"I can help you."

"No. Thanks!"

The conversation between the two came to an end. One swept and the other mopped, and the clean floor became brighter.

The living room was actually not dirty at all, Xi Yemu just found an excuse to punish them.

From then until bedtime, there was no accident between the three of them.


"Nishino, Nishino..." The voice approached from far away, and Nishino Mu's eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally opened his eyes.

He frowned heavily, showing obvious resistance, and looked out the window: "Sakurajima, you don't sleep in the middle of the night, why are you crying and howling?"

"You open the window, I can't sleep, let's chat."

"I'm sick!" Nishino Mu twisted his neck, turned over and continued to sleep.

"Nishino! Nishino! Nishino!" Mai Sakurajima was still calling, and she said with a smile: "If you don't chat with me, I'll keep calling you to see if you can sleep well."

Xi Yemu threw off the quilt irritably, picked up the pajamas and put them on his body, opened the window with one hand, and said angrily, "What do you want to say? I'll give you five seconds, so hurry up and say it."

Under the moonlight, Mai Sakurajima sat on the window sill with her arms around her knees, her star-like eyes fixed on Nishino Mu's exposed collarbone by the moonlight: "I'm restless inside, I can't sleep, can you chat with me?"

"I want to sleep, I'm not in the mood."

"Oh, I've said it all, I feel uncomfortable, you are a terrible man, why are you like this?" Mai Sakurajima covered her chest and turned her face away, as if angry.

Feeling depressed for no reason is a frequent annoyance of adolescents and girls.The key point is that Sakurajima Mai is not an adolescent girl, but an adult woman. How can this kind of problem still occur? It can't be the big aunt.

Nishino Mu stroked his hair and yawned: "Your behavior is puberty syndrome, it's nothing serious, just go for a walk and relax and you'll be fine."

How can everything be involved in puberty, Sakurajima Mai said bitterly: "It's not that easy, walking alone is even more lonely."

"Then go back to your room and do a few sit-ups. Exercise is good for your health and your mental health."

"Are sit-ups to exercise waist strength?" Mai Sakurajima asked with her head tilted.

"There should be abdominal strength." Nishino Mu didn't understand much about sports movements.

"If you exercise your waist strength, it's good, and you can do a lot of difficult movements."

Difficult moves?Nishino Mu suddenly thought of many love moves that men like.

He swallowed his saliva: "I remember that Sigong can be a horse."

"Cut!" Sakurajima Mai lifted up the hem of her blouse, revealing her white and tender belly, and showed off her vest line to Nishino Mu: "How is it? Does it look good? Actually, I exercise every day."

It can't be seen clearly under the moonlight, not to mention, the vest line is comparable to a straight horse?

Nishino Mu was noncommittal, and heard the window next door being pushed open, looked curiously, and saw Ogata Ritzu trying to stick her upper body out of the window.

This is not a good thing for short women, they are only a little taller than the window sill. If they want to see the scenery on both sides of the window, they have to find something to step on or climb onto the window sill.

Afraid that she would fall headfirst, Nishino Mu tried to dissuade her, "Don't worry, don't worry, there's nothing wrong, I was chatting with Mai Sakurajima, she couldn't sleep, and you just woke up, go and be with her."

"Okay." Ogata Rizu no longer climbed the window, her tone was normal.

Sakurajima Mai unhappily put down the hem of her clothes, and said perfunctorily, "I have nothing to do, let's all go back to sleep."

She jumped off the ledge and closed the window.

Nishino Mu said loudly: "Don't climb the windowsill from now on, this is the second floor, you won't die if you fall, it will only disfigure you."

"Shut up!" Mai Sakurajima's voice reached Mu Nishino's ears through the window.

Xi Yemu said seriously: "In the future, if something happens, you will know that what I said is the truth."

"I believe in you." Ogata Rizu only showed one head, looking at Nishino Mu: "It's late, go to bed early."

"Okay." Nishino Mu glanced at the lighted alarm clock in the house. It was [-]:[-]. He stretched himself and said, "Today, I'm going to eat and drink at Biqigu's house to recharge my batteries." Right now."

It's really hard to get a good night's sleep because I'm still messing around in the middle of the night.

"Are you planning to go to his house at noon?" Ogata Ritzu asked uncertainly.

"No." Xi Yemu said, "Go at night and have a big meal at night."

"Can I go with you? I have a good relationship with Komachi."

"No." Sakurajima Mai's voice reappeared, making a decision instead of Nishino Mu: "We women should not get involved in their men's affairs."

It is best for men to drink, eat meat and chat, but it is best for women not to participate.

Nishino Mu agreed, "I'll go by myself tomorrow. It's not something important, it's just a normal meal."

"Okay." Ogata Rizu waved, "Good night."

"Good night."

After closing the window and lighting the mosquito coils, Xi Yemu lay back on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

It's all because Mai Sakurajima woke him up and lifted the hem of his clothes to let him see his stomach.What's so good about the stomach isn't all the same.

After silently counting the sheep for a while, Nishino Mu gave up falling asleep, reached out to grab the phone, and sent a message to An Yilun.

"Are you asleep? Didn't go online to play games"

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