [-] million I could get, because I have the ability now, and I don’t care about how much money I have. A good thing, there is nothing to be reconciled to.

Perhaps guessing Mu Nishino's thoughts, An Yilun also slowly induced: "You have prepared well for the character design of Gensokyo, and you must have put a lot of effort into it. Don't you want them to be known by more people and become popular all over the world? ?”

Hearing what he said, Nishino Mu thought of another meaning.

On the surface, the character design of those games was set by him, but in fact, he knew very well that he should not have that ability, and the character design might be the product of his work as a copywriter.

But it's not necessarily true, he forgot so many young ladies, maybe he was really good back then.

Forget it, no matter whether he is really powerful or fake, the character design of Gensokyo is his painstaking effort, and he brought them to this world, so naturally he wants them to be known by more people.

If they were Two-dimensional virtual characters from the previous world, coming to this world should be the legendary cross-border spread of faith, and their own behavior is to preach!

"Renya, I understand roughly, you want to redo Gensokyo, right? But you also know my situation, how can I help you contact others?"

"I can contact most people, but I am not you. I have to pay a lot of money for their help. I don't have that much money."

This An Yilun, why is he such a shameless person.

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