"Toothbrush head, I don't have a toothbrush with me."

"Ah! Before going to bed last night, I was still thinking about running past the convenience store this morning to buy you a toothbrush, who knew I forgot." Ogata Rizu wanted to cry but without tears, and stomped her feet in annoyance.

"It's okay, it's okay, the convenience store is not far from here. If the teacher really can't find the toothbrush head, it's only a few minutes away from the convenience store, and I can buy it myself."

Nishino Mu comforted her in turn.

It took Ogata Rizu a long time to get out of the annoyed mood, pouting and going to the kitchen to cook.

Nishino Mu was sitting in the living room reading the newspaper. Before he finished reading a page, he saw Mr. Kirisu coming out of the bedroom with a dejected expression.

"Don't look for it, I'll buy one myself."

"Oh~" Teacher Kirisu didn't stop him.

Nishino Mu got up and went to the convenience store.

The moment he was about to walk out of the room, Teacher Tongxu called him in surprise: "I found the toothbrush."

Nishino Mu turned his head, and Teacher Tongxu held the toothbrush head in his hand and waved at the door of the bathroom, happily like a child who got a sweet fruit.

If you find it, you don't need to buy it again, although an automatic toothbrush head is quite expensive.

Nishino Mu waited for Teacher Tongxu to install the toothbrush head, took it, dipped it in water and toothpaste, and stuffed it into his mouth to brush his teeth.


The automatic toothbrush has a silent sign on it, but it still makes a slight hum.

Teacher Tongxu seemed to have settled one thing, and said cheerfully at the bathroom door: "I knew I still had an automatic toothbrush head, and it must be in this room."

"Where did you find it, teacher?" Xi Yemu asked as he pulled out his toothbrush.

"Just the bathroom, the bottom drawer on the left."

Nishino Mu hesitated for a moment, his eyes scanned the entire sink, but he didn't find the toothbrush head that should have belonged to Mr. Tongsu.

"Teacher, where is the toothbrush head you used?"

Teacher Tongxu opened his eyes wide and replied, "It's in the toothbrush box."

Xi Yemu opened the toothbrush box, but he didn't see the toothbrush head. His heart trembled, and he spat out a mouthful of white foam to clean the toothbrush and his mouth.

"Teacher, it's not there."

Teacher Kirisu looked serious, and just about to say something, he saw Ritsu Ogata flipping through the drawer under the TV, and took out a toothbrush head with a blue outer ring.

Nishino Mu clearly remembered that the toothbrush head removed by Teacher Tongxu was red, and he thought the two toothbrush heads were the same, who knew...

He put the toothbrush in his hand into the toothbrush box and sighed.

Teacher Tongxu looked at the red toothbrush head in Nishino Mu's hand, and at the blue toothbrush head in Ogata Rizu's hand, his face turned red visibly.

"Why is there a toothbrush head here? Didn't the teacher just say that he found it?" Ogata Rizu came over suspiciously.

"Oh, the toothbrush head in your hand is the one I used to use." Teacher Tongxu said without changing his face.

"Why did the teacher put it in the drawer under the TV? It's easy to forget," Ogata Rizu held a tissue in the other hand, which was also taken out from the drawer under the TV.

Nishino Mu diverted Ogata Rizu's attention, and asked her, "What's the matter? Why do you use paper?"

"The egg whites are stuck to the clothes." Ogata Rizu pointed to the cuffs of the spinning skirt and showed it to Nishino Mu.

"How do you know there is paper in the drawer?" Mr. Tongxu remembered that he never mentioned that there was paper in the drawer.

"When I cleaned up the room yesterday, I put the paper on the living room table into the drawer," said Ogata Ritzu.

Why didn't you see the toothbrush heads in the drawer?Nishino Mu couldn't help but sighed again.

"So that's the case." Teacher Tongxu nodded, and looked at Mu Xiye calmly.

"By the way, my colleague should come over after five o'clock in the afternoon. Lizhu, you can teach me how to cook during this time. It doesn't need to be too much, just two or three dishes."

"Okay, I will teach you how to make potato salad and boiled edamame. They are very simple dishes, and you should be able to learn them quickly."

The two women entered the kitchen talking and laughing, Xi Yemu scratched his head, no one would come until five o'clock in the afternoon, it was really meaningless to stay here for one night, I knew I would have gone back yesterday.


Happiness itself is a subjective feeling. What you think is happiness may be denied by others.

For example, when Nishino Mu had breakfast, he never expected that so many things can be added to Japanese egg custard, such as fresh shrimp, chicken, spinach, etc., at a glance, red, green, and yellow are mixed together , although the combined pattern is very pleasing to the eye, but he doesn't like to eat this kind of impure egg custard.

It's like when he eats instant noodles, he doesn't like to add anything other than ingredients to it.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is very happy after eating this bowl of egg custard, but in fact he is very happy.

Although the taste was not to his liking, the egg custard contained Ogata Riju's sincere feelings and deep love.

Every day someone carefully prepares food for you, what else is there to be dissatisfied with?

Of course, before the celebration officially started, things that made Xi Yemu unhappy also happened.

He was forcibly recruited as a taster of Mr. Tongxu's dark cuisine. Every time Mr. Tongxu made a dish, he was required to taste it and give suggestions for revision.

Even though Ogata Rizu watched the whole time, the dishes made by Kirisu-sensei were still unpalatable.

Obviously the steps are correct, but she always makes all kinds of accidents. The boiled edamame can make people's taste fade away, and the potato salad they make looks so good that it makes people frown upon tasting.

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