
Fumino Guqiao was sharp-tongued and confronted Jin Mitaka.

Between the vast white sky and the earth, the water and the sky are the same color.

Nishino Mu stood behind Guqiao Fumino, listening to her and Mitaka Jin arguing endlessly, her inner emotions changed from surprise to calm, to joy, and now to be at a loss.

His language skills are good, but when it comes to emotional issues, he retreats again and again.

Nishino Mu knew himself well. He knew that this was not the earth of his previous life, but a Two-dimensional world with special social conditions.

It is self-evident what a person who likes Two-dimensional will do in the Two-dimensional world.

Even with amnesia, he is still him.

Nishino Mu once asked himself in a quiet night, what would he do if he came to the Two-dimensional world?

He listed all the ways he might choose, and the result was shocking!

Everything points to the wealth, women and power in the Two-dimensional world.

Foremost among these are women, for those Daughters of Destiny themselves represent great wealth and terrible power.

Nishino Mu's possessiveness, memories of previous lives and understanding of the plot allow him to choose the girl he likes without any scruples. Even if he doesn't like the girl and doesn't want to get it, he should at least go see them and see the reality What kind of person is she in.

He just came to the right place at the right time, met the right person, broke into the heart of the right girl, and he may not be very good in himself.

Just like now, Xi Yemu has supernatural abilities, but he still has no ambitions.

Before he lost his memory, he was able to actively walk on the world stage because he had memories of his previous life and knew the core characters of the world. The world doesn't fit in.

After amnesia, Nishino Mu lost part of his memory and didn't know much about the world, so he suddenly felt awe and began to regard the world as reality.

Since it is a reality, naturally he can't act recklessly. He tried to live a low-key life like an ordinary person.

However, what he did in the past twenty years made him doomed to live an ordinary life.

Ordinary people marry wives and have children, can he?Can a fart!

Whoever dares to touch a woman today may die in Tokyo Bay tomorrow, and by the way, he will bring a few more women to accompany him to die in love.

Nishino Mu knew that there is a kind of attribute called sickness from the recent bad anime.

Just in case, he meant just in case, in case a rich and powerful woman is sick, he might be very cold.

One person's power is definitely not enough to defeat a group, Xi Yemu worried that neither [Absolute Suppression] nor [Crisis Insight] would be able to save him.

However, Guqiao Fumino's speech today made Nishino Mu understand something.

Not every woman has to respond to her own feelings. If you look back and see who might be a sick girl, marry a sick girl!

It's none of his business with the other women, at most, he can refute them with Fumino Guqiao's words.

Chapter 107 I want to share life and death with you

The thoughts in Nishino Mu's mind drifted to nowhere in just a moment.

He looked at Mitaka Jin and Fumino Furuhashi who were still arguing, walked between them, interrupted their conversation, and asked Mitaka Jin: "Why do you have so much hostility towards me?"

In his memory, when he met Mitaka Jin, he would ridicule him as a scumbag.

"You not only forgot me, but also Misaki?!" Jin Mitaka's eyes were bloodshot, and his clenched fist represented his anger.

Nishino Mu raised her eyebrows, and said noncommittally, "Whether I have forgotten her, you don't need to know."

"I don't need to know? You say I don't need to know?! Bastard, you want to kill me and make you happy," Mitaka roared hysterically, threw away the umbrella, and with a hideous face, he desperately went to grab Xi Yemu collar.

"What do you want to do! I will..." Guqiao Wennai was so frightened that her face paled and her legs went limp. She pulled herself together and fumbled for her phone in a hurry. Even the umbrella slipped from her hand, and she was drenched completely by the heavy rain I didn't care about my cold heart.

But in the next second, a scene that made her even more terrified happened. I saw Xiye Muyuan was motionless, his right hand was still holding an umbrella gracefully, and his expression was still as calm as before, but his left leg was kicking hard on Mitaka Ren's body. abdomen.

"Ugh!" Mitakaren was kicked to the ground and rolled several meters away. He lay on the ground, covered his stomach with one hand and retched, and supported his upper body with the other hand, trying to get up.

I thought I could play a lot, but I didn't expect it to be at the level of ordinary people.

Nishino Mu saw a trace of resentment and fear towards him in Mitaka Ren's eyes, and gave him a middle finger in contempt, then ignored his incompetence and roared, and turned to preach Fumino Furuhashi.

"Why did you lose your umbrella? It's just a trivial matter. Don't panic. Look at you, you're all soaked."

If it weren't for the black coat, Fumino Fumashi's outfit would definitely be a wet seductive outfit.

Guqiao Fumina's eyes widened, she pressed the collar of her coat on her chest in fear, wanted to speak and grabbed the umbrella that was blown away by the wind at her feet, but her hands and feet were weak and her whole body was cold, so she couldn't do it at all.

Nishino Mu saw that Guqiao Wennai's complexion was pale, her rain-drenched hair clinging to her cheeks, she clutched her chest in a daze, stood motionless in the rain, and walked over to take her under his umbrella with distress.

"What's the matter? Don't you have an accident? Otherwise, I will definitely be scolded when I go back." Nishino Mu said with concern.

Fumino Guqiao realized that he was being protected by Nishino Mu with an umbrella, so he showed a forced smile, grabbed his collar even harder, and said painfully: "I was a little scared, I'm sorry."

Girls are really timid, so they were frightened.Nishino Mu smiled and said, "I'll take him a little further away to teach him a lesson. You wait for me under the stop sign first."

"Okay," Guqiao Fuminao nodded obediently.

"Here, umbrella." Nishino Mu handed the umbrella to Guqiao Fumino.

"What for me?"

"You use it first, I'll go and pick up the one that was blown away by the wind."

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