What is not me, I have forgotten them, what else can I do?

Nishino Mu said: "Everyone is an adult, if you want to find someone else to play games, you must pay the wages that should be paid, don't expect me to come forward to help you."

"I understand," An Yilun also smiled bitterly: "But I really don't have much money on me, can you go and talk to me and make them cheaper?"

"Who do you want to ask for help?"

"Everyone in the past. We were young when we were doing Gensokyo, Eriri's drawing skills were not good enough, Kasumigaoka-senpai and Mitaka-senpai's writing skills were not top-notch, Kato's expression changes were too rigid, Shiina always had the same expression, and my cousin's music The talent has not been fully explored, there are too many softwares made by Akasaka [Sister Shaking Sauce], and there are problems with the details of the paintings of Kami Jingcao..."

An Yilun also talked endlessly about his various revision opinions on Gensokyo over the years. He hated himself for being too incompetent back then. As a trial player, he didn't find so many problems. He failed everyone's expectations and wasted Everyone spent so much time that the game made did not achieve the expected effect at all.

Year after year, An Yilun finally couldn't hold back anymore. He knew that if he didn't try to redo Gensokyo, everyone would get married and have children in the future, and they might never have the chance to get together again.

Nishino Mu is very aware of An Yilun's desire and excitement deep in his heart. His character is that he will work hard for the things he likes. This may be his unique charm.

"Who owns the copyright of Gensokyo now?" Nishino Mu asked in a deep voice.

"In your hand, you are the planner."

An Yilun's tone of course also stunned Nishino Mu, his expression changed several times: "After a long time, you want to make a game before you get the authorization from me."

"I'm not here to find you."

"Well, it's not easy to actually make a good game. And how do we get the original Gensokyo crew together?"

"Call them one by one to inform them that everyone is gathering in Tokyo."

"Naive, there must be people who can't leave because of work, just like you don't chat with your high school classmates every day now, everyone is very busy and has to support their families."

An Yilun was also silent for a while, Xi Yemu could hear his heavy breathing.

"Nishino, those who can't make it to Tokyo can start the video, such as Eri and Shiina, they can't get through in Sakura Country now, but they can express the drawing of the painting."

"The cost of this method is very high, and it will waste more time and money. Have you considered finding someone else to replace it?"

"If you can, it's better to find them."

"What about the money issue?" Nishino Mu asked.

"With you, you come to be an investor."

God, is An Yilun still a child?Can investors be casual?This is no joke.

"Lun Ye, how much money do you have?"

"More than six million."

Beautiful numbers, but unfortunately too few. This An Yilun has saved more than [-] million after working for two years, which is really embarrassing for the big anchor.

"How much is it estimated to cost to redo Gensokyo?" Nishino Mu asked.

"The more the better, like Shiina, she can sell millions of dollars for a painting, I doubt we can hire her, she is not short of money."

incredible!How to play this, you want someone else to work for you, but no one has a lot of money, so it's strange that they will come.

Nishino Mu sighed, lamenting his lack of money: "I can't help you, I need too much money, and I can't get it out."

I thought I was not short of money, but now I realize that I am still a poor person.

"It's okay, I'll still find Sorata," An Yilun also had various plans, "You and I have the cheek to find Yinglili and the others, they shouldn't ask for too much money, at most a friendly price, plus Sorata, say Might not be enough."

What does it mean to look for them with the cheek, it's embarrassing.

"How much savings can Sorata have?" Nishino Mu saw An Yilunya's six million, and no longer thought that Tokyo people had always been rich.

"I asked, and he proudly said that he became a game programmer and is worth tens of millions."

"It's much better than your six million."

"Nishino," An Yilun also heard Mu Xiye's sarcasm, and shouted angrily, "I've only graduated two years ago, so it's not enough to have six million in savings?"

"Okay, of course." Xi Yemu helped him find a reason: "Is it because your cousin deducted your salary, you are not worth tens of millions."

"That's right!" An Yilun cheered up, and comforted herself: "It's because my cousin deducted my wages, and I only have more than six million savings. If she doesn't deduct it, I must have ten million."

"Ten million is not much."

"That's a comparison with you. Don't forget, we've only graduated two years ago." An Yilun also said.

indeed so.Those who have [-] million yen in two years after graduation are pretty good.

Chapter 100 "A Dream of Red Mansions"

"Nishino, the cat seems to be hungry." Ogata Rizu came down from the second floor holding Yukinoshita Yukino's puppet cat. She squinted her eyes, patted the cat's head, and showed a happy smile.

"The cat food is in the cabinet under the TV station, please feed it first." Nishino Mu took the time to answer her.

"That's it, I'll contact everyone first to form a production team, and I'll come to you for help when I can't invite anyone." An Yilun also heard Ogata Rizu's voice, and immediately said this sentence.

Nishino Mu hurriedly said: "I can offer 1 million yen at most, other than that, I have nothing to help you. If you meet someone you can't invite, if you come to me, I have nothing to do..."


A busy tone came from the phone, and Xi Yemu hung up the phone with an ugly face. Did An Yilun chase him away to put him on the shelves?

"Nishino, what's the matter?" Seeing that Nishino Mu's expression was not very good, Ogata Rizu asked him cautiously after feeding the cat food.

"It's nothing, I met an arrogant and unreasonable person." Xi Yemu drank the half-drinked Coke, threw the empty can into the trash can, and went to the toilet to take out the washed clothes to dry.

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