Ogata Ritzu comforted: "If everyone is reasonable, there may be fewer disputes in this world. Those professors who come to my house to pester me every day, I think they are a little unreasonable."

Nishino Mu hung his clothes on the balcony, turned his head to look at the lovely Ogata Rizu, "They may not be unreasonable, but they just hope you can teach them, that's what happened to the person I called just now."

"Then everyone is the same," Ogata Rizu stuck out her pink tongue cutely.

"Of course the same, we all have two arms and two legs, with one head on our shoulders."

"Same size, I thought you were talking about the people we met."

"The same goes for the people you meet." Nishino Mu took out his phone to check the time, and found that it was already noon before he knew it: "Are you hungry?"

Ogata Ritzu nodded embarrassedly: "A little bit."

"Sakurajima usually cooks. I'll make you a plate of shredded pork with green peppers at noon today." Nishino Mu walked into the kitchen and began to clean the peppers.

Ogata Ritzu followed behind him step by step, and the old Gao with a small mouth: "Can you not make green peppers?"

"Don't worry, the green peppers I make are definitely different from the green peppers you often eat." Nishino Mu said confidently.


This is indeed the case. The green peppers made by Nishino Mu made Ogata Rizu eat two bowls of rice. Although her two bowls of rice were not as much as Nishino Mu's one bowl of rice, it was already a lot compared to the lunch she had before.

After eating rice, I went back to my room for an afternoon nap.

Xi Yemu was still full of energy, he squinted for about 5 minutes, but couldn't fall asleep, so he just got up and played with his mobile phone.

This world is a two-dimensional world, so naturally there are many aspects that are different from the previous world, such as games.

The most popular games in the island country are card games, beautiful girl games and otome games.

Nishino Mu guessed that An Yilun might also make Gensokyo into a beautiful girl game.

To be honest, with so many beautiful girls around in reality, Xi Yemu's desire for beautiful girl games has been greatly reduced. He now likes to play card games.

The card game he talks about is not poker, king game or ghost card in the traditional sense, but a game for the development of collecting beautiful girls.

This kind of game will have a card drawing session. Others can draw rare characters with dozens or hundreds of rounds, but Nishino Mu can draw them with just one round.

His supernatural ability, [card game] played a very important role at this time. The most important part of the game of collecting beautiful girls is the card drawing link. If you draw a powerful character in this link, it will naturally appear in the game It was like a duck to water and had a lot of fun.

Xi Yemu is like this now, he only used a small number of times to draw cards, and he drew all the powerful characters in the card pool.

The next step is naturally to form the strongest lineup and sweep the qualifying or ladder rankings.

But if he plays like this, he will naturally feel bored after playing for a long time. After Nishino Mu hit the first place on the ladder list, he lost his pursuit.

He browsed the mobile phone page in every possible way, and suddenly remembered Gensokyo, so he entered the browser and searched.

There is only one small game called Gensokyo on the market, and it has been discontinued a long time ago. Mu Nishino took a look, and it turned out to be a beautiful girl mode.

According to the bad reviews from netizens, it can be seen that there are too many routines in the game, and the pictures of the beautiful girls are slightly flawed.The most important thing is that in the middle of the game, there will always be an artificial intelligence called [Shaking Girl Sauce] to taunt the player.

Some players were so angry that they scolded: What kind of rubbish game, do you deserve to do it?

No wonder An Yilun wanted to redo this game. Looking at the reviews, it's shameful. Xi Yemu looked at the screenshots of the game circulating on the Internet, and redo it!Must be redone!

He must conquer these beautiful monster sisters.

I don’t know if I haven’t seen it before, the paper figurines in Gensokyo are so good-looking, the witch who loves money like her life, the old woman who is always 18 years old...

Full of energy!

Because the task of contacting the production staff was handed over to An Yilun, Mu Nishino could only simply consider how to bring the game back to life.

According to his preferences, he chose two methods.

One is to continue to make beautiful girl games and carry out subversive renovations.

The other is to change it into a card game, and include the maiden and the forever eighteen-year-old purple-haired old woman in the card pool, and let the players draw a lottery.

Nishino Mu prefers to change it to a card game, but after he asked Ai Lunya, the other party retorted: "Gensokyo is originally a beautiful girl game, we have to stand up wherever we fall, how can we remarry halfway. "

After talking about remarrying halfway, Nishino Mu could only give in and chose to continue playing the beautiful girl game.

Determined to redo Gensokyo, Nishino Mu no longer hesitated, and began to calculate how much money he could use now.

He doesn't really have much money, but it's okay.Inform Sakurajima Mai to sell the stock of [Ruilan Electronics], and it is expected to get 3 million yen.

The stock price of [Ruilan Electronics] has soared a lot in the past few weeks. Mai Sakurajima's 5 million first rose to 8 million, and now it has risen to 12 billion.

According to the 55-point account model, Nishino Mu can get 3.5 million, but selling 12 billion shares will cause the stock price to drop, and it is hard to say that only 3 million can be obtained in the end.

Nishino Mu decided to use all the 3 million yen to invest in Gensokyo, and he had no intention of investing the money in Wenyuan Group.

Is it important for a company to have its own hobbies?Not short of money.If you really need money, go to the welfare lottery, and you can have as many billions as you want.

After roughly confirming the funds for redoing Gensokyo, Mu Nishino called Hikigaya Hachiman.

"Nishino, what can I do for you, I'm working in the store right now."

"Don't think I don't know, are you secretly looking at your sister, don't be lazy!" Xi Yemu deliberately frightened him.

"If you have anything to say, just say it. I don't have time to talk to you about things that have nothing to do with work." Hikigu Hachiman was not frightened, and his voice was very calm.

"Okay, okay, I'm not joking, I just want to ask you, do you know what I did in the ancient eastern country before?" Nishino Mu asked anxiously.

Hikigu Hachiman asked in surprise, "Why do you come to ask me about the things you do yourself?"

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