Not long after, An Yilun also replied.

"I'm not free at the moment, I'm chatting with my sister, this Ryunosuke is a bit difficult"

"Come on, I have prepared [-] million funds"

"Nishino, you are so kind. Huh? Ryunosuke said he was going to sleep, so he won't talk to me for a while."

"The talk broke down?"

"No, just started talking."

"That's good, play the game and go online!"

"it is good!"

Chapter 102 Kirisu Teacher Wants to Change

When I woke up the next day, nothing happened, and it was peacefully until noon.

Nishino Mu came back from the company and saw Ogata Rizu took out her suitcase again.

"What's wrong?" Nishino Mu asked.

"Teacher Tongxu asked me to help decorate the room, but she couldn't handle it by herself."

"If there is anything in the room that needs to be arranged, why not go directly to the restaurant to celebrate."

"The teacher has just become the principal, and there will be many close colleagues to help celebrate together. I heard that there will be people from the cultural and education department. I am afraid of going to the restaurant to prove my reputation."

Almost all aggressive politicians will not eat and drink in a big way, this is to avoid leaving a bad impression on the public.

"Mr. Tongxu didn't send you a message, did you ask you to help too?" Ogata Riju asked.

Nishino Mu blinked: "No, she also sent me a message when she told you?"

"No, but I think she should have sent it to you. The teacher doesn't know how to clean the room, and she doesn't have many close friends. The only thing she looks for is the cleaning company."

"Why didn't you find a cleaning company this time?"

Ogata Ritzu said helplessly: "In the past, there was an incident where a female cleaner installed a pinhole camera at a teacher's house."

Needless to say, Mr. Tongxu is afraid that he has a psychological shadow on the cleaning company, so he no longer hires cleaning staff.

"Is teacher okay?"

"No, the teacher discovered the camera when he was inspecting the room, and later it was confirmed that the cleaner was gay. It's disgusting."

Women do not accept women, and men do not accept men and women for the same reason. Most people think it is disgusting, does not support, and does not oppose it.

Poor gay lovers, and those who have younger sisters such as Bikigu Hachiman, this world is indeed not friendly to you. The former cheers, the latter gives up, and marry the younger sister.

"When are we going?" Ogata Rizu seemed to think it was a matter of course to help Mr. Kirisu decorate the room, but why did he mention us.

Xi Yemu said: "I have to go to Biqigu's house for dinner in the afternoon, so I won't go."

"Okay," Ogata Riju said dejectedly, "I'll go by train myself."

She pulled the suitcase and walked out the door, as lonely as a lonely person walking in the desert.

Just like what Mai Sakurajima once said, even if you lose your memory, you still have to recognize your former friends. If you deny your friends today, will you deny your parents tomorrow?

In the same way, you can't deny the teacher.

If he hadn't lost his memory, he wouldn't hesitate to help Kirisu-sensei and Ogata Ritzu, or he might refuse them outright and choose to eat at Hikiya's house.

Now, the petite and lovely beauty, with her back turned to her in desperation, can she be ruthless and let her go out by tram alone?cannot!

She must not be allowed to be killed by her own choices like the heroine in the beautiful girl game "Pinch Girl Shaking".

Tram idiot... Perverted lolicon...

The outside world is too dangerous.

"Ogata, I'll drive you there, but we'll leave after lunch."

"Yeah!" Ogata Rizu turned her head abruptly, with a dazzling smile on her lips.

Yes, the girl's smile from the heart is so beautiful.

Nishino Mu secretly let go of the depression in his heart because he was about to go out.It shouldn't take much time to waste, just send her back.

Mai Sakurajima had lunch at the crew and would not come back. Mu Nishino maliciously speculated that she might be eating box lunch.So I asked Ogata Rizu to cook a rich meal for lunch, and then took a photo and sent it to her.

Unexpectedly, Mai Sakurajima returned a photo. In the photo, she was sitting in the RV. There was a plate of shrimps, a plate of scallops and a chicken leg on the small table in front of her.

There is another sentence accompanying the photo: I can't finish eating every day!

It means to eat this kind of food that looks very rich every day?

Nishino Mu was unhappy, so he sent the photo to Yukino Yukino, but the other party didn't reply.

Maybe I was taking a nap or reading a book, but I didn't receive any news.

Nishino Mu stopped messing around, and Ogata Rizu ate the fish roll in front of him, and drove on the road to Ichinose Academy.

The sky is high and the clouds are clear, which is a good time to go out.

Far away from Tokyo, there are fewer and fewer road vehicles, all the windows are open, the strong wind is blowing, and the hair is messy. Enjoy the pleasure of driving with one hand.

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