Ogata Rizu screamed and covered her hair, her face flushed: "It's too fast, slow down!"

Nishino Mu said loudly: "It's not that fast, it's just right, it's the highest speed on this road."

"Hairstyle! It's all messed up."

Nishino Mu glanced at Ogata Rizu, her hair was messed up by the wind, she closed her eyes, and said amusedly: "Take it easy, let your hair spread out, long hair fluttering and swaying with the wind is the contemporary chic woman."

Rizu Ogata believed it naively, she curled up on the seat and untied her hair rope. The next moment, her long hair was blown by the wind, making it messy in an instant.

"Ah, Nishino, you lied to me!"

"Hahaha," Nishino Mu laughed happily, "I didn't lie to you, it's indeed a lot more chic."

The laughter faded away, and the sparrows sitting on the wires on both sides of the road were particularly loud.

When they arrived in Nanao City and came to the apartment building where Mr. Tongxu lived, Nishino Mu's mood became gentle and cheerful.

Originally, the depression that might not be able to go to Hikigu’s house for dinner passed away quietly. The birthday gift has been given to Ai Lunya, and he is entrusted to give it to Hikigu Hachiman. I don’t know that Hikigu Hachiman saw that the gifts were iron pots, bowls and chopsticks And the apron, will you be so angry that you will put the cake on An Yilun's face again?

Just think about it and look forward to it.

Xi Yemu parked the car, and his mood has long since returned to normal. Drag racing is indeed one of the powerful ways to relax, but unfortunately it is too powerful. If it is not done well, the car will crash and people will die. If it is not for [Crisis Insight], I will definitely not Will drive the car to the top speed of any road.

"What should I do with my hair?" Ogata Rizu combed her hair wanting to cry without tears, not daring to go out to meet people at all.

There were people coming in and out of the apartment door all the time. If they saw her, they might think it was some kind of insanity. Her hair was messed up like a crazy woman.

"Don't be in a hurry to go up, just slowly fix your hair first." Nishino Mu knew he was in the wrong, so naturally he wouldn't rush her at this time.

Even though the car's air conditioner was turned on, it still didn't feel very cool. Nishino Mu opened the car door, leaned lazily on the back of the chair, and watched Ogata Rizu take out a small comb and a small mirror from the bag to comb her hair without squinting.

"Which floor does Tongxu live on?" Nishino Mu asked.

"The first room on the second floor," Ogata Rizu straightened her hair with a comb, "I remember it clearly the last time I came here."

"When was the last time you were here?"

"A few days after Wen Nai came back, she and I came to play with the teacher."

It seems that only I have completely cut off contact with everyone at present, and other people still get together occasionally.

Nishino Mu tilted his head to look at the tall apartment building in all kinds of boredom, his eyes naturally stayed on the roof, there were two birds falling in love with their mouths touching, it looked so cute.

"I'm all right," Ogata Rizu tied a simple high ponytail and became excited. She jumped out of the car and took out the suitcase: "I want to stay with the teacher for one night. I haven't done it before."

"Is it necessary to stay overnight?" Nishino Mu asked puzzled.

"It's already past four o'clock in the afternoon, and we will be busy until at least seven o'clock. After dinner, it must be after eight o'clock. It is likely to be ten o'clock when we return to Tokyo. Don't you think it is a delay when you get up the next day? Is it time?"

"Us?" Miss Ogata was good at math, but she had a flaw, why did she take it for granted that I would also stay.

"Yes, we."

Nishino Mu retorted her: "For modern urban youth, ten o'clock means that the nightlife has not started yet. If we don't stay for dinner, it will only be nine o'clock when we return to Tokyo. There is no need to stay overnight."

Going back at nine o'clock, maybe I can have a night out with Hikigu Hachiman and Ai Lunya.

Ogata Ritzu said in surprise: "I go to bed before eleven o'clock every day. It's already night at ten o'clock, and if we don't stay for dinner, the teacher will definitely not let us go."

"We want to leave with all our heart, but can she still insist on keeping us?"

Ogata Rizu said with a sad face, "But I brought all my luggage."

"I didn't bring a change of clothes, why don't you leave me alone?" Nishino Mu said.

"Nishino~, I, I don't want to stay alone."

Ogata Rizu's voice is sweet and sticky, is this a self-taught coquettish?Or someone taught her.

Someone should have taught her that her character can't do such cute things.

Nishino Mu suddenly felt that this woman was actually quite troublesome. Could it be that Fumino Furuhashi who wanted to match us up was behind the scenes?

He shrank his neck and said to the woman in front of him: "Teacher Tongxu is a woman, and you are also a woman. It is not suitable for me to stay."

There needs to be a distance between men and women, which is a big killer for refusing to live with women.

It's a pity that it doesn't apply to Ogata Rizu, who admires her. She didn't feel jealous of Teacher Kirisu, but said with a cheerful smile: "Teacher's house has three bedrooms."

There is no other way, Nishino Mu is not a hypocritical person, stay here first, and run as soon as he finds an opportunity, but Ogata Rizu is suspected of being coquettish, maybe he has awakened a strange attribute.

The two went upstairs, knocked on the door of Teacher Tongxu's house, and met the world history teacher.

She was wearing a tracksuit, a white turban on her head, and a broom in her hand, resembling a peasant woman.

This is Teacher Tongsu?He looks pretty good, but he is dressed too rustically, probably because he is doing housework.

"Nishi, Nishi, Nishino!" Teacher Tongxu finally stopped stammering and finished calling her name smoothly. She screamed: "Why are you here?"

"I sent Ogata to help you..."


The door was closed tightly, almost hitting the bridge of his nose, Nishino Mu touched his nose with lingering fear, and heard Teacher Tongxu's voice: "Give me ten minutes!"

"Mr. Tongsu," Ogata Rizu knocked on the door: "It's not like Nishino has never seen you like this before, don't dress up, and open the door first."

"But we haven't seen each other for several years, and we thought that meeting again would allow him to see a different teacher! Why didn't you tell me in advance when you called him?"

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