"Sorry, I forgot!" Ogata Rizu bowed and apologized.

Tong Xu opened the door a crack, with nothing in his hand, and the headscarf was gone, and said with a cold expression: "Come in when you come."

Then you open the door completely, don't block the door!

Chapter 103 This is not a poisonous tongue but a sophistry

No matter how reluctant Kirisu Mafuyu was, he finally let the two of them enter the house.

Before entering the house, he had already witnessed a mess of decorations.

If you walk carelessly, you may trip over a pile of shoes with soles facing up, left, right, or not down at the entrance.

If you are not careful, you may kick the mosquito killer spray lying in the middle of the house. If you really kick the spray, the spray will probably roll to the bottom of the table, hit the trash can, and knock out the full garbage .

The spray can also be stopped by empty bottles and cans scattered around before it hits the trash can.

Leaving aside the cleanliness of the ground, look at the desktop, clothes, power banks, various milk caps, empty beverage bottles, socks, photos and books, etc., are in a mess.

With a headache, Nishino Mu kicked away the small rechargeable fan, wet tissue bag and mobile phone case, emptied a clean place, and sat side by side on the tatami mat with Ogata Rizu.

"Actually, the teacher's place is not that messy. I have to tidy up the room carefully, so it looks a little messy temporarily. Give me ten minutes and clean it up immediately!" Teacher Tongxu said in embarrassment.

"Teacher, it's okay." Nishino Mu smiled kindly: "My room is also messy."

"But I'm a woman." Teacher Tongxu fell into a sad mood: "I can't compare with you, a single man."

In fact, what Nishino Mu wants to say is that although my room is messy, it is not as messy as yours.

Ogata Rizu unconsciously licked her dry lips, and Kirisu-sensei noticed it keenly.

"I'll make tea for you." She got up and walked towards the kitchen, bumping into a round stool on the way, and the glass teacup on the stool fell to the ground and shattered with a "click".

"Teacher, are you okay?" Ogata Rizu stood up concerned, and went to get a broom to clean up.

"It's okay," Teacher Kirisu looked at the broken cup and muttered to himself, "When did I put the cup here?"

"Teacher, I'm a little thirsty, can I make tea first?" Nishino Mu said.

"Oh, that's right." Teacher Tongxu turned around and walked into the kitchen smoothly.

Nishino Muzhi dismissed Teacher Tongxu, walked to Ogata Rizu, helped her clean up the glass shards, and secretly asked, "Why is the teacher a little confused, isn't there something wrong with his mind?"

"Don't talk nonsense," Ogata Rizu sighed, and said in a low voice: "The teacher has a strong sense of responsibility, values ​​the students, and loves the students as if they were her own children. She is perfect at work, but her housekeeping ability is really poor. Always make a mess of the room."

"The mess that was cleaned up means that the current room was cleaned up by the teacher?" Xi Yemu was a little suspicious of life, should it be said that the world is full of wonders?How capable is Kirisu-sensei to tidy up the room like it is now.

"The current situation is really cleaned up by the teacher. When I came with Fumino that time, there was not even a place to step in the room." Ogata Ritzu said.

Nishino Mu looked at the ceiling of the room with complicated eyes, and the four corners were covered with small and scattered spider webs.

This is still the living room for receiving relatives and friends. If it is the kitchen, bedroom and other places, it may be even more unbearable. No wonder Ogata said he would not go back tonight.

After a while, Teacher Tongxu came over with three cups of tea, and Mu Nishino and Rizu Ogata sat down obediently.

"Try it, this is the tea I asked a friend to bring," Mr. Tongxu seemed very satisfied with his tea making skills and was very proud.

Nishino Mu took a cup of tea with great anticipation. The moment he saw the tea, his face turned dark. What happened to the finely divided tea leaves?Could it be that the teacher used tea leaves to make tea for us?

Ogata Rizu took a sip of tea calmly, and smiled softly: "The tea made by the teacher is delicious, thank you for the hospitality."

"Haha, as long as you are happy." Teacher Tongxu looked at Xi Yemu shamelessly, his eyes full of hope.

Nishino Mu took a sip bravely, and drank the tea residue and tea together. He didn't taste any taste at all. He nodded with a look of enjoyment: "It's delicious."

"Really? It's not in vain. I specially chopped the tea leaves and soaked them in hot water."

It turns out that, as I said, it was deliberate to do it for a long time.

Is this kind of tea should be drunk with tea and tea?

Xi Yemu once again doubted life, he couldn't help reminding: "Teacher, tea is not made by chopping up the tea leaves, but brewing them in pieces."

"Ah? Really? Hahaha, well, the teacher admits that my housekeeping ability is not good, and I haven't made any progress in so many years. Back then, I said that I learned how to handle housekeeping in five years. In fact, this is the first time I make tea. ..."

Mr. Kirisu's voice became smaller and smaller as he spoke, until finally he lost his voice completely.

Learning to handle housekeeping in five years, this kind of words can only be said by elementary school students.

Nishino Mu moved his buttocks calmly, and took out the thing he sat on at some point.

A lady's belt was randomly thrown on the tatami for some reason, Nishino Mu put the belt aside.

"Teacher, we help you tidy up the room, can you make us a cup of tea again?" Ogata Rizu said softly.

"Oh, yes." Teacher Kirisu walked to the kitchen again.

Nishino Mu persuaded: "Watch more videos on the Internet and learn how to soak."

"Don't worry, the teacher knows."

The task of helping to clean the ceiling was given to Xi Yemu. Wearing a turban and holding a feather duster, he stepped on the table and tried to sweep away the cobwebs.

Ogata Rizu tidied up the table, continued to tidy up the tatami mats, and finally folded all the clothes neatly and put them in the closet.

From the living room to the kitchen and then to the bedroom, the two worked for more than two hours. After hanging the prepared balloons and banners on the ceiling of the living room, the cleaning came to an end.

Teacher Tongxu was a salted fish during the whole cleaning process. She kept making tea in the kitchen. The tea she made was full of residues at the beginning, and now there are only a few leaves, which is a big improvement.

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