Time passed slowly, and finally at five o'clock in the afternoon, Mr. Kirisu finally learned how to make potato salad and boiled edamame.

She said she learned it, but it was actually Xi Yemu's way of saving her face. The potato salad and boiled edamame she made were mediocre.

However, they are two kinds of ordinary vegetarian dishes, no matter how unpalatable they are, there is no limit to how unpalatable they are, and there are enough people who can barely fool Mr. Kirisu's banquet.

After five o'clock, the sky was cloudy.

The leaders of several schools arrived one after another, no matter it was windy or rainy, they could not stop them from currying favor with the fiery heart of the new principal.

After another ten minutes, a few friends of Mr. Tongxu also came, among them were Yui Chengxin and Mr. Tongxu's younger sister, Tongxu Michun.

At [-]:[-], a middle-aged woman from the cultural and educational department arrived. Her arrival marked the official start of the celebration.

At the same time, heavy rain arrived as expected.

Fumino Guqiao, who came by train, was trapped at the station. She had no umbrella or raincoat, so she could only call for help under the stop sign.

In fact, she is only ten minutes away from Teacher Tongxu's house. If you run fast, you might be able to come here in about six minutes.

But what she was wearing was a white sleeveless lantern skirt. In case she got wet, she would stage the temptation in the rain every minute.

Kirisu-sensei is the protagonist today, and he can't go away. Ogata Rizu is half of the protagonist, because Kirisu-sensei can become the principal, and the most important thing is to teach her and Fumino.

This gathering is a celebration in name, but it is actually an important measure for Teacher Kirisu to stabilize his position as the new principal.

She took this opportunity to show her connections to the school's leadership to ensure that they will do their best when working under her in the future, and it is best not to try to bully her when she is young.

The other half of the protagonist is Fumino Furuhashi.A third of the protagonists are needed to pick it up, and this third of the protagonists is naturally Xi Yemu.

He is considered an outstanding graduate of Ichinose Academy.

Taking two umbrellas and a lady's coat, Mu Xiye rushed into the heavy rain.

Of course, I was drenched all over.

When they arrived at the station, Guqiao Fuminai was already shivering from the cold. A young man who wanted to win the heart of a beautiful woman was beside her with an umbrella. Fumino Guqiao ruthlessly refused.

Under the happy gaze of Fumino Guqiao and the angry eyes of the young man, Xi Yemu took off his sneakers, poured out the stagnant water inside, and complained to Fumino Fuguhashi, "You don't know that you are here. They immediately rushed me to pick you up, can't they wait for the rain to subside before coming?"

Chapter 106 The way to break the situation?unreliable

"What if I'm kidnapped by gangsters before the rain subsides?" Guqiao Wennai laughed.

Nishino Mu glanced at the courteous young man beside her, and put on her shoes: "It is true that what you said may happen, but I will be fine when I come, let's go."

He handed the umbrella and women's coat to Fumino Furuhashi, but unfortunately he didn't touch her fingers, and he didn't get supernatural power from her.

"Well," Guqiao Fuminao put on his coat, opened the umbrella, nodded to the young man, and walked into the rain side by side with Nishino Mu.

"Wait!" The young man caught up with them with an umbrella: "Nishino, don't you recognize me?"

"Who are you? Why do you know me?" Nishino Mu stared at the young man's face in his twenties, somehow feeling a little familiar, but couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Your face is almost the same as before, of course I can recognize it." The young man said with a livid face, "I'm Mitaka Jin!"

Mitaka Jin?Mom!That big scumbag.

Nishino Mu showed a polite smile and offered to shake hands with him: "So it's Senior Mitaka, I'm so glad to see you here."

"Hehe, are you happy?" Mitaka Jin didn't shake hands with Nishino Mu, he adjusted his glasses and said indifferently, "I'm not happy."

"Really? It has nothing to do with me if you are unhappy, as long as I am happy," Nishino Mu withdrew his outstretched hand, and said with a smile on his face: "After so many years, why are you still a playboy?"

"To each other!" Mitaka Jin glanced at Fumino Furuhashi standing under the umbrella: "Aren't you also messing with the relationship between men and women?"

"Sorry, I've always been a single nobleman, unlike you, I'm on a couple of boats."

As for how many boats, Xi Yemu forgot, he only remembered that the man in front of him was called: humanoid self-propelled cannon.

"I'm just playing with them. We're all for mutual benefit. Unlike you, you put your true feelings into every woman, induce them to fall in love with you, and finally reject them ruthlessly. To some extent, you are worse than me."

This awkward remark was too harsh, but Nishino Mu had to admit that what he said had some truth.

"Mr. Mitaka," Fumino Guqiao stood directly in front of Mu Nishino and said with a deadpan face, "It's a skill for a man to be liked by many women.

It is a noble character for a man to keep himself clean in the face of the temptation of a woman who likes him.

It is not the man's fault that a man is liked by many women, but a man deliberately playing with a woman's body, and playing with several of them at the same time, is a strong proof of a man's low morality!

Nishino is a gentleman in the face of the likes of many women without doing anything wrong.

You go out of your way to associate with many women, you are an out-and-out pervert and scumbag.

What qualifications do you have to criticize Nishino's character? "

"Hahaha, another cheated woman!" Mitaka Jin sarcastically said, "You are right, but there is a premise for all this, that is, Nishino Mu didn't intentionally make women like him!"

"You are so funny. Actively attracting the attention of the opposite sex is the reproductive instinct of all sex-differentiated creatures. You can't let Xiye intentionally become a homeless person to cover up his ability."

"Well, even if he did nothing wrong in attracting women to have feelings of admiration for him, isn't it wrong for him to not properly treat the feelings of the women he deliberately attracted?"

"Of course he is right!" Fumino Guqiao stood proudly in the wind and rain, holding an umbrella, "Don't forget, Nishino is still single now."

"He is just delaying time. Sooner or later, you or others, there is only one winner, and everyone else will be abandoned."

"Abandoning the word itself is not right. How many celebrities intentionally attract the likes of fans, does it mean that a celebrity has to marry all his fans because he likes him so much?

People are individuals with limited energy. It is impossible to respond to every feeling they have for themselves, and not every feeling needs to be responded to. "

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